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本文介绍了一种通过把不同传感器产生的航迹之间的互协方差结合在一起进行航迹对航迹融合的有效算法。若考虑跟踪同一目标的传感器之间的互相关,这个问题的解析解是很复杂的。根据某个积分推导出稳态的互协方差矩阵的显解。可以看出,这个积分的解包含着某矩阵的逆,其中的各个元素是每个跟踪器参数的函数。分析了这个矩阵的结构,得到了这个矩阵逆的有效解析解。对于相同传感器的数据融合,已证明,这个矩阵可简化为劳斯—霍尔维茨矩阵,它是在研究线性定态系统稳定性时提出的。通过考虑融合候选航迹之间互相关效果,本文还介绍了表明减少融合航迹协方差时的数字结果。  相似文献   
本文系原苏前驻华大使馆一秘、苏驻北京及沈阳领事馆总领事列多夫斯基作为目击者和见证人撰写的关于中国抗日战争和解放战争的回忆录,载前苏《近现代史》杂志1990年策5期。其中披露了不少鲜为人知的珍贵史料,具有较好的史料价值和较高的学术价值,现特译载如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   
面对现今国防预算削减所带来的现实挑战,美国国防部(DOD)正在试图利用既有可能减少使用费用,同时又能改善战备状态的技术。减少维修费用、系统停机时间和对外部技术代表的依赖性是特别有意义的工作。MK92维修顾问专家系统(MK92 MAES)的开发就是这样的工作。本篇论文介绍了美国海军导弹护卫舰上部署的用于MK92 MOD2火控系统诊断和维修的MK92 MAES的设计和开发。系统是按照专家系统生命周期模型开发的,该模型包括一个完整的费用/效益分析、获取知识的新方法、使用一个可见的专家系统开发环境的实现策略、以及分阶段部署策略。这个系统是由海军研究生院的研究人员、研究生和海军作战中心合作共同开发的。  相似文献   
为概率数据互联(PDA)滤波器研究了杂波环境下跟踪的探测阈值的自适应优化。这个问题的早期文章(4)涉及状态误差协方差的近似稳态分析并且只适合非时变系统。此外,这种方法需要有关于误差协方差更新方程的若干假设和近似,并使用一种麻烦的图解优化算法。本文我们提出了阈值优化的两种自适应方案,即,使均方状态估计误差在探测阈值范围内极小化的先验和后验优化算法。它们分别取决于以前的和当前的时间-步长数据。这些算法适合于时变系统中的实时实现。本文介绍一些仿真结果。  相似文献   
1.简介 这份报告给出了关于传统的滑动导轨系统的一些实验结果,同时论及了机构的精密运动控制。 这些年来,诸如导轨、丝杠和其他驱动机构等机械部件的微动态特性,换句话说,就是在很小位移范围内的非线性传递特性。已成为精密机械工程研究的首要问题。超精密仪器、机床和半导体生产系统都对机械部件的控制精度提出了越来越高的要求。对于精  相似文献   
目前已经提出了一种主动式空气静压轴承,它具有一个可以用压电驱动器来改变形状的规则表面。普遍认为主动补偿方法是最有效的,其原因是小的驱动质量和大的承载力增益及带宽使这种主动式空气静压轴承具有无限大的静态刚度,并具有仅被支承机械系统所限制的补偿带宽。微位移测试表明,0.1μm的进给可以相当容易地被高速跟踪。  相似文献   
今天典型的作战系统综合了潜艇上所有的传感器系统和武器系统。主要传感器设备通常由许多声呐系统构成,包括中频被动声呐、低频被动声纳和被动测距声呐。除声呐系统外,综合到作战系统的还有两个潜望镜、ESM接收机、各种电罗经和计程仪以及无线电导航辅助的导航系统和导航雷达。 目前潜艇上的主要武器是线导鱼雷,某些艇上还载有导弹。作战系统的典型功能包括传感器综合、决策/咨询支持以及武器使用。  相似文献   
Incorporating elastomers such as polymers in protective structures to withstand high energetic dynamic loads, has gained significant interest. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of a Polyurea coating towards the blast-induced response in steel plates. As such, Polyurea coated steel plates were tested under near-field blast loads, produced by the detonation of 1 kg of spherical nitromethane charges, at a standoff distance of 150 mm. Mild steel (XLERPLATE 350) and high-strength steel (BIS80) plates with thicknesses of 10 mm were Polyurea coated with thicknesses of 6 mm and 12 mm on either the front (facing the charge) or the back face. The deformation profiles were measured using 3D scanning. Numerical simulations were performed using the non-linear finite element code LS-DYNA. The strain-dependent behaviour of the steel and Polyurea were represented by Johnson-cook and Money-Rivlin constitutive models, respectively. The numerical models were validated by comparing the plate deflection results obtained from the experiments and were then used in the subsequent parametric study to investigate the optimum thickness of the Polyurea coating. The results indicate that back face coating contributes towards an approximately 20% reduction in the residual deformation as well as the absence of melting of the Polyurea layer, while the front-face coating can be used a means of providing additional standoff distance to the steel plates.  相似文献   
The performance of a laser weapon system based on coherent beam combining (CBC) depends on its propagation properties in the atmosphere. In this study, an analytical model based on partial coherent beam combining (PCBC) for assumed coherence coefficients between beams in a CBC lattice was developed. The Kolmogorov model of atmospheric turbulence and the Hufnagel-Valley model of Cn2 dependence on atmospheric parameters were implemented. Novel simplified metrics were proposed to assess the CBC performance. Several beam profiles (super-Gaussian, truncated Gaussian, etc.) and ge-ometries were analyzed in terms of maximal intensity in the far field. An approximate formula for PCBC efficiency dependent on the Fried radius was proposed. The results of CBC modeling were compared to those of the Gaussian beam propagation model in a turbulent atmosphere. The dependence of CBC performance on the Cn2 parameter, range, and elevation angle was analyzed. It could be concluded that the application of CBC for medium and long range propagation is impractical without an effective adaptive optics system.  相似文献   
Explosive welding technique is widely used in many industries. This technique is useful to weld different kinds of metal alloys that are not easily welded by any other welding methods. Interlayer plays an important role to improve the welding quality and control energy loss during the collision process. In this paper, the Ti6Al4V plate was welded with a copper plate in the presence of a commercially pure titanium interlayer. Microstructure details of welded composite plate were observed through optical and scanning electron microscope. Interlayer-base plate interface morphology showed a wavy structure with solid melted regions inside the vortices. Moreover, the energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis in the interlayer-base interface reveals that there are some identified regions of different kinds of chemical equilibrium phases of Cu–Ti, i.e. CuTi, Cu2Ti, CuTi2, Cu4Ti, etc. To study the mechanical properties of composite plates, mechanical tests were conducted, including the tensile test, bending test, shear test and Vickers hardness test. Numerical simulation of explosive welding process was performed with coupled Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic method, Euler and Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. The multi-physics process of explosive welding, including detonation, jetting and interface morphology, was observed with simulation. Moreover, simulated plastic strain, temperature and pressure profiles were analysed to understand the welding conditions. Simulated results show that the interlayer base plate interface was created due to the high plastic deformation and localized melting of the parent plates. At the collision point, both alloys behave like fluids, resulting in the formation of a wavy morphology with vortices, which is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
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