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This article provides a new approach to the set of (perfect) equilibria. With the help of an equivalence relation on the strategy space of each player. Nash sets and Selten sets are introduced. The number of these sets is finite and each of these sets is a polytope. As a consequence the set of (perfect) equilibria is a finite union of polytopes. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   
This article examines a game of multiproduct technology adoption. We consider a duopoly model in which firms choose when to switch from a traditional single-product technology to a more flexible and more expensive multiproduct technology. The multiproduct technology allows a firm to invade the other firm's market, creating a more competitive environment and reducing profits. We analyze this investment decision as a game of timing using two different equilibrium concepts. First, we utilize the “silent” equilibrium concept, where firms commit at time zero to a switching time. This concept would be applicable to situations where firms cannot observe each other's actions, or when the implementation of the technology requires long lead times and the investment decision is private information. Using this notion we find that both firms adopt the multiproduct technology simultaneously within a certain time interval. We then characterize this time interval in terms of cost and demand conditions. We also derive conditions under which sequential adoption of the multiproduct technology occurs. The second concept used is that of noisy equilibrium, where firms cannot precommit themselves to an adoption time. This concept is appropriate when investment decisions are common knowledge. In this case a firm can credibly threaten to immediately follow suit if the other firm decides to adopt. This threat is sufficient to ensure the collusive outcome where neither firm adopts the flexible technology. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A wide variety of optimization problems have been approached with branch-and-bound methodology, most notably integer programming and continuous nonconvex programming. Penalty calculations provide a means to reduce the number of subproblems solved during the branch-and-bound search. We develop a new penalty based on the Tuy cutting plane for the nonconvex problem of globally minimizing a concave function over linear constraints and continuous variables. Computational testing with a branch-and-bound algorithm for concave minimization indicates that, for the problems solved, the penalty reduces solution time by a factor ranging from 1.2 to 7.2. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Resource allocation problems consider the allocation of limited resources among numerous competing activities. We address an allocation problem with multiple knapsack resource constraints. The activities are grouped into disjoint sets. Ordering constraints are imposed on the activities within each set, so that the level of one activity cannot exceed the level of another activity in the same set. The objective function is of the minimax type and each performance function is a nonlinear, strictly decreasing and continuous function of a single variable. Applications for such resource allocation problems are found, for example, in high-tech industries confronted with large-scale and complex production planning problems. We present two algorithms to solve the allocation problem with ordering constraints. The first one uses characterization of the optimal decision variables to apply a search method. The second algorithm solves a sequence of problems, each in the format of the original problem without ordering constraints. Whereas the computational effort of the first algorithm depends on the desired degree of accuracy even for linear performance functions, the effort of the latter algorithm is polynomial for certain classes of performance functions. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
In this article the problem of minimizing the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of job completion times about an unrestricted given common due date with tolerance in the n-job, single-machine scheduling environment is considered. We describe some optimality conditions and show that the unrestricted version of the MAD problem with an arbitrary due date tolerance is polynomial by proposing a polynomial-time algorithm for identifying an optimal schedule. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Practitioners of maintenance scheduling sometimes use a simple analytic formula, derived based on inspection scheduling, as a heuristic to determine the length of the preventive maintenance period. The sensitivity of this heuristic solution is analyzed and the cost penalties are calculated compared to the exact solution that utilizes the lifetime distribution in the derivation of the optimal preventive maintenance period. A simple extension of the heuristic is suggested to improve the approximation with a slightly increased computational effort. The sensitivity and cost analysis of the improved heuristic are discussed as well. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Nuclear deterrence and cyber war seem almost antithetical in their respective intellectual pedigrees. Nuclear weapons are unique in their ability to create mass destruction in a short time. Information or “cyber” weapons, at least for the most part, aim at sowing confusion or mass disruption instead of widespread physical destruction. Nevertheless, there are some intersections between cyber and nuclear matters, and these have the potential to become troublesome for the future of nuclear deterrence. For example, cyber attacks might complicate the management of a nuclear crisis. As well, information attacks on command-control and communications systems might lead to a mistaken nuclear launch based on false warnings, to erroneous interpretations of data or to panic on account of feared information blackout. It is not inconceivable that future nuclear strike planning will include a preliminary wave of cyber strikes or at least a more protracted “preparation of the battlefield” by roaming through enemy networks to plant malware or map vulnerabilities.  相似文献   
The Replenishment at Sea Planner (RASP) is saving the U.S. Navy millions of dollars a year by reducing fuel consumption of its Combat Logistics Force (CLF). CLF shuttle supply ships deploy from ports to rendezvous with underway U.S. combatants and those of coalition partners. The overwhelming commodity transferred is fuel, ship‐to‐ship by hoses, while other important packaged goods and spare parts are high‐lined, or helicoptered between ships. The U.S. Navy is organized in large areas of responsibility called numbered fleets, and within each of these a scheduler must promulgate a daily forecast of CLF shuttle operations. The operational planning horizon extends out several weeks, or as far into the future as we can forecast demand. We solve RASP with integer linear optimization and a purpose‐built heuristic. RASP plans Replenishment‐at‐Sea (RAS) events with 4‐hour (Navy watch) time fidelity. For five years, RASP has served two purposes: (1) it helps schedulers generate a daily schedule and animates it using Google Earth, and (2) it automates reports command‐to‐ship messages that are essential to keep this complex logistics system operating.  相似文献   
The terrorist attacks in France and Belgium of 2015–2016 that occurred while these countries were in a heightened state of alert raise questions about indications and warning methodology as well as effectiveness of the blanket-protection deployment of security services assisted even by the military. Response and perhaps even more anticipation may require strategic rethinking in light of the predatory attacks that target the most vulnerable spots of the public space. This study looks at threat analysis in Belgium as conducted through her intelligence fusion centre Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis (CUTA)?????? since its inception in 2006. With a special focus on what is known, at the time of writing, about the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, this study hopes to put into context how the system (mal)functions and will also consider the preventive measures that respond to the threat, and the international aspects which have implications far beyond Belgian borders. Therefore, a case is made for not just a Belgian homeland security framework, but one that fits into an EU-wide security concept.  相似文献   
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