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随着空间活动的日益频繁,空间碎片的数量也与日俱增,给远程弹道导弹的空间飞行安全带来巨大威胁。针对空间碎片数目繁多,为了快速进行导弹空间飞行安全预警和发射窗口选择,根据远程弹道导弹空间飞行特点,提出了适用于导弹与空间碎片碰撞预警的空间碎片筛选方法,并通过仿真计算证明了该筛选方法的科学性和合理性,该筛选方法可提高导弹空间飞行安全预警效率并缩短预警时间。  相似文献   
针对舰载预警直升机机载雷达的作战需求,基于机载预警雷达单次扫描发现概率模型,从作战使用的角度,建立了机载预警雷达累积发现概率模型和建航概率模型,为机载雷达有效探测距离的确定提供了依据,为舰载预警直升机预警搜索决策的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
基于案例推理系统的强大功能,来源于它能够从案例库中迅速地检索到与当前新问题“相似”的案例,而这种相似性的比较主要依赖于如何建立问题的特征索引。结合目前三种主要的案例索引技术:最近相邻法(Nearest-neighbor)、归纳法和知识索引法,提出了改进最近相邻法的案例索引技术;并以设备故障诊断与维修为背景,给出了一种基于改进最近相邻法的线索推理算法。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a physics-based stochastic model to investigate vessel casualties resulting from tanker traffic through a narrow waterway. A state-space model is developed to represent the waterway and the location of vessels at a given time. We first determine the distribution of surface current at a given location of the waterway depending on channel geometry, bottom topography, boundary conditions, and the distribution of wind. Then we determine the distribution of the angular drift for a given vessel travelling at a given location of a waterway. Finally, we incorporate the drift probabilities and random arrival of vessels into a Markov chain model. By analyzing the time-dependent and the steady-state probabilities of the Markov chain, we obtain risk measures such as the probability of casualty at a given location and also the expected number of casualties for a given number of vessels arriving per unit time. Analysis of the Markovian model also yields an analytical result that shows that the expected number of casualties is proportional to square of the tanker arrival rate. We present our methodology on an experimental model of a hypothetical narrow waterway. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Reseach Logistics 46: 871–892, 1999  相似文献   
分析了目前国际上有关静电屏蔽性能测试的标准方法,针对我国目前缺少与国军标GJB2605-96配套的测试装置,作者参照美国电子工业协会标准EIA-541研制了一套静电屏蔽性能测试装置,并将此与美制静电屏蔽测试表ACL-500进行了对比实验,结果表明:在试验基板接地与不接地的两种情况下,试样内感应的峰值电压相差很大;试样的尺寸大小对测试结果影响不大;为了保证所测试的结果具有可比性,必须保持电容探头离试样袋口相等的距离。  相似文献   
研究了氮离子注入印制板钻头后对基体材料的显微硬度的影响.在实际中比较了注入和未注入钻头的钻孔效果及钻头的磨损状况;并用AES的方法分析了氮离子注入后工件表面的元素分布情况,探讨了氮离子注入的强化机制.  相似文献   
针对机载雷达最大作用距离这一参数,难以满足舰载预警直升机部署决策需求,建立了舰载预警直升机与目标接近到某一相对距离时,机载预警雷达发现目标的概率分布模型,进而给出了对特定目标满足给定发现概率和建航概率的有效探测距离计算模型,为针对不同目标预警时,舰载预警直升机的阵位配置研究提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   
Here, we revisit the bounded batch scheduling problem with nonidentical job sizes on single and parallel identical machines, with the objective of minimizing the makespan. For the single machine case, we present an algorithm which calls an online algorithm (chosen arbitrarily) for the one‐dimensional bin‐packing problem as a sub‐procedure, and prove that its worst‐case ratio is the same as the absolute performance ratio of . Hence, there exists an algorithm with worst‐case ratio , which is better than any known upper bound on this problem. For the parallel machines case, we prove that there does not exist any polynomial‐time algorithm with worst‐case ratio smaller than 2 unless P = NP, even if all jobs have unit processing time. Then we present an algorithm with worst‐case ratio arbitrarily close to 2. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 351–358, 2014  相似文献   
用分子子图法计算烷烃热力学函数   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在一种新的烷烃分子子图编码方法基础上 ,对烷烃的系列热力学函数进行了拟合和预测 ,取得了满意结果。对吉布斯自由能ΔGf,原子生成热ΔHatm,热容 Cp,蒸发热ΔHV,液态生成热ΔHf( l) 和熵 S的拟合方程的回归系数分别为 0 .9559,1 .0 0 0 0 ,0 .990 5,0 .9969,0 .9973和 0 .992 2。  相似文献   
课件写作系统的功能需求分析与结构选择策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文从“课件工程”的角度出发,对课件及其写作系统的功能需求和结构设计进行了讨论,并介绍了课件写作环境AutoCAI的开发过程和设计策略。  相似文献   
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