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党的十九大精神是实现中华民族复兴梦的思想引领,也是指导中国特色社会主义事业向前推进的行动指南.着力推进党的十九大精神在高校的传播,既是"新时代"中国高校的首要政治任务与工作要求,同时也是推进十九大精神向全社会传播的重要环节.斯图亚特·霍尔建构的编码解码理论是适用于一切话语生产分析的理论范式,与十九大精神在高校的传播工作有着深刻的内在契合.它启示我们,要想推进党的十九大精神在高校传播工作的顺利进行,要夯实基础,注重理论建构环节;要优化路径,重视理论传递过程;要关注受众,重视理论的解码过程. 相似文献
针对严寒条件下三合二洗消液防冻结问题,研究采用向消毒液中释放大功率超声波的方法,较好地解决了三合二消毒液在低温时出现沉淀、冻结的问题. 相似文献
本文论述了红军长征中左右两路军北上过程中的指挥系统、指挥班子、通讯系统、通讯队伍及其左右两路军的关系等重要问题。 相似文献
当今海战场水声目标往往采用机动方式航行,打破了目标匀速直线运动假定的传统。通过对水声目标的机动模式分析,可将目标的运动轨迹近似为折线运动进行研究。提出了水声目标的机动检测与跟踪方法,简化机动检测的复杂度,最后讨论了对机动目标长时跟踪的策略。 相似文献
This article investigates the method of allocating arriving vessels to the terminals in transshipment hubs. The terminal allocation decision faced by a shipping alliance has the influence on the scheduled arrival time of vessels and further affects the bunker consumption cost for the vessels. A model is formulated to minimize the bunker consumption cost as well as the transportation cost of inter‐terminal transshipment flows/movements. The capacity limitation of the port resources such as quay cranes (QCs) and berths is taken into account. Besides the terminal allocation, the QC assignment decision is also incorporated in the proposed model. A local branching based method and a particle swarm optimization based method are developed to solve the model in large‐scale problem instances. Numerical experiments are also conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, which can save around 14% of the cost when compared with the “First Come First Served” decision rule. Moreover, the proposed solution methods not only solve the proposed model within a reasonable computation time, but also obtain near‐optimal results with about 0.1~0.7% relative gap. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 529–548, 2016 相似文献
本文导出工质与三个热源间的传热系数分别为。α、β和γ,传热规律为q~∝△(T~(-1))时,内可逆三热源热泵的最佳供热系数ψ与供热率Π间的关系:ψ<1时,Π=K_1ψ[T_p(T_H-T_ο)-T_H(T_p-Tο)ψ]/[T_HT_pT_ο(1-△_1ψ)~2];ψ>1时,Π=K_2ψ[T_p(T_H-T_ο)-T_H(T_P-T_ο)ψ]/[T_HT_pT_ο(△_2-ψ)~2];式中,K_1=αγ/(α~(1/2)+γ~(1/2))~2,K_2=βγ/(β~(1/2)+γ~(1/2))~2,△_1=(α/β)~(1/2)(β~(1/2)-r~(1/2)/(α~(1/2)+γ~(1/2)),△_2=(β/α)~(1/2)(α~(1/2)-γ~(1/2))/(β~(1/2)+γ~(1/2))。由此可得许多有用的关系。 相似文献
Economic screening procedures based on a continuous screening variable X in place of a dichotomous performance variable T are presented. Optimal critical values on the screening variable minimizing the expected cost are obtained for two models; it is assumed that X given T is normally distributed in normal model and P[T = 1|X] is a logistic function of X in the logistic model, and that costs are incurred by screening inspection and misclassification errors. Cases where some parameters are unknown are also considered. 相似文献
本文力图从能表征状态的热力学参数熵的变化中找到有关有限时间热力学新的分析方法,提出了工作参数选择的最小熵产生最大值原则。这个原则揭示了有限时间热力学以时间为基础的“率”与非平衡热力学熵产生间的内在联系。据此,我们便可得到正、反向内可逆卡诺循环的最佳工作参数。为有限时间热力学的普遍应用研究提供了一新的线索。 相似文献