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由于迫击炮后坐力大,自身稳定性差,射向保持需要其他设备辅助,因此,设计了一款利用MEMS传感器的姿态测量装置,在迫击炮实施瞄准、射击的过程中,作为稳定的辅助设备对外提供迫击炮的相对方位角、水平姿态信息等,从而构成了稳定的坐标系统,用来定位原射击位置,并且能够用来修正火炮射向和射距,保证本次射击过程中的精度.对整个装置的...  相似文献   
This paper reports an alternative approach to the evaluation of infrared camouflage effectiveness via a multi-fractal method. By calculating multi-fractal spectra of the target region and the background re-gions in an infrared image, the spectrum shape features and the discrete Fréchet distances among these spectra were used to analyze the camouflage effectiveness of the target qualitatively and quantitatively, and the correlation coefficients of the spectra were further used as the index of camouflage effectiveness. It was found that the camouflaged target had better camouflage effectiveness than the target without camouflage in the same one background, and the same one camouflaged target had different camouflage effectiveness in different backgrounds. On the whole, the target matching well with its background had high camouflage effectiveness value. This approach can expand the application of multi-fractal theory in infrared camouflage technology, which should be useful for the research of infrared camouflage mate-rials, the design of camouflage patterns as well as the deployment of military equipment in battlefield.  相似文献   
In this study, the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/ASTM1405-steel composite plate subjected to high velocity projectile was analyzed. Two kinds of modified polyurea material (AMMT-053 and AMMT-055) were selected and a ballistic impact testing system including speed measuring target system and high-speed camera was designed. This experiment was conducted with a rifle and 5.8 mm projectile to explore the effects by the polyurea coating thickness, the polyurea coating position and the glass-fiber cloth on the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/ASTM1405-steel composite plate. The result showed that the effects of polyurea coating position were different between two types of polyurea, and that the effects of glass-fiber position were disparate between two types of polyurea as well. For AMMT-053 polyurea material, it was better to be on front face than on rear face; whereas for AMMT-055 pol-yurea, it was better to be on rear surface although the difference was very subtle. Additionally, formulas had been given to describe the relationship between the effectiveness of polyurea and the thickness of polyurea coating. In general, AMMT-055 had better anti-penetration performance than AMMT-053. Furthermore, five typical damage modes including self-healing, crack, local bulge, spallation and local fragmentation were defined and the failure mechanism was analyzed with the results of SHPB test. Additionally, the bonding strength played an important role in the anti-penetration performance of polyurea/steel composite plate.  相似文献   
提出将人工免疫系统(Artificial Immunity System,AIS)中的反面选择原理应用到炮射导弹故障诊断中,依据免疫算法实现故障诊断的基本原理,构建了基于反面选择算法的故障诊断数学模型,解决了在故障先验知识和故障特征信息缺乏等情况下的故障诊断问题,并通过对炮射导弹制导仪系统中的故障进行实例分析,验证了该方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   
行政主体理论自行政法成为公法重要组成部分时便成为行政法几个核心理论之一。自《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》实施以来,行政主体理论研究成为我国行政法理论研究的重点之一。我国关于行政主体的内涵及外延,学术界各抒己见,至今缺乏统一的论断。境外一些行政法理论发达国家和地区的行政主体制度对于我们具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
针对高技术防空武器装备大量装备部队,旧有的装备面临着退役这一情况,对高炮武器装备退役的主要因素进行了分析,并给出了各因素的评估模型,运用模糊聚类方法对高炮武器的退役进行了量化分析。  相似文献   
洞库口部与背景的红外辐射差异是红外热成像仪探测洞库口部的基础。介绍了人工水雾及其红外伪装原理,同时,将水雾设备作用于实际洞库口部。通过红外热成像仪采集数据,测试和比较了水雾开启前和开启1,2 min时洞库口部的红外热图,并结合红外图像信息处理软件进行定线温度分析。结果表明:人工水雾在洞库口部的红外伪装方面起到了很好的遮蔽效果。  相似文献   
为避免仅利用单一地形特征参量对匹配区域可导航能力评判的不全面性,提出了一种基于灰色决策的多指标综合选取方法。首先,计算待选地形区域的地形标准差、地形熵、粗糙度及地形相关系数等表征地形特征的统计参量;然后,利用计算结果构建地形可导航性指标矩阵,通过无量纲化和归一化去除重叠信息;最后,求解理想决策并将决策向量投影于其上,得到地形可导航性评价。仿真表明:基于灰色决策的匹配区域选取方法能够兼顾不同特征参量所表征的地形固有属性,给出正确评价,且评价结果不受待选区域数目的限制。  相似文献   
采用闭合场非平衡磁控溅射技术在不锈钢基体上制备了不同质量分数Mo的CrMoN复合涂层。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDX)和光电子能谱仪(XPS),系统分析了CrMoN复合涂层的相结构、表面形貌、成分、原子化合价价态等,结果表明:添加Mo后,CrMoN涂层的择优取向由CrN涂层的(220)转变为(200),CrMoN涂层中的Mo原子取代了CrN晶格中的Cr原子,形成(Cr,Mo)N置换固溶体。采用Nano Test 600硬度测试仪测定了CrMoN复合涂层的纳米硬度,结果表明:由于CrN相和MoN两种硬相的协同作用,使得CrMoN复合涂层的纳米硬度值增大。采用多功能摩擦磨损试验机测定了CrN涂层及CrMoN复合涂层的摩擦因数,结果表明:CrMoN复合涂层的摩擦因数低于CrN涂层,磨损过程中由于摩擦热反应生成大量MoO3,使得复合膜的摩擦因数降低,起到了一定的润滑效果,降低了磨损量。  相似文献   
单层壳体潜艇回波亮点声图像仿真和试验验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从水下目标回波声图像中获得尺度、要害部位等重要特征信息,提出一种将板块元分析和正交波束形成相结合来实现对潜艇目标进行回波声图像分析的方法,并对多波束系统条件下单层壳体潜艇的时间-角度回波结构和二维几何亮点声图像进行了仿真,通过目标表面高频亮区的分布解释了单层壳体潜艇亮点声图像的形成原因,最后利用湖上试验验证理论仿真结果.试验结果表明;亮点声图像可以反映水下目标几何亮点的分布规律,并在一定程度上反映目标的尺度和姿态特征;单层壳体潜艇回波亮点主要来源于艇体、指挥台围壳、艉舵3个部位.  相似文献   
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