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From an original motivation in quantitative inventory modeling, we develop methods for testing the hypothesis that the service times of an M/G/1 queue are exponentially distributed, given a sequence of observations of customer line and/or system waits. The approaches are mostly extensions of the well-known exponential goodness-of-fit test popularized by Gnedenko, which results from the observation that the sum of a random exponential sample is Erlang distributed and thus that the quotient of two independent exponential sample means is F distributed.  相似文献   
Consider a system consisting of n separately maintained independent components where the components alternate between intervals in which they are “up” and in which they are “down”. When the ith component goes up [down] then, independent of the past, it remains up [down] for a random length of time, having distribution Fi[Gi], and then goes down [up]. We say that component i is failed at time t if it has been “down” at all time points s ?[t-A.t]: otherwise it is said to be working. Thus, a component is failed if it is down and has been down for the previous A time units. Assuming that all components initially start “up,” let T denote the first time they are all failed, at which point we say the system is failed. We obtain the moment-generating function of T when n = l, for general F and G, thus generalizing previous results which assumed that at least one of these distributions be exponential. In addition, we present a condition under which T is an NBU (new better than used) random variable. Finally we assume that all the up and down distributions Fi and Gi i = l,….n, are exponential, and we obtain an exact expression for E(T) for general n; in addition we obtain bounds for all higher moments of T by showing that T is NBU.  相似文献   
This paper explores a modification of the output discipline for the Poisson input, exponential output, single channel, first-come, first-served queueing system. Instead, the service time distribution of customers beginning service when alone in the system is considered different from that governing service times of all other customers. More specifically, the service times of lone customers are governed by a one parameter gamma distribution, while the service times of all other customers are exponentially ajstributed. The generating function for the steady-state probsbilities, nj = Pr { j customers in system at an arbitrary point of departure}, of the imbedded chain, {Xn/Xn = number in system after nth customer is serviced}, is obtained, and the steady-state probabilities, themselves, are found in closed form.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to explore an extension of the output discipline for the Poisson input, general output, single channel, first-come, first-served queueing system. The service time parameter, μ, is instead considered a random variable, M. In other words, the service time random variable, T, is to be conditioned by a parameter random variable, M. Therefore, if the distribution function of M is denoted by FM(μ) and the known conditional service time distribution as B(t |μ), then the unconditional service distribution is given by B(t) = Pr {T ≤ t}. = ∫-∞ B(t |μ) dFM(μ). Results are obtained that characterize queue size and waiting time using the imbedded Markov chain approach. Expressions are derived for the expected queue length and Laplace-Stieltjes transforms of the steady-state waiting time when conditional service times are exponential. More specific results are found for three special distributions of M: (1) uniform on [1.2]; (2) two-point; and (3) gamma.  相似文献   
This paper presents a statistical decision analysis of a one-stage linear programming problem with deterministic constraints and stochastic criterion function. Procedures for obtaining numerical results are given which are applicable to any problem having this general form. We begin by stating the statistical decision problems to be considered, and then discuss the expected value of perfect information and the expected value of sample information. In obtaining these quantities, use is made of the distribution of the optimal value of the linear programming problem with stochastic criterion function, and so we discuss Monte Carlo and numerical integration procedures for estimating the mean of this distribution. The case in which the random criterion vector has a multivariate Normal distribution is discussed separately, and more detailed methods are offered. We discuss dual problems, including some relationships of this work with other work in probabilistic linear programming. An example is given in Appendix A showing application of the methods to a sample problem. In Appendix B we consider the accuracy of a procedure for approximating the expected value of information.  相似文献   
This paper explores the relationship between research project cost and expected time to completion under various scheduling strategies; it assumes that many potential technical approaches to the research problem can be identified; and that each approach has a low but finite subjective probability of success. It is shown that under a variety of assumptions, expected time to project completion can be reduced, but that as a result expected project cost rises at an increasing rate. Some cases in which this convex time-cost tradeoff relationship might not hold generally are identified. When the time-cost tradeoff function is convex, the desirability of concurrent as opposed to series scheduling of approaches depends crucially upon the depth of the stream of benefits expected to be realized upon successful project completion. The deeper the benefit stream is, the more desirable concurrent scheduling is.  相似文献   
The most striking finding of the Chilcot Report is that the record reveals little that was previously unknown. A key point for its authors is that diplomatic alternatives had not been exhausted when the US and UK went to war. But, short of an armed attack by the other side, it is hard to say when they would have been. Here what was crucial was the belief shared by Bush and Blair that Saddam Hussain would not and could not change. For the British the issue of whether alternatives to war remained is particularly important because of its implications for international law, something that did not trouble the Americans. It remains unclear if Blair would have gained or lost leverage over Bush had he made British participation contingent on better American policy, for example on developing a workable plan for the reconstruction of Iraq.  相似文献   
The search theory open literature has paid little, if any, attention to the multiple-searcher, moving-target search problem. We develop an optimal branch-and-bound procedure and six heuristics for solving constrained-path problems with multiple searchers. Our optimal procedure outperforms existing approaches when used with only a single searcher. For more than one searcher, the time needed to guarantee an optimal solution is prohibitive. Our heuristics represent a wide variety of approaches: One solves partial problems optimally, two use paths based on maximizing the expected number of detections, two are genetic algorithm implementations, and one is local search with random restarts. A heuristic based on the expected number of detections obtains solutions within 2% of the best known for each one-, two-, and three-searcher test problem considered. For one- and two-searcher problems, the same heuristic's solution time is less than that of other heuristics. For three-searcher problems, a genetic algorithm implementation obtains the best-known solution in as little as 20% of other heuristic solution times. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article deals with the problem of minimizing the transportation and inventory cost associated with the shipment of several products from a source to a destination, when a finite set of shipping frequencies is available. A mixed-integer programming model—shown to be NP-hard—is formulated for that problem. The computational complexity of some similar models applied to different problems is also investigated. In particular, whereas the capacitated plant location problem with operational cost in product form is NP-hard, the simple plant location problem with the same characteristics can be solved in polynomial time. A branch-and-bound algorithm is finally worked out, and some computational results are presented. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article deals with “newness,” an important characteristic of research-and-development (R&D) projects. Newness consumes resources and provides effectiveness or profit, and is mainly considered to be of a qualitative nature yielding only to an expert's intuition. This article is focused on a numerical measure of newness and the closely connected concept of technological advance. The measure is described in a technical parameter space against a set of analogous objects, presented by its center, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Specific features and behavior of the selected measure of newness are analyzed. A numerical example is also included. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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