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用一种单巯基化合物1-巯基丙烷和三种双巯基化合物1,3-二巯基丙烷、2,3-二巯基丙醇、3,4-二巯基甲苯经亲核取代反应将路易氏剂衍生为挥发性较好的二硫砷化合物,用GC-MS鉴定了这些化合物的结构,并讨论了分子离子的碎裂方式及个别碎片的来源.  相似文献   
本文对十二相同步发电机整流系统的动态运行进行了数字仿真研究,建立了以整流系统运行状态的分析为基础,用于描述十二相同步发电机—整流桥—负载系统动态过程的状态空间形式的数学模型。该模型既符合实际,又便于计算机仿真。本文提出的仿真方法也适用于三相、六相同步发电机整流系统。  相似文献   
山东是国共内战期间双方争夺的重点地区和主战场之一,在内战进程的胜负演进中,起到了至关重要的作用。内战期间山东战场的战争进程,既有一般性,也有特殊性,充分体现了国共双方统帅部的战略运思高度和前线将领的领悟执行能力。与中共始终坚持不移的战略相比较,国民党经历了战略的变化过程。而国民党军战术的机械教条,又与中共部队的灵活主动形成对比。再就战场指导而言,中共强调放手让前线将领发挥主观能动性,国民党蒋介石则对战场干预过多过密,指导往往脱离战场实际,指挥层次太过重叠。因此,就山东战场国共军队的表现而言,中共成功地做到了示形于外而决胜于中,国民党则形虽示而胜未决,这样的格局和结果亦体现在国共内战的总体进程中。  相似文献   
本文根据某型鱼雷推进电机的结构性能参数,从可靠换向、提高转速、轴的机械强度、容许温升、冷却介质等方面阐述了进一步提高鱼雷推进电机输出功率的途径。其实现是可能的。  相似文献   
介绍了数字化装甲营作战仿真实验室的支撑软件组成、结构和功能.军事指挥人员(建模人员)利用支撑软件按照自己的意图,快速制定作战想定,兵力、兵器部署的系统模型,通过系统模型的运行,实现战斗进程的逼真模拟,实施人在环、部分实装在环的装甲兵分队作战指挥对抗演习和实验,完成装甲兵分队的战术和技术训练任务,为装甲兵部队作战理论研究,人员训练,装备作战效能评估,技术保障研究和院校各专业技术人才培养提供高技术的软件平台,并且快速确定系统模型的可信度指标,为上级机关决策的合理化提供有力的支持.  相似文献   
MgH2, TiH2, and ZrH2 are three typical metal hydrides that have been gradually applied to composite explosives and propellants as additives in recent years. To evaluate ignition sensitivity and explosion severity, the Hartmann device and spherical pressure vessel were used to test ignition energy and ex-plosion pressure, respectively. The results showed that the ignition sensitivity of ZrH2, TiH2 and MgH2 gradually increased. When the concentration of MgH2 is 83.0 g/m3 in Hartmann device, the ignition energy attained a minimum of 10.0 mJ. The explosion pressure of MgH2 were 1.44 times and 1.76 times that of TiH2 and ZrH2, respectively, and the explosion pressure rising rate were 3.97 times and 9.96 times that of TiH2 and ZrH2, respectively, through the spherical pressure vessel. It indicated that the reaction reactivity and reaction rate of MgH2 were higher than that of TiH2 and ZrH2. In addition, to conduct in-depth theoretical analysis of ignition sensitivity and explosion severity, gas production and combus-tion heat per unit mass of ZrH2, TiH2 and MgH2 were tested by mercury manometer and oxygen bomb calorimetry. The experimental results revealed that MgH2 had a relatively high gas production per unit mass (5.15 mL/g), while TiH2 and ZrH2 both had a gas production of less than 2.0 mL/g. Their thermal stability gradually increased, leading to a gradual increase in ignition energy. Furthermore, compared with theoretical combustion heat, the combustion ratio of MgH2, TiH2 and ZrH2 was more than 96.0%, with combustion heat value of 29.96, 20.94 and 12.22 MJ/kg, respectively, which was consistent with the explosion pressure and explosion severity test results.  相似文献   
本文论述了目前小高炮综合体的动态射击精度、考核方法及其测量设备的优缺点,并对新的考核方法和设备提出了设想。  相似文献   
结合维修性试验的一般要求和方法,充分考虑新研设备维修性试验中遇到的具体问题,提出了某型导弹并联挂架维修性试验方法。  相似文献   
编者按:为了学习和宣传党的十七大精神,根据军事科学院政治部的统一部署,我刊特约有关专家撰写了一组稿件载于"本刊特稿"专栏,从军事历史的角度研究和探讨科学发展观对于国防和军队建设的重要指导作用,与广大读者共同学习和理解胡锦涛同志在党的十七大报告中关于国防和军队建设的重要论述.  相似文献   
3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) is the main component of insensitive munitions (IM) formulation because of its outstanding insensitive properties.In this paper,a series of NTO/HMX-based composite explosives were prepared and characterized.The study focuses on the effect of NTO on the performance of the formulations,especially the safety performance.The results revealed that the mechanical sensi-tivity of formulations was associated with NTO content,as well as the thermal conductivity,specific heat capacity and Arrhenius parameters.Then,the high amount of NTO using in formulation was proved to be helpful for NTO/HMX-based formulation to exhibit good thermal safety.Besides,by accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and a modified cook-offequipment,the pressure and pressure rise rate were proved as the important indicator for judging the thermal safety performance in confined spaces.Finally,the numerical simulation was used as a credible method for predicting the respond temperature of cook-off experiment.  相似文献   
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