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首先提出了视情工作间隔时间的确定方法,然后根据故障率的不同情况,分析了间隔时间的相应变化,最后进行了实际应用方面的讨论.  相似文献   
With dual-channel choices, E-retailers fulfill their demands by either the inventory stored in third-party distribution centers, or by in-house inventory. In this article, using data from a wedding gown E-retailer in China, we analyze the differences between two fulfillment choices—fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and fulfillment by seller (FBS). In particular, we want to understand the impact of FBA that will bring to sales and profit, compared to FBS, and how the impact is related to product features such as sizes and colors. We develop a risk-adjusted fulfillment model to address this problem, where the E-retailer's risk attitude to FBA is incorporated. We denote the profit gaps between FBA and FBS as the rewards for this E-retailer fulfilling products using FBA, our goal is to maximize the E-retailer's total rewards using predictive analytics. We adopt the generalized linear model to predict the expected rewards, while controlling for the variability of the reward distribution. We apply our model on a set of real data, and develop an explicit decision rule that can be easily implemented in practice. The numerical experiments show that our interpretable decision rule can improve the E-retailer's total rewards by more than 35%.  相似文献   
Economic screening procedures based on a continuous screening variable X in place of a dichotomous performance variable T are presented. Optimal critical values on the screening variable minimizing the expected cost are obtained for two models; it is assumed that X given T is normally distributed in normal model and P[T = 1|X] is a logistic function of X in the logistic model, and that costs are incurred by screening inspection and misclassification errors. Cases where some parameters are unknown are also considered.  相似文献   
本文论述了红军长征中左右两路军北上过程中的指挥系统、指挥班子、通讯系统、通讯队伍及其左右两路军的关系等重要问题。  相似文献   
随着武警部队三级综合通信网络的不断完善和功能拓展,基层执勤部队信息化人才的选拔培养和使用管理效益,已成为影响和制约信息化平台功能有效发挥的重要因素。  相似文献   
本文以某型子母弹子弹研制过程中遇到的问题为背景,分析了子母弹子弹稳定带对子弹落姿和可靠性影响,通过机理分析和试验验证得出了稳定带参数优化调整方案,对相关产品优化设计及技术改进有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
马汉海权论的形成及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪末,美国海军上校马汉提出了系统的海权论观点,主要内容是:海洋对濒海国家的生存与发展有决定性的意义,而要拥有海权就必须发展强大的海军并在海外取得补给基地.这一理论不仅准确地反映了当时欧关列强争夺海外殖民地的趋势,更为这种争夺提供了理论依据,故一旦出现立即风靡全球,对世界各国产生了广泛而深远的影响.  相似文献   
新世纪新阶段,我军担负着“三个提供一个发挥”的历史使命。胡主席站在战略和全局的高度,提出要采取有力措施抓一抓干部的事业心责任感问题的指示,具有重大而深远的指导意义。要准确把握军队干部事业心责任感的科学内涵和基本要求,认真查找当前干部事业心责任感方面存在的突出问题,积极探索和构建增强干部事业心责任感的长效机制,努力推动部队建设又好又快的发展。  相似文献   
软件密集型装备质量是决定战场胜负的关键要素之一,文章分析了软件密集型装备项目质量管理的基本概念和依据标准、探讨了加强软件密集型装备项目质量管理的主要措施,包括采用过程方法建立质量管理体系、建立全面的质量管理文件和记录、实施重点质量控制方法三方面。  相似文献   
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