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Using Markov renewal theory, we derive analytic expressions for the expected average cost associated with (s, S) policies for a continuous review inventory model with a compound Poisson demand process and stochastic lead time, under the (restrictive) assumption that only one order can be outstanding.  相似文献   
In this paper we show that the Gomory fractional cut (hyperplane) for the integer program is either void of integer points or contains an infinite number of them. The conditions for each case are presented. Also, we derive a stronger cut from the hyperplane which does not intersect integer points.  相似文献   
The quadratic-assignment problem is a difficult combinatorial problem which still remains unsolved. In this study, an exact branch-and-bound procedure, which is able to produce optimal solutions for problems with twelve facilities or less, is developed. The method incorporates the concept of stepped fathoming to reduce the effort expended in searching the decision trees. Computational experience with the procedure is presented.  相似文献   
The pure fixed charge transportation problem (PFCTP) is a variation of the fixed charge transportation problem (FCTP) in which there are only fixed costs to be incurred when a route is opened. We present in this paper a direct search procedure using the LIFO decision rule for branching. This procedure is enhanced by the use of 0–1 knapsack problems which determine bounds on partial solutions. Computational results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
This paper considers the search for an evader concealed in one of two regions, each of which is characterized by its detection probability. The single-sided problem, in which the searcher is told the probability of the evader being located in a particular region, has been examined previously. We shall be concerned with the double-sided problem in which the evader chooses this probability secretly, although he may not subsequently move: his optimal strategy consists of that probability distribution which maximizes the expected time to detection, while the searcher's optimal strategy is the sequence of searches which limits the evader to this expected time. It transpires for this problem that optimal strategies for both searcher and evader may generally be obtained to a surprisingly good degree of approximation by using the optimal strategies for the closely related (but far more easily solved) problem in which the evader is completely free to move between searches.  相似文献   
Proposed is a Heuristic Network (HN) Procedure for balancing assembly lines. The procedure uses simple heuristic rules to generate a network which is then traversed using a shortest route algorithm to obtain a heuristic solution. The advantages of the HN Procedure are: a) it generally yields better solutions than those obtained by application of the heuristics, and b) sensitivity analysis with different values of cycle time is possible without having to regenerate the network. The rationale for its effectiveness and its application to problems with paralleling are presented. Computational experience with the procedure on up to 50 task test problems is provided.  相似文献   
Logistics managers often encounter incremental quantity discounts when choosing the best transportation mode to use. This could occur when there is a choice of road, rail, or water modes to move freight from a set of supply points to various destinations. The selection of mode depends upon the amount to be moved and the costs, both continuous and fixed, associated with each mode. This can be modeled as a transportation problem with a piecewise-linear objective function. In this paper, we present a vertex ranking algorithm to solve the incremental quantity discounted transportation problem. Computational results for various test problems are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
A dynamic version of the transportation (Hitchcock) problem occurs when there are demands at each of n sinks for T periods which can be fulfilled by shipments from m sources. A requirement in period t2 can be satisfied by a shipment in the same period (a linear shipping cost is incurred) or by a shipment in period t1 < t2 (in addition to the linear shipping cost a linear inventory cost is incurred for every period in which the commodity is stored). A well known method for solving this problem is to transform it into an equivalent single period transportation problem with mT sources and nT sinks. Our approach treats the model as a transshipment problem consisting of T, m source — n sink transportation problems linked together by inventory variables. Storage requirements are proportional to T2 for the single period equivalent transportation algorithm, proportional to T, for our algorithm without decomposition, and independent of T for our algorithm with decomposition. This storage saving feature enables much larger problems to be solved than were previously possible. Futhermore, we can easily incorporate upper bounds on inventories. This is not possible in the single period transportation equivalent.  相似文献   
The subject of this paper is the utilization of the “infant mortality” or decreasing failure rate effect to improve the reliability of repairable devices. Decreasing failure rate implies the possibility that devices which exhibit it can be improved by “burn-in testing” of each unit. Such a test serves to accumulate operating time while shielded from the full costs and consequences of failure. A general formulation of the burn-in test decision for repairable devices is presented and some special cases are solved. A class of models, indexed by the degree of partial replacement present in the repair process, is considered and numerical results for the optimal policy are given for several members of that class. A comparison of those results reveals the profitability of testing increases with the complexity of the repairable device.  相似文献   
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