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现在已应用的中制导技术包括惯性中制导和半主动中制导,文中先简介了几种有代表性的复合制导空空导弹的发展情况和其中制导方法,然后,从实际应用的角度对这两种中制导剂方法进行了比较详细的分析研究和比较,最后讨论了采用这两种中制导的导弹对飞机及火控系统的影响。  相似文献   
应用MSD—3O—S逆变电源及普通刷镀电源,研究了脉冲刷镀层的沉积速度、硬度、耐磨性、结合强度等方面的性能,并与直流刷镀层进行了比较,结果表明脉冲刷镀层性能优于直流刷镀层。  相似文献   
研究了TNT在去有机质茶园土、茶园土原土、胡敏酸质量分数2%茶园土和胡敏酸质量分数5%茶园土共4种土壤上的吸附动理学以及吸附-解吸行为。动理学实验表明,胡敏酸质量分数越高,土壤吸附的TNT越多,快吸附和慢吸附区分越明显,吸附达到饱和状态所需的时间越长。吸附-解吸实验表明,TNT在土壤上的吸附-解吸特性与土壤胡敏酸质量分数有关:胡敏酸质量分数越高,土壤吸附TNT的能力越强,解吸能力越弱,解吸滞后性越显著。4种土壤的胡敏酸质量分数顺序由大至小为胡敏酸质量分数5%茶园土、胡敏酸质量分数2%茶园土、茶园土原土、去有机质茶园土;土壤吸附TNT能力和TNT解吸滞后性皆与此顺序一致,而TNT解吸能力则与此顺序相反。  相似文献   
在分析某通海阀噪声产生机理的基础上,给出了一种在阀体上镶嵌内支架的降噪措施,并基于CFD原理对该阀内流道进行了仿真计算,获得了阀内流体的压力场、速度场和湍动能场,然后对比了不同安装角度的内支架方案及原阀的流场特点.结果表明:采用安装角度为{105°,150°,105°}的内支架结构能够有效地提高阀内流道的最低压力、减小速度梯度、降低湍动能,从而更有利于防止汽蚀和降低涡流噪声与湍流脉动噪声.  相似文献   
根据复杂电磁环境下通信联络的特点,基于大规模通信数据的涌现,采用一种能够在大量干扰和背景信号中筛选出有用信息的算法。通过对覆盖算法的研究,利用概率理论对其算法进行了优化和改进,为应用覆盖算法构建了一个实用的有限混合的概率模型,而后采用最大似然的原理进行优化计算,实现覆盖算法的优化实用化。将这种数据筛选算法应用到受到干扰条件下短波通信的海量信息的挖掘中,取得了良好的效果,验证了其有效性。  相似文献   
文章提出一种基于小字典训练和过完备稀疏表示的语音增强算法。该算法通过构造过完备的小字典并使用带噪语音的幅度谱对其进行训练来实现。训练过程中通过不断地使用K-SVD算法更新字典矩阵和相应的稀疏系数矩阵来实现对纯净语音的提取,达到语音增强的效果。该方法不同于传统增强算法需要对噪声进行估计与抑制,而是通过稀疏表示将纯净语音从带噪语音中分离出来。主客观测试结果表明,本文方法较好地消除了随机噪声,低信噪比情况下增强效果明显优于传统算法,且能够避免产生音乐噪声。  相似文献   
Traffic is the lifeblood of every e-commerce platform. The question of how to channel traffic to merchants operating on a platform lies at the heart of platform management. We consider a platform on which two independent merchants sell their products. Merchants compete on inventory in the sense that some of the unmet demand at one merchant will spill over to the other. The platform channels traffic based on products' conversion rates to maximize the total sale on the platform. We show that traffic channeling plays three roles. First, it allows more efficient allocation of traffic; that is, the merchant with a high conversion rate is given a higher priority in receiving traffic. Second, it allows the platform to control demand spillover between the merchants to maximize total sales. The platform either facilitates or prevents demand spillover, depending on product substitutability. Third, traffic channeling intensifies competition between the merchants and hence increases the total inventory. More efficient allocation of traffic and the increase in inventory increase sales inequality between the merchants. In contrast, demand spillover decreases sales inequality. While the platform always benefits from traffic channeling, the merchants do not benefit when their products are moderately substitutable. Interestingly, when the two products are owned and sold by the same merchant, the opposite happens–traffic channeling always benefits the merchant but may hurt the platform. Our study provides a basis for informed discussions on how platforms should channel traffic in response to conversion rates, and how traffic channeling affects the welfare of merchants and platforms.  相似文献   
经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)算法作为新型时频分析方法受到广泛关注,它基于信号的极值特性处理信号,具有自适应强、无需预先确定基函数的优点。但EMD算法本身仍存在模态混叠及EMD强制降噪法易导致信号失真等一系列问题。针对EMD算法的缺陷,提出基于自相关函数的集合经验模态分解方法(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)与小波阈值降噪相结合的改进算法。首先利用自相关函数对高频固有模态函数(Intrinsic Mode Function,IMF)进行选择,然后利用小波阈值降噪法为EEMD设定阈值,最后将改进算法用于信号降噪,并与快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法、小波阈值算法以及EMD强制降噪算法进行比较。该方法的优点是克服了EMD算法的不足,避免了模态混叠现象,有效地保留了高频信号中分量,降噪效果更好。  相似文献   
孙宇航  杨莉 《国防科技》2021,42(2):133-137
装备试验数据作为装备制造产业的重要生产要素,对其管理的能力已成为企业应对创新发展机遇的重要竞争力。本文对装备试验数据进行概要介绍,并对试验数据结构及特点进行分析。同时,按照装备试验数据的保密管理原则,结合装备试验活动各阶段产生的数据类型,以及试验数据量大、种类多、处理速度快等特点,提出试验数据分级管理模型。在此基础上,从试验数据在装备履约、鉴定评估以及实际应用等管理需求出发,分析当前数据管理要求规范化、多源数据管理系统化以及分析工具综合化等数据管理中需要关注的问题,提出装备试验数据信息管理平台建设框架,深入分析管理平台的基础运行环境、数据采集与预处理、分布式存储、数据分析挖掘与应用等信息管理功能模块,旨在为进一步加强装备试验数据管理提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
We examine capacity allocation mechanisms in a supply chain comprising a monopolistic supplier and two competing retailers with asymmetric market powers. The supplier allocates limited capacity to retailers according to uniform, proportional, or lexicographic mechanism. We study the impact of these allocation mechanisms on supplier pricing decisions and retailer ordering behavior. With individual order size no greater than supplier capacity, we show that all three mechanisms guarantee equilibrium ordering. We provide precise structures of retailer ordering decisions in Nash and dominant equilibria. Further, we compare the mechanisms from the perspective of the supplier, the retailers, and the supply chain. We show that regardless of whether retailer market powers are symmetric, lexicographic allocation with any priority sequence of retailers is better than the other two mechanisms for the supplier. Further, under lexicographic allocation, the supplier gains more profit by granting higher priority to the retailer with greater market power. We also extend our study to the case with multiple retailers. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 85–107, 2017  相似文献   
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