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Microsatellites have been widely applied in the fields of communication,remote sensing,navigation and science exploration due to its characteristics of low cost,flexible launch mode and short development period.However,conventional solid-propellant have difficulties in starting and interrupting combustion because combustion is autonomously sustained after ignition.Herein,we proposed a new type of solid-propellant named laser-controlled solid propellant,which is sensitive to laser irradiation and can be started or interrupted by switching on/off the continuous wave laser.To demonstrate the feasibility and investigate the controllable combustion behaviors under different laser on/off conditions,the combus-tion parameters including burning rate,ignition delay time and platform pressure were tested using pressure sensor,high-speed camera and thermographic camera.The results showed that the increase of laser-on or laser-off duration both will lead to the decrease of propellant combustion performance during re-ignition and re-combustion process.This is mainly attributed to the laser attenuation caused by the accumulation of combustion residue and the change of chamber ambient temperature.Simultaneously,the multiple ignition tests revealed that the increased chamber ambient temperature after combustion can make up for the energy loss of laser attenuation and expansion of chamber cavity.However,the laser-controlled combustion performance of solid propellant displayed a decrease trend with the addi-tion of ignition times.Nevertheless,the results still exhibited good laser-controlled agility of laser-controlled solid propellant and manifested its inspiring potential in many aspects of space missions.  相似文献   
We consider a class of facility location problems with a time dimension, which requires assigning every customer to a supply facility in each of a finite number of periods. Each facility must meet all assigned customer demand in every period at a minimum cost via its production and inventory decisions. We provide exact branch‐and‐price algorithms for this class of problems and several important variants. The corresponding pricing problem takes the form of an interesting class of production planning and order selection problems. This problem class requires selecting a set of orders that maximizes profit, defined as the revenue from selected orders minus production‐planning‐related costs incurred in fulfilling the selected orders. We provide polynomial‐time dynamic programming algorithms for this class of pricing problems, as well as for generalizations thereof. Computational testing indicates the advantage of our branch‐and‐price algorithm over various approaches that use commercial software packages. These tests also highlight the significant cost savings possible from integrating location with production and inventory decisions and demonstrate that the problem is rather insensitive to forecast errors associated with the demand streams. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
本文研究不同的扩散模型对再入体等离子体鞘电子密度分布的影响。由于电子和离子的质量相差三个量级以上,电子的浓度扩散速度比离子大得多,引起正负电荷分离。由此产生的诱导电场又阻碍带电粒子的扩散运动。本文同时考虑这二种影响扩散的因素,得到了非平衡等离子体鞘带电粒子分布的数值解,并与准中性模型、双极扩散模型等其它三种近似模型进行了比较。计算表明:流场的大部份区域满足等离子体准中性假定,但在物面和激波附近存在电荷分离较明显的薄层,其厚度约为Debye屏蔽长度的量级。这种边界效应对中性粒子的分布影响甚微,但对带电粒子的分布则产生一定的影响。由此可以判断各种扩散模型的适用性。  相似文献   
机载火控雷达是载机实施火力攻击的眼睛和向导,它的可靠性的高低,决定着该飞机的战斗能力,对取得空战的胜利至关重要。要提高产品的可靠性,必须从方案的论证开始,到设计、试制、批生产,乃至装备使用的整个过程,实施全面的可靠性监控。  相似文献   
一种新的雷达与ESM相关算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷达与ESM相关问题,是军事多传感器数据融合中的一个重要课题。本文采用粗、细判决技术并应用统计理论对雷达与ESM进行了相关研究,给出了相关算法。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性和实用性  相似文献   
为研究掺砂率对高庙子膨润土一砂混合型缓冲/回填材料液塑限的影响,利用液塑限联合测定仪进行了试验研究,并运用最小二乘法对混合物液塑限试验数据进行了分析。试验结果表明膨润土一砂混合物的可塑性、液塑限值和塑性指数均随掺砂率的增大而降低。对试验结果进行分析,得到了考虑掺砂率影响的混合物液塑限经验公式。混合物的液塑限并不是随掺砂率增大成比例降低,而是液限的实测值小于理论值,塑限的实测值大于理论值。得到的不同掺砂率的膨润土一砂混合型缓冲/回填材料液塑限试验数据可为高放废物深地质处置库建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
信息国防是现代国防的基础。要理顺信息国防体制,完善信息国防动员体系,发展信息国防关键技术,健全信息国防法律体系,建立信息国防武装力量。当前尤其要增强全民国防意识,建立和完善国家信息安全保障体系,加强国防信息力量建设。  相似文献   
针对未来反潜战网络化、协同化的趋势,基于新型通信技术,描述了反潜网络的工作原理及所用通信技术的性能特点.对信息化海战中的各传统反潜平台,给出了基于反潜网络的典型协同反潜作战模式.新作战模式表明反潜网络充分利用了反潜平台对目标的观测能力,加强了反潜平台的远距离侦察引导和早期预警,从而实现对远距离目标的引导截击,大大增强了单平台作战的效果.  相似文献   
通过对Q2黄土进行调整吸力的非饱和三轴压缩试验,研究了浸水湿化程度对Q2黄土力学特性的影响。试验表明:不同浸水湿化程度的Q2黄土,其应力应变曲线为弱软化型,浸水湿化程度越高,软化程度越弱,浸水湿化至饱和时可近似看作理想硬化型;轴向应变较小时,Q2黄土的天然结构保持良好,应力随应变的增大而增大,随着轴向应变进一步增大,其天然结构逐渐被破坏,应力随之先缓慢上升后逐渐减小直至稳定;浸水湿化会同时引起土体应力状态和土体结构的改变,屈服应力随浸水湿化程度的提高而减小,在浸水湿化接近饱和时屈服应力变化最快,土体结构变化最大;形成年代早的Q2黄土细粒质量分数高,结构特征区别于Q3黄土,因而呈现出不同的力学特征。  相似文献   
This article studies the problem of designing Bayesian sampling plans (BSP) with interval censored samples. First, an algorithm for deriving the conventional BSP is proposed. The BSP is shown to possess some monotonicity. Based on the BSP and using the property of monotonicity, a new sampling plan modified by the curtailment procedure is proposed. The resulting curtailed Bayesian sampling plan (CBSP) can reduce the duration time of life test experiment, and it is optimal in the sense that its associated Bayes risk is smaller than the Bayes risk of the BSP if the cost of the duration time of life test experiment is considered. A numerical example to compute the Bayes risks of BSP and CBSP and related quantities is given. Also, a Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of the CBSP compared with the BSP. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed CBSP has better performance because it has smaller risk. The CBSP is recommended. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 604–616, 2015  相似文献   
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