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This article examines the influence of both production rate and learning on airframe program costs. A dynamic multiple-output production model is developed and is used to observe the cost impact of changes in production rate and learning. Several simulations are performed to demonstrate the sensitivity of the optimal time path of cost to changes in the model parameters. The model is applied by estimating parameters from the F102 airframe program.  相似文献   
An algorithm for calculating the probabilities of a summed multinomial density function which is recursive with n (the number of trials) is presented. Having application in inspector error models for auditing and quality control problems with Cartesian product structures, the algorithm is discussed in the context of computing optimal economic sampling plans. Computational experience with the algorithm is presented.  相似文献   
A collection of jobs is to be processed by a single machine. Each job has a cost function associated with it which may be either linear or exponential, costs accruing when a job is completed. The machine may be allocated to the jobs according to a precedence relation. The problem is to find a strategy for allocating the machine which minimizes the total cost and which is consistent with the precedence relation. The paper extends and simplifies some previous work done by Sidney.  相似文献   
We address the issue of short-term retrenchment planning required of organizations that are phasing down their manpower levels at rates faster than are allowed by natural attrition. Specifically, the problem we study is as follows: given the initial and target grade populations in a hierarchical manpower system at the end of a finite time horizon and the per-period rate of natural attrition for each grade, find a stationary manpower policy that minimizes the maximum per-period rate of retrenchment across all the grades over all stationary policies that yield the target grade populations at the end of the horizon. Because the problem is a nonconvex, nonseparable, nonlinear program, we develop a heuristic in which the promotion proportions of all the grades are successively fixed, starting from the lowest grade. We prove optimality of the heuristic policy in three nontrivial situations. In a computational experiment, in 135 out of 150 randomly generated instances (i.e., in 90% of the cases), the heuristic yielded a solution that was as good or better than that yielded by a benchmark computer program that solves the present problem as a nonlinear program. Further, the average computational time under the heuristic was an order of magnitude less than that under the program. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A general class of single machine stochastic scheduling problems incorporating precedence constraints is modelled as a family of competing Markov decision processes. A bound on the optimal return yields a suboptimality bound for permutation policies. This in turn leads to a generalised “used better than new” principle as a (highly intuitive) sufficient condition for the optimality of a permutation policy in the class of all (preemptive) policies. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The most critical challenges faced by war-affected communities where children have allegedly perpetrated atrocities include: finding transitional justice practices that address the needs of former belligerent children and those of victims and their communities; and helping to reintegrate child soldiers into society and avoid returning to hostilities. This paper demonstrates that these challenges can be overcome by taking a holistic approach to child soldiering transitional justice, which assimilates restorative justice and social justice. Such an approach simultaneously addresses child soldiers’ criminal accountability and pursues their psychosocial wellbeing. The findings are based on a selective scholarship supported by fieldwork that was conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo between May and December 2014 in North Kivu province. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and survey questionnaires based on a randomised sample of 282 participants. These included self-demobilised child soldiers, members of war-affected communities, students/learners, educators, local traditional leaders, government officials, child protection lawyers and members of non-governmental organisations.  相似文献   
The current nuclear nonproliferation order is no longer sustainable. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) has weakened considerably over the years, with nuclear have-nots displaying increased dissatisfaction with the status quo. Meanwhile, demands for civilian nuclear technology have led to increased proliferation risks in the form of dual-use technologies. Arms control as we currently understand it—piecemeal treaties and agreements—is no longer sufficient to address the growing threat of proliferation and the frailty of the NPT. This article calls for a bolder nonproliferation agenda pursuing multilateral nuclear disarmament. Disarmament is, in fact, technologically achievable; a lack of political will stands as the only remaining roadblock to a world free of nuclear weapons. A better understanding of the technological feasibility of disarmament, as well as recognition of the diminishing strategic value of nuclear weapons, will help to erode this political reluctance.  相似文献   

There have been calls for the abolition of nuclear weapons from the day they were invented. Over the last fifteen years, some indications can be found that such calls have been getting louder, among them Barack Obama's famous 2009 speech in Prague. In this article, we investigate if support for a comprehensive norm that would prohibit development, possession, and use of nuclear weapons is really growing. To assess the current status of that norm, we use the model of a “norm life cycle,” developed by Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink. We then analyze 6,545 diplomatic statements from the review process of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as well as from the UN General Assembly First Committee on Disarmament and International Security, covering the years 2000 to 2013. The evidence shows that a comprehensive prohibition can be considered an emerging international norm that finds growing support among states without nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon states alike. Only a core group of states invoke the norm consistently, however. This leads us to conclude that the “tipping point” of the life cycle, at which adherence to a new norm starts to spread rapidly, has yet to be reached.  相似文献   
We present a group testing model for items characterized by marker random variables. An item is defined to be good (defective) if its marker is below (above) a given threshold. The items can be tested in groups; the goal is to obtain a prespecified number of good items by testing them in optimally sized groups. Besides this group size, the controller has to select a threshold value for the group marker sums, and the target number of groups which by the tests are classified to consist only of good items. These decision variables have to be chosen so as to minimize a cost function, which is a linear combination of the expected number of group tests and an expected penalty for missing the desired number of good items, subject to constraints on the probabilities of misclassifications. We treat two models of this kind: the first one is based on an infinite population size, whereas the second one deals with the case of a finite number of available items. All performance measures are derived in closed form; approximations are also given. Furthermore, we prove monotonicity properties of the components of the objective function and of the constraints. In several examples, we study (i) the dependence of the cost function on the decision variables and (ii) the dependence of the optimal values of the decision variables (group size, group marker threshold, and stopping rule for groups classified as clean) and of the target functionals (optimal expected number of tests, optimal expected penalty, and minimal expected cost) on the system parameters.© 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
Customer acquisition and customer retention are the most important challenges in the increasingly competitive telecommunications industry. Traditional studies of customer switching always assume that customers are homogeneous, and thus that model customer switching behavior follows a Markov formulation. However, this postulation is obviously inappropriate in most instances. Blumen et al. (Cornell Studies of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1955) developed the Mover–Stayer (MS) model, a generalization of the Markov chain model, to relax the requirement of homogeneity and allow the presence of heterogeneity with two different types of individuals—“stayers,” who purchase the same kinds of products or services throughout the entire observation period; and “movers,” who look for variety in products or services over time. There are two purpose of this article. First, we extend the MS model to a Double Mover‐Stayer (DMS) model by assuming the existence of three types of individuals in the market: (1) stable and loyal customers, who have stable usage within the same company; (2) instable but loyal customers, whose usage varies within the same company over time; and (3) disloyal customers, who switch from one company to another to seek for new experiences or/and benefits. We also propose an estimation method for the DMS model. Second, we apply the DMS model to telecommunications data and demonstrate how it can be used for pattern identification, hidden knowledge discovery, and decision making. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
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