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Using Mills Differential a game value function ?, used in the Kemeny-Morgenstern-Thompson growth model to show the existence of solutions, is discussed. In doing so, several proofs become shorter, in addition known results are seen in a new context. Finally connections between the existence of a so-called economic solution and the differentiability or non-differentiability of function ? are analyzed.  相似文献   
This paper pruvides a smaller equivalelnt bounded variable transportation problem than that in Charnes, Glover, and Klingman [1] for the lower bounded and partial upper bounded distribution model.  相似文献   
This paper gives bounds on the availability function for an alternating renewal process with exponential failure and general repair times. A bound on the error is also given. Several of the bounds with greatest practical consequence are worked out and illustrated. Repair distributions for which a lower bound on availability is easily computed are gamma (integer shape parameter), log normal, and Weibull. Finally, some simulation results for log normal repair versus gamma repair are given.  相似文献   
We present a branch and bound algorithm to solve mathematical programming problems of the form: Find x =|(x1,…xn) to minimize Σ?i0(x1) subject to x?G, l≦x≦L and Σ?i0(x1)≦0, j=1,…,m. With l=(l1,…,ln) and L=(L1,…,Ln), each ?ij is assumed to be lower aemicontinuous and piecewise convex on the finite interval [li.Li]. G is assumed to be a closed convex set. The algorithm solves a finite sequence of convex programming problems; these correspond to successive partitions of the set C={x|l ≦ x ≦L} on the bahis of the piecewise convexity of the problem functions ?ij. Computational considerations are discussed, and an illustrative example is presented.  相似文献   
We develop the solution to a simple problem of target selection in Lanchester combat against two enemy force types each of which undergoes a “linear-law” attrition process. In addition to the Pontryagin maximum principle, the theory of singular extremals is required to solve this problem. Our major contribution is to show how to synthesize the optimal target selection policies from the basic optimality conditions. This solution synthesis methodology is applicable to more general dynamic (tactical) allocation problems. For constant attrition-rate coefficients we show that whether or not changes can occur in target priorities depends solely on how survivors are valued and is independent of the type of attrition process.  相似文献   
A series of independent trials is considered in which one of k ≥ 2 mutually exclusive and exhaustive outcomes occurs at each trial. The series terminates when m outcomes of any one type have occurred. The limiting distribution (as m → ∞) of the number of trials performed until termination is found with particular attention to the situation where a Dirichlet distribution is assigned to the k vector of probabilities for each outcome. Applications to series of races involving k runners and to spares problems in reliability modeling are discussed. The problem of selecting a stopping rule so that the probability of the series terminating on outcome i is k?1 (i.e., a “fair” competition) is also studied. Two generalizations of the original asymptotic problem are addressed.  相似文献   
This article addresses bottleneck linear programming problems and in particular capacitated and constrained bottleneck transportation problems. A pseudopricing procedure based on the poly-ω procedure is used to facilitate the primal simplex procedure. This process allows the recent computational developments such as the Extended Threaded Index Method to be applied to bottleneck transportation problems. The impact on problem solution times is illustrated by computational testing and comparison with other current methods.  相似文献   
During the course of the last few years, attacks on the traveling salesman problem have resulted in a variety of often innovative and rather powerful computational procedures. In this article, we present a review of these results for problems defined on weighted and unweighted graphs. Some account of computational behavior for exact algorithms is provided; however, the primary coverage deals with the strategy of particular procedures. In addition, we include some aspects of nonexact algorithms with major interest confined to the establishment of worst-case bounds.  相似文献   
Properties of a finite-range failure-time distribution, that includes the exponential as a particular case, have been studied. The distribution is IFR when the shape parameter exceeds unity, but is IFRA always. For a given value of the shape parameter, the distribution is NBUE over a segment of its range. Estimators of parameters have been derived. Distributions of two-component series, parallel, and standby system lives have also been worked out.  相似文献   
The determination as to the cost-effective number of spares for given types of items or equipment to be carried on board various types of ships is studied. This spare pool, known as the ship's COSAL, must provide prespecified levels of protection against stockouts for all uses of that item on board the given ship. This article derives and illustrates the methodology for optimally trading off the reduction in the ship's COSAL that can be gained by improving repair/resupply capabilities or by lowering the failure rate of the equipment through more or different types of preventive maintenance. A flexible class of preventive maintenance/repair response functions to cost is studied which are nonlinear and exhibit realistic diminishing returns. Two different types of assumptions are possible regarding the interdependencies of the resupply times across different ship types. A tractable budget allocation method is presented which can be used in a multiitem, multiship, multiechelon repair environment where there is one budget to cover all spares, all repair/resupply, and preventive maintenance activities. The technique incorporates different criticalities of shortages by type of ship and item. It can be used either in a budget building mode or a budget execution mode.  相似文献   
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