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根据目前反导雷达使用宽带信号对目标进行一维成像,检测目标几何特征的特点,从弹道导弹(BM)弹头雷达一维像(HRRP)特征出发,参照宽带线性调频雷达成像原理,讨论了对BM弹头HRRP可采取的几种电子干扰措施,包括对BM弹头HRRP的模拟和遮盖,给出了模拟BM弹头HRRP时所需生成的各信号特征,分析了每种遮盖干扰信号的功率利用情况,最后分析了每种干扰措施的优缺点。  相似文献   
坚强的领导力是确保军事行动成功的关键。军校学员领导力不同于普通意义上的领导力。孙子“静以幽,正以治”的论述,揭示了军校学员领导力培养的基本内容、基本标准和各内容之间的辩证关系,对军校学员领导力培养具有重要的启迪意义。军校必须将培养超常的心质作为学员领导力的基础,把提升思维的广度和深度作为学员领导力的保障,将培养强烈的感召力作为学员领导力的核心,将培养坚强的执行力作为学员领导力的支撑。  相似文献   
以有机膨润土、HVI400矿物基础油、添加剂和极性助分散剂为原料,实验研究一种有机膨润土润滑脂,较详细地考察了极性助分散剂、添加剂及制备工艺(搅拌速度、搅拌时间、研磨次数)对膨润土润滑脂性能的影响.实验结果表明极性助分散剂采用丙酮时制备的膨润土润滑脂性能良好;液态添加剂比固体添加剂的效果好;制备工艺对膨润土润滑脂的性能有一定影响.采用15%有机膨润土稠化剂和85%HVI400矿物基础油,以2%-4%丙酮作极性助分散剂,添加0.5%抗氧剂、0.5%防锈剂、1%油性剂和4%极压抗磨剂,制备工艺为快速搅拌30 min,研制出一种性能良好的极压膨润土润滑脂,该润滑脂具有良好的高温性、胶体安定性、机械安定性、防锈性、抗水性和极压抗磨性.  相似文献   
详细介绍和描述了核生化态势的分类问题,提出了战场多级核生化态势的概念,分别对作业级、作战指挥级、作战筹划级核生化态势的要素及生成方式进行了研究,并进行了对比分析.多级核生化态势可以为不同层级的用户提供专业、有效的态势信息,满足核生化作战的技术需求.  相似文献   
High nitrogen stainless steel with nitrogen content of 0.75%was welded by gas metal arc welding with Ar—N2-O2 ternary shielding gas. The effect of the ternary shielding gas on the retention and improvement of nitrogen content in the weld was identified. Surfacing test was conducted first to compare the ability of O2 and CO2 in prompting nitrogen dissolution. The nitrogen content of the surfacing metal with O2 is slightly higher than CO2. And then Ar—N2-O2 shielding gas was applied to weld high nitrogen stainless steel. After using N2-containing shielding gas, the nitrogen content of the weld was improved by 0.1 wt%. As N2 continued to increase, the increment of nitrogen content was not obvious, but the ferrite decreased from the top to the bottom. When the proportion of N2 reached 20%, a full austenitic weld was obtained and the tensile strength was improved by 8.7%. Combined with the results of surfacing test and welding test, it is concluded that the main effect of N2 is to inhibit the escape of nitrogen and suppress the ni-trogen diffusion from bottom to the top in the molten pool.  相似文献   
An intersecting cavern is a common structural form used in underground engineering, and its safety and stability performance directly control the service performance of the whole project. The dynamic re-sponses of the three kinds of crossing type (+-shaped, T-shaped, L-shaped) caverns subjected to ground shock were studied by numerical simulation. The velocity plus force mode boundary setting method was proposed in the coupled static and dynamic analysis of a deep underground cavern. The results show that, among the three types of crossing caverns, the+-shaped cavern is the most significantly affected by the dynamic action, followed by T-shaped, and then L-shaped caverns. The vault settlement, straight wall deformation, vault peak particle velocity, effective plastic strain of surrounding rock, and maximum principal stress and strain at the bottom of the lining of the straight wall increase with the increase of cavern span. The vault settlement, straight wall deformation, effective plastic strain of surrounding rock, and the maximum principal stress and strain at the bottom of lining to the straight wall decrease with the increase of lateral pressure coefficient, and the peak particle velocity at the vault increases. The variation is small compared with the change of cavern span. The influence range of the underground cavern intersection is two cavern diameters from the intersection centre. The bottom of the straight wall at the intersection is the weak part. It is suggested to thicken the support locally to improve the stability of the cavern.  相似文献   
针对传统地面目标威胁评估方法考虑目标类型单一、易受人为主观因素影响且多为静态评估的问题,提出一种基于动态贝叶斯网络的无人战车目标威胁评估方法.分析了无人战车作战问题,选取合理的目标特征并进行模糊处理;根据选取的目标特征,结合专家知识,建立了威胁评估的静态贝叶斯网络;基于动态贝叶斯网络理论,将已建立的静态贝叶斯网络扩展为...  相似文献   
针对高动态强对抗战场环境下,无人战车面临的自主行为决策问题,分析了未来陆战场无人战车实际作战需求,构建了基于马尔可夫决策过程的自主行为决策模型,提出了一种深度强化学习结合行为树的方法,利用行为树的逻辑规则与先验知识降低强化学习问题的难度,保证收敛性和鲁棒性,同时使行为决策模型具有学习能力.构建典型作战场景,验证深度强化...  相似文献   
通过结合目标红外特征,研究了空-空弹在复杂背景条件下的目标红外成像末制导的技术原理和实施途径。对复杂地背景的辐射特征和主要空中攻击目标军用喷气战机的目标红外辐射源类型作了分析,研究了红外目标特征的提取方法和算法。  相似文献   
基于"姿态矩阵"量测的机载导弹传递对准技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"速度+姿态"量测匹配方案是目前比较理想的机载导弹传递对准技术.采用"姿态"量测时存在矩阵计算量大等缺点,在具体工程应用时更会受到计算机速度的限制,尤其是需要快速进行卡尔曼滤波计算时.引入了一种与"姿态"量测具有相同特点的"姿态矩阵"量测方案,设计了快速对准卡尔曼滤波器,并进行了仿真分析.结果表明是一种具有工程意义的实用快速传递对准技术.  相似文献   
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