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在远程或近程火力打击中,遥感卫星、远程无人机等可对静止的大型地物及目标进行有效侦察.但是,对于存在伪装的目标或可移动目标,这些侦察设备要么很难有效发现,要么发现了也难以提供及时有效的信息,因此,依托人力或无人平台的抵近侦察必不可少.抵近侦察中,现有"前端获取"和"后端处理"的应用模式在效率上存在时效性问题,而快速高效地...  相似文献   
油罐是油品储运的重要设备,罐底最易出现穿孔渗漏油现象,致使罐基内部油气质量分数高于正常值。以油库中柴油覆土罐群为例,研究并试验了根据罐基油气质量分数识别罐底渗漏的方法:分析罐基探漏孔位置分布并钻孔;多次探测罐基油气质量分数,根据探测数据识别各罐有无底部渗漏;为了便于以后检测油库时识别各罐有无渗漏,为各罐建立状态监测表,并将无渗漏的罐基油气质量分数最高值暂定为该类罐的安全值,低于该安全值的油罐可直接判定为无渗漏。实践结果证明,这种不开罐检测罐底渗漏油的方法可及时发现故障并采取措施,对储油安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对病态线性模型病态的实质,提出回归系数的0-c型岭估计。首先研究它的均方误差的最优化问题,给出了参数的最优值或最优值的一个上界和下界,证明可以选择参数,使它在均方误差的意义下优于LS估计。其次,研究它的偏差,证明存在0-c型岭估计优于LS估计,且比岭估计β(k)具有较小偏差。最后证明它的可容许性,并讨论在实用中它的岭参数选择方法的优点。  相似文献   
Whether military spending is capable of promoting social welfare is currently a controversial issue. The aim of this paper is to investigate how military spending affects the input and output of social welfare (i.e. social welfare expenditures and social welfare index). A panel cointegration analysis and an impulse response function are conducted with multi-country panel data, over two time periods, 1998–2011 and 1993–2007. In addition, to extend a comparative analysis over different economies, BRICS (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and G7 (i.e. the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada) countries are selected as representatives of emerging economies and developed countries, respectively. The empirical results show that military spending enhances social welfare expenditures in developed countries, while the effect is ambiguous in emerging economies. Also, military spending is capable of promoting the social welfare index based on the FMOLS estimation. The comparative analyses indicate that unlike in the G7, the effect of the growth of military spending on the growth of social welfare expenditures is negative and shorter in the BRICS.  相似文献   
基于预见控制理论,采用零相位误差跟踪控制器,实现巡航导弹的前馈控制,能使导弹飞行良好地跟踪地形,还给出了前馈控制器的设计方法,并对导弹飞行过程作了系统仿真.  相似文献   
研究了一种次氯酸钙乳液消毒剂的模拟剂,以及一些影响稳定性因素.该模拟剂是以氢氧化钙为分散相,水为分散介质,表面活性剂和无机盐为稳定剂组成.实验结果表明,该模拟剂具有与次氨酸钙消毒乳液相同的物理性能,并且无污染,可用于教育、作训之中.  相似文献   
战损装备维修保障仿真及能力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了利用仿真方法进行维修能力评估的重要性和必要性,分析了战场装备维修保障活动的主要内容,建立了基于计算机的装备维修保障过程仿真模型,提出了评估装备维修保障能力的几个指标,同时还给出了某次战斗装备损坏与维修保障能力评估的示例。  相似文献   
在对系统结构和功能进行详细分析的基础上,构建了某级军械指挥自动化系统效能评估指标体系模型,给出了各级指标的专家判断矩阵,对其一致性进行检验,得出了各评估指标的权重。  相似文献   
We study the optimal contracting problem between two firms collaborating on capacity investment with information asymmetry. Without a contract, system efficiency is lost due to the profit‐margin differentials among the firms, demand uncertainty, and information asymmetry. With information asymmetry, we demonstrate that the optimal capacity level is characterized by a newsvendor formula with an upward‐adjusted capacity investment cost, and no first‐best solution can be achieved. Our analysis shows that system efficiency can always be improved by the optimal contract and the improvement in system efficience is due to two factors. While the optimal contract may bring the system's capacity level closer to the first‐best capacity level, it prevents the higher‐margin firm from overinvesting and aligns the capacity‐investment decisions of the two firms. Our analysis of a special case demonstrates that, under some circumstances, both firms can benefit from the principal having better information about the agent's costs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 54:, 2007  相似文献   
<尉缭子>是中国古代著名的兵书,成书时间约在战国中期,是在吸收先秦诸子百家有关论述的基础上形成的一部富有特色、自成一体的军事著作,大致反映了战国时期军队建设的情况和战争的特点与规律,具体阐述了涉及教育、训练、行军、作战等一系列条令,保留了中国早期军队的战斗、内务、纪律等各个方面的法规性资料,对后世产生了重大影响,为历代兵家学者所推崇.清朱墉在<武经七书汇解>中说:"七子谈兵,人人挟有识见.而引故谈今,学问博洽,首推尉缭."深刻反映了尉缭子在中国军事思想发展史上占有重要位置.充分挖掘和研究<尉缭子>的军事思想,不仅对充实中国军事思想宝库大有裨益,而且对现代战争的作战思想也有很大的指导作用,现就<尉缭子>一书的军事思想及其主要特色作一初步探讨,就教方家.  相似文献   
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