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公安机关消防机构只有全面加强消防执法规范化建设,全面开展廉政教育活动,努力提高人民群众对消防执法工作的认可度和满意度,才能进一步提升消防执法的公信力。分析公安机关消防机构执法公信力现状,提出全面提升公安机关消防机构执法公信力的对策。  相似文献   
我国军民融合深度发展的内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐辉 《国防科技》2014,35(4):95-98
如何理解军民融合深度发展,做好军民融合这篇大文章,各方面尚未形成统一共识。文章从历史沿革角度回顾分析了我国军民融合演变的过程、民融合深度发展的内涵,并在此基础上对当前存在的主要矛盾进行了研究总结,从国家战略部署层面提出了下一步发展建议。  相似文献   
试验采集的传动箱振动信号特征能量通常很小且易淹没在背景噪声之中,针对这一问题,提出了一种将固有时间尺度分解(Intrinsic Time-scale Decomposition,ITD)与奇异谱分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)相结合的时频分析方法,并用于信号微弱特征的提取。通过仿真信号及试验采集的振动信号进行验证,结果表明:该方法能够有效地从混杂着能量较大的背景信号和噪声干扰中提取出微弱信号的特征频率成分,并达到了很好的降噪效果,提取出的信号更接近于原始无噪声信号。研究为设备运行状态信息的提取与状态识别提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   
地面防空作战部署方案评估是防空作战中非常关键的一环,优良的地面防空作战部署方案是达到合理使用兵力、充分发扬火力、有效抗击空中之敌的重要前提。分析了地面防空作战部署方案评价指标体系,设计了仿真系统功能结构,探讨了仿真系统关键技术,实现了地面防空作战部署方案评估仿真系统,为指战员提供作战辅助决策。  相似文献   
飞行器飞行试验任务中,发射零点T0是整个测控系统启动运行的基准点,是保证测控系统有条不紊正常工作的关键因素。特别是执行多个测控目标连射飞行试验任务,多个发射零点的正确处理更是关乎试验任务的成败。在分析发射零点形成机制基础上,对发射零点在指控系统实时测控软件中的处理方法进行了研究,提出了一种实时测控软件重启后重新获得多测控目标正确发射零点的应急处理方法,解决了试验过程中一旦实时测控软件因重大软件故障导致初始发射零点丢失的问题,保障了试验任务的顺利进行。  相似文献   
通信系统的保密性在信息化作战体系中尤为重要.在存在窃听的多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multi-ple-Output,MIMO)干扰对齐(Interference Alignment,IA)网络中,传统利用接收或发送端发送人工噪声(Artificial Noise,AN)实现物理层保密通信的方法,会增加...  相似文献   
协作通信是提高无线传感网络性能的有效技术.为此,针对能量采集的无线传感网络(EH-WSNs),提出多转发节点协作传输(Multi-relay Cooperative Transmitting,MRCT)方案.MRCT方案采用时隙切换/功率分配机制,优化解码信息和传输信息的功率分配;转发节点将所接收的信息进行放大——转发...  相似文献   
A variational inhomogeneous image segmentation model based on fuzzy membership functions and Retinex theory is proposed by introducing the fuzzy membership function.The existence of the solution of the proposed model is proved theoretically.A valid algorithm is designed to make numerical solution of the model under the framework of alternating minimization.The last experimental results show that the model can make segmentation of the real image with intensity inhomogeneity effectively.  相似文献   
Many manufacturers sell their products through retailers and share the revenue with those retailers. Given this phenomenon, we build a stylized model to investigate the role of revenue sharing schemes in supply chain coordination and product variety decisions. In our model, a monopolistic manufacturer serves two segments of consumers, which are distinguished by their willingness to pay for quality. In the scenario with exogenous revenue sharing ratios, when the potential gain from serving the low segment is substantial (e.g., the low‐segment consumers' willingness to pay is high enough or the low segment takes a large enough proportion of the market), the retailer is better off abandoning the revenue sharing scheme. Moreover, when the potential gain from serving the low (high) segment is substantial enough, the manufacturer finds it profitable to offer a single product. Furthermore, when revenue sharing ratios are endogenous, we divide our analysis into two cases, depending on the methods of cooperation. When revenue sharing ratios are negotiated at the very beginning, the decentralized supply chain causes further distortion. This suggests that the central premise of revenue sharing—the coordination of supply chains—may be undermined if supply chain parties meticulously bargain over it.  相似文献   
在分析巡航导弹技术、战术特点的基础上,给出了抗击CM的基本要求,结合新型武器系统的特点提出了抗击作战的数学模型,并通过仿真实验验证了武器系统抗击巡航导弹作战的可用性与高效性,为我新型防空武器系统抗击CM作战的效能评估提供了必要的方法和依据。  相似文献   
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