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A new approach is presented for analyzing multiple-attribute decision problems in which the set of actions is finite and the utility function is additive. The problem can be resolved if the decision makers (or group of decision makers) specifies a set of nonnegative weights for the various attributes or criteria, but we here assume that the decision maker(s) cannot provide a numerical value for each such weight. Ordinal information about these weights is therefore obtained from the decision maker(s), and this information is translated into a set of linear constraints which restrict the values of the weights. These constraints are then used to construct a polytope W of feasible weight vectors, and the subsets Hi (polytopes) of W over which each action ai has the greatest utility are determined. With the Comparative Hypervolume Criterion we calculate for each action the ratio of the hypervolume of Hi to the hypervolume of W and suggest the choice of an action with the largest such ratio. Justification of this choice criterion is given, and a computational method for accurately approximating the hypervolume ratios is described. A simple example is provided to evaluate the efficiency of a computer code developed to implement the method.  相似文献   
The location-allocation problem for existing facilities uniformly distributed over rectangular regions is treated for the case where the rectilinear norm is used. The new facilities are to be located such that the expected total weighted distance is minimized. Properties of the problem are discussed. A branch and bound algorithm is developed for the exact solution of the problem. Computational results are given for different sized problems.  相似文献   
It is well known that a minimal makespan permutation sequence exists for the n × 3 flow shop problem and for the n × m flow shop problem with no inprocess waiting when processing times for both types of problems are positive. It is shown in this paper that when the assumption of positive processing times is relaxed to include nonnegative processing times, optimality of permutation schedules cannot be guaranteed.  相似文献   
In a 1973 paper J. D. Esary, A. W. Marshall, and F. Proschan [5] considered a shock model giving rise to various nonparametric classes of life distributions of interest in reliability theory. A number of authors have extended these results in a variety of directions. In this paper, alternative proofs of the increasing failure rate (IFR) and decreasing mean residual life (DMRL) results are given which do not make use of the theory of total positivity. Some bivariate extensions are then obtained using a shock model similar to that originally used by H. W. Block, A. S. Paulson, and R. C. Kohberger [2] to unify various bivariate exponential distributions.  相似文献   
The loading problem involves the optimal allocation of n objects, each having a specified weight and value, to m boxes, each of specified capacity. While special cases of these problems can be solved with relative ease, the general problem having variable item weights and box sizes can become very difficult to solve. This paper presents a heuristic procedure for solving large loading problems of the more general type. The procedure uses a surrogate procedure for reducing the original problem to a simpler knapsack problem, the solution of which is then employed in searching for feasible solutions to the original problem. The procedure is easy to apply, and is capable of identifying optimal solutions if they are found.  相似文献   
This paper considers the search for an evader concealed in one of an arbitrary number of regions, each of which is characterized by its detection probability. We shall be concerned here with the double-sided problem in which the evader chooses this probability secretly, although he may not subsequently move; his aim is to maximize the expected time to detection, while the searcher attempts to minimize it. The situation where two regions are involved has been studied previously and reported on recently. This paper represents a continuation of this analysis. It is normally true that as the number of regions increases, optimal strategies for both searcher and evader are progressively more difficult to determine precisely. However it will be shown that, generally, satisfactory approximations to each are almost as easily derived as in the two region problem, and that the accuracy of such approximations is essentially independent of the number of regions. This means that so far as the evader is concerned, characteristics of the two-region problem may be used to assess the accuracy of such approximate strategies for problems of more than two regions.  相似文献   
This paper examines a convex programming problem that arises in several contexts. In particular, the formulation was motivated by a generalization of the stochastic multilocation problem of inventory theory. The formulation also subsumes some “active” models of stochastic programming. A qualititative analysis of the problem is presented and it is shown that optimal policies have a certain geometric form. Properties of the optimal policy and of the optimal value function are described.  相似文献   
We consider the multiple-attribute decision problem with finite action set and additive utility function. We suppose that the decision maker cannot specify nonnegative weights for the various attributes which would resolve the problem, but that he/she supplies ordinal information about these weights which can be translated into a set of linear constraints restricting their values. A bounded polytope W of feasible weight vectors is thus determined. Supposing that each element of W has the same chance of being the “appropriate one,” we compute the expected utility value of each action. The computation method uses a combination of numerical integration and Monte Carlo simulation and is equivalent to finding the center of mass of the bounded polytope W . Comparisons are made with another criterion already presented, the comparative hyper-volume criterion, and two small examples are presented.  相似文献   
This article considers the problem of allocating a fixed budget among alternative air-to-ground weapons. The weapon-budgeting problem is high-dimensional, involving all feasible combinations of aircraft, weapons, and targets. The decision maker's utility function is defined over kills of the various target types, but it is unrealistic to expect him to write down the mathematical formula for this function. The article suggests two procedures for reducing the dimension of the maximization problem and operating without exact knowledge of the utility function. The first procedure uses successive linear approximations to generate the set of “efficient” or undominated weapon allocations. The second procedure applies separability restrictions to the utility function, thereby reducing the overall maximization problem to a sequence of low-dimensional subproblems.  相似文献   
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