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接入认证是网络安全防护中的第一道屏障,是实施访问控制的基础.通信安全几乎总是开始于身份认证的握手过程,因此,认证机制对于保证整个网络系统的安全性具有十分重要的意义.在深入研究现有的网络接入认证架构基础之上,提出了一种新的通用的网络接入认证模型并详细说明了认证流程,其中,不仅要求用户使用数字证书进行入网认证,更重要的是在其使用网络资源期间,将对其进行持续的刷新认证及网络行为的信任评价,以此确保用户身份的持久可信性并预防潜在的网络攻击.  相似文献   
车务管理信息化系统中需要将战车行驶中的运动位置数据通过移动短消息方式定时向管理中心传送。受短消息数据包容量的限制,每条短消息可携带的车辆GPS位置数据量有限。少量的GPS位置数据难以重现车辆运动轨迹,但频繁发送短消息,费用又较高。为满足车辆运行轨迹重现所需大量密集车辆位置数据的需求,提出了一种专用于车辆位置数据压缩传输方法,可使传送数据量提高30多倍,解决了频繁发送车辆位置短消息费用高的问题,已应用到车辆动用管理系统中。  相似文献   
海战场条件下及时准确地对敌方目标的进攻意图进行判断,从而对当前海域内的目标进行动态合群是海战场情报处理的一个重要研究方向,提出一种改进的海战场机动目标功能合群算法,该算法通过对当前时刻与之前多个探测周期内目标运动属性的对比,判断敌方的进攻趋势进而实现目标的合群.最后用一个剧本集对该算法进行了仿真研究,结果表明,本算法能够较以往的算法更早、更准确地发现敌方意图.  相似文献   
We consider a supplier–customer relationship where the customer faces a typical Newsvendor problem of determining perishable capacity to meet uncertain demand. The customer outsources a critical, demand‐enhancing service to an outside supplier, who receives a fixed share of the revenue from the customer. Given such a linear sharing contract, the customer chooses capacity and the service supplier chooses service effort level before demand is realized. We consider the two cases when these decisions are made simultaneously (simultaneous game) or sequentially (sequential game). For each game, we analyze how the equilibrium solutions vary with the parameters of the problem. We show that in the equilibrium, it is possible that either the customer's capacity increases or the service supplier's effort level decreases when the supplier receives a larger share of the revenue. We also show that given the same sharing contract, the sequential game always induces a higher capacity and more effort. For the case of additive effort effect and uniform demand distribution, we consider the customer's problem of designing the optimal contract with or without a fixed payment in the contract, and obtain sensitivity results on how the optimal contract depends on the problem parameters. For the case of fixed payment, it is optimal to allocate more revenue to the supplier to induce more service effort when the profit margin is higher, the cost of effort is lower, effort is more effective in stimulating demand, the variability of demand is smaller or the supplier makes the first move in the sequential game. For the case of no fixed payment, however, it is optimal to allocate more revenue to the supplier when the variability of demand is larger or its mean is smaller. Numerical examples are analyzed to validate the sensitivity results for the case of normal demand distribution and to provide more managerial insights. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
通过理论分析及实验,探讨了手工电弧焊焊条药皮中添加金属镁粉的脱硫效果。研究表明:金属镁粉对焊缝金属的脱硫是有较明显效果的。  相似文献   
基于认知无线电思想设计了一种多参数联合自适应通信抗干扰决策引擎,并利用遗传算法(Genet-ic Algorithm)作为决策算法,实现了系统频率、功率、调制方式、信道编码方式等参数的自适应选择。文章给出了算法的流程和仿真分析,仿真结果表明,该引擎对单目标函数以及有偏好的多目标函数的参数选择与理论值相符,验证了抗干扰决策引擎实现参数自适应选择的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
可信性与实时性是"人在回路"仿真系统研究的核心内容.在仿真过程中,通过对坦克火力系统物理模型分析,兼顾仿真精度与实时性要求,采用与实际武器装备一致的解算方法,拟合出方位角、瞄准角、最大弹道高与测距距离的函数关系,并据此构造出装甲车辆的外弹道曲线.通过对计算机机器时间物理模型的分析,采用读取CPU内部64位时间寄存器EDX:EAX方式,实现了仿真算法的纳秒级实时运算.通过提高可信性与实时性,增强了"虚拟战车"的沉浸感,为装甲武器装备的采办提供了必要的支持.  相似文献   
对半参数回归模型Yi=xiβ+g(ti)+εi,i=1,2,…,n定义了参数β与回归函数g(·)的估计,并证明了 它们的强相合性。  相似文献   
传统的大学英语教学多注重语言知识的传授,忽略对大学生非语言交际能力的培养。本文通过举例说明非语言交际在大学英语教学中主要作用。  相似文献   
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