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A general age replacement is introduced which incorporates minimal repair, planned and unplanned replacements, and costs which depend on time. Finite and infinite horizon results are obtained. Various special cases are considered. Furthermore, a shock model with general cost structure is considered.  相似文献   
This article addresses deterministic, nonpreemptive scheduling of n jobs with unequal release times on a single machine to minimize the sum of job completion times. This problem is known to be NP-hard. The article compares six available lower bounds in the literature and shows that the lower bound based on the optimal solution to the preemptive version of the problem is the dominant lower bound.  相似文献   
The goal of this article is to challenge the assumption of rationality in the behavior of decision-making units involved in security, defense, intelligence and warfare and to consider the influence of “motivated bias” in such instances. A review of motivational literature within international politics and a discussion of literature applying “motivated biases” to warfare and strategic surprise will offer an alternative view of the primacy of rationality in such decisions.  相似文献   
Empirical Bayes' methods had been used by Brier, Zacks, and Marlow [1] for estimating performance characteristic vectors of success probabilities. The problem is that of estimating k-dimensional success probabilities of dependent binomial random variables, which are highly correlated. The present study reinforces the results of the previous one by showing, via simulations, that the relative efficiency of the empirical Bayes estimators, compared to the Stein-type and to the maximum-likelihood ones, is very high. This holds even if the success proportions are based on a small number of trials. We study the case of equicorrelation structure with positive correlations.  相似文献   
Multiple-facility loading (MFL) involves the allocation of products among a set of finite-capacity facilities. Applications of MFL arise naturally in a variety of production scheduling environments. MFL models typically assume that capacity is consumed as a linear function of products assigned to a facility. Product similarities and differences, however, result in capacity-based economies or diseconomies of scope, and thus the effective capacity of the facility is often a (nonlinear) function of the set of tasks assigned to the facility. This article addresses the multiple-facility loading problem under capacity-based economies (and diseconomies) of scope (MFLS). We formulate MFLS as a nonlinear 0–1 mixed-integer programming problem, and we discuss some useful properties. MFLS generalizes many well-known combinatorial optimization problems, such as the capacitated facility location problem and the generalized assignment problem. We also define a tabu-search heuristic and a branch-and-bound algorithm for MFLS. The tabu-search heuristic alternates between two search phases, a regional search and a diversification search, and offers a novel approach to solution diversification. We also report computational experience with the procedures. In addition to demonstrating MFLS problem tractability, the computational results indicate that the heuristic is an effective tool for obtaining high-quality solutions to MFLS. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 229–256, 1997  相似文献   
In this article we formulate an analytical model of preventive maintenance and safety stock strategies in a production environment subject to random machine breakdowns. Traditionally, preventive maintenance and safety stocks have been independently studied as two separate strategies for coping with machine breakdowns. Our intent is to develop a unified framework so that the two are jointly considered. We illustrate the trade-off between investing in the two options. In addition, we provide optimality conditions under which either one or both strategies should be implemented to minimize the associated cost function. Specifically, cases with deterministic and exponential repair time distributions are analyzed in detail. We include numerical examples to illustrate the determination of optimal strategies for preventive maintenance and safety stocks. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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