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The transportation model with supplies (Si) and demands (Di) treated as bounded variables developed by Charnes and Klingman is extended to the case where the Si and Di are independently and uniformly distributed random variables. Chance constraints which require that demand at the jth destination will be satisfied with probability at least βi and that stockout at the ith origin will occur with probability less than αi are imposed. Conversion of the chance constraints to their linear equivalents results in a transportation problem with one more row and column than the original with some of the new arcs capacitated. The chance-constrained formulation is extended to the transshipment problem.  相似文献   
A complete logistical planning model of a firm or public system should include activities having to do with the procurement of supplies. Not infrequently, however, procurement aspects are difficult to model because of their relatively complex and evanescent nature. This raises the issue of how to build an overall logistics model in spite of such difficulties. This paper offers some suggestions toward this end which enable the procurement side of a model to be simplified via commodity aggregation in a “controlled” way, that is, in such a manner that the modeler can know and control in advance of solving his model how much loss of accuracy will be incurred for the solutions to the (aggregated) overall model.  相似文献   
A branch and bound algorithm is developed for a class of allocation problems in which some constraint coefficients depend on the values of certain of the decision variables. Were it not for these dependencies, the problems could be solved by linear programming. The algorithm is developed in terms of a strategic deployment problem in which it is desired to find a least-cost transportation fleet, subject to constraints on men/materiel requirements in the event of certain hypothesized contingencies. Among the transportation vehicles available for selection are aircraft which exhibit the characteristic that the amount of goods deliverable by an aircraft on a particular route in a given time period (called aircraft productivity and measured in kilotons/aircraft/month) depends on the ratio of type 1 to type 2 aircraft used on that particular route. A model is formulated in which these relationships are first approximated by piecewise linear functions. A branch and bound algorithm for solving the resultant nonlinear problem is then presented; the algorithm solves a sequence of linear programming problems. The algorithm is illustrated by a sample problem and comments concerning its practicality are made.  相似文献   
In peacetime, base stock levels of spares are determined on the assumption of normal resupply from the depot. In the event of war, however, a unit must be prepared to operate from stock on hand for a period of time without being resupplied from the depot. This paper describes a mathematical model for determining such war reserve spares (WRS) requirements. Specifically, the model solves the following kind of optimization problem: find the least-cost WRS kits that will keep the probability of a stockout after K cannibalizations less than or equal to some target objective α. The user of the model specifies the number of allowable cannibalizations, and the level of protection that the kit is supposed to provide. One interesting feature of this model is that in the probability computation it takes into account the possiblility of utilizing normal base operating assets. Results of a sensitivity analysis indicate that if peacetime levels were explicitly taken into account when designing a WRS kit, a cost saving of nearly 40 percent could be effected without degrading base supply performance in wartime.  相似文献   
Work by the present authors on life distributions derived from stochastic hazard functions [4] is related to certain articles that have appeared in this journal. This relationship is illustrated. The emphasis of this article is upon problems of parameter estimation.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a special control chart procedure for exponentially distributed product life. Statistical control of product life in manufacturing requires continuing life tests of manufactured product so as to detect changes in product life and take appropriate corrective action. These life testing experiments may become exceedingly time consuming and thus can be both impractical because of serious time delays in implementing corrective action on the process when indicated, and quite uneconomical. It is desirable to inquire into the character of life testing by means of a control chart procedure based on the real time to first failure within given samples. Measuring the real minimum life provides a considerable reduction in duration of the testing procedure and in the number of specimens destroyed, yielding a considerable economy over the Shewhart's X control chart.  相似文献   
Detailed combat simulations can produce effectiveness tables which measure the effectiveness of each weapon class on one side of an engagement, battle, or campaign to each weapon class on the other. Effectiveness tables may also be constructed in other ways This paper assumes that effectiveness tables are given and shows how to construct from them a system of weapon weights each of which is a weighted average of the effects of a given weapon against each of the enemy's weapons. These weights utilize the Perron- Frobenius theory of eigenvectors of nonnegative matrices. Methods of calculation are discussed and some interpretations are given for both the irreducible and reducible cases.  相似文献   
This paper develops a method for doing postoptimality analysis on the mixed integer programming problem. The proposed procedures form a natural adjunct to enumerative I.P. algorithms that are linear programming based, and they are designed, in effect, to capitalize on insights generated as the problem is initially solved to do subsequent analysis upon it. In particular, limited ranging analysis is possible on selected parameters, as is the efficient resolving of the problem following parameter changes.  相似文献   
A new approach is presented for analyzing multiple-attribute decision problems in which the set of actions is finite and the utility function is additive. The problem can be resolved if the decision makers (or group of decision makers) specifies a set of nonnegative weights for the various attributes or criteria, but we here assume that the decision maker(s) cannot provide a numerical value for each such weight. Ordinal information about these weights is therefore obtained from the decision maker(s), and this information is translated into a set of linear constraints which restrict the values of the weights. These constraints are then used to construct a polytope W of feasible weight vectors, and the subsets Hi (polytopes) of W over which each action ai has the greatest utility are determined. With the Comparative Hypervolume Criterion we calculate for each action the ratio of the hypervolume of Hi to the hypervolume of W and suggest the choice of an action with the largest such ratio. Justification of this choice criterion is given, and a computational method for accurately approximating the hypervolume ratios is described. A simple example is provided to evaluate the efficiency of a computer code developed to implement the method.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the analysis of two M/G/1 queueing systems sharing the same finite waiting room. An exact analysis is given for several special cases, and then an algorithm is developed which approximates the system behavior for the general problem. Comparisons are made between the special cases and the algorithm.  相似文献   
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