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以人为本是科学发展观的核心,也是指导各项工作的世界观与方法论的集中体现。军队现代化建设坚持以人为本,有着三个相互联系的方面:一是以人为本需要正确处理人和武器的关系,在二者的辩证统一中加强军队现代化建设,是我们必须确立的科学建设理念;二是以人为本只有在军人特别是军官的素质与能力转化中才能得到凸显,这是贯彻以人为本重要的实践原则;三是以人为本还要正确把握军人个人利益与人民利益的联结,自觉无私奉献,坚守革命军人“全心全意为人民服务”的伟大价值取向。  相似文献   
本文提出了多路自动切换容错系统的一般概念,并对容错系统的可靠性及平均无故障时间进行了分析、计算,实现了二路自动切换容错系统.  相似文献   
采用有效的人工智能技术提高验证效率正成为解决验证复杂性的手段之一。本文针对STG(State Transition Graph)中状态枚举数据量大的问题,提出隐含遍历的状态映射策略。并根据状态存储和电路结构特征,重点研究了HASH表状态冲突处理、函数域限定、函数不相交分解和混合搜索等启发技术策略。  相似文献   
Because of the rapid growth in automated manufacturing systems, complete inspection (screening) becomes very attractive. Sophisticated automated inspection equipment can efficiently process a large number of items and produce consistent and accurate results. However, in many applications the performance variable of interest is expensive to measure even by using automated inspection equipment. One alternative to deal with this problem is to use another variable, which is correlated with the performance variable and relatively inexpensive to measure as the screening variable. Since a screening variable is not perfectly correlated with the performance variable, decision errors that reject good-quality items or accept poor-quality items may occur. To reduce these errors, we propose a two-stage screening procedure in which the first-stage screening is based on a screening variable and the second-stage screening is based on the performance variable. The second-stage screening is performed only on those items of which the disposition cannot clearly be determined by the result of first stage screening. Three losses are considered in the formulation of the model. The first loss is the cost of inspection, the second loss is the cost associated with the disposition of rejected items, and the third loss is incurred by imperfect quality of accepted items. The optimal solution is derived and compared to the single-stage screening procedures based on the screening variable and the performance variable. In addition, the sensitivity of the optimal screening procedure with respect to the correlation between the performance variable and the screening variable and the cost of inspecting the performance variable is discussed and demonstrated by numerical results.  相似文献   
Vague物元及熵权的空袭目标威胁评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了应对防空反导作战需求,提出了一种基于Vague物元及熵权的空袭目标威胁评估方法。建立了空袭目标威胁评估复合Vague物元的概念,提出了一种新的将复合Vague物元转化为适合度物元的排序函数,使复合Vague物元便于量化处理,并运用熵权法客观地计算出了各空袭目标属性的权重,根据空袭目标威胁评估物元与正负理想物元的相对贴近度最终得到了目标威胁程度的排序。实例分析验证了该方法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
本文在引入“计算航向”这一概念的基础上重新列出了CCRP对地攻击原理的计算公式。并由此计算出描述投放点相对本机位置的⊿K 与⊿t 两个量。⊿K 表示在当前的攻击条件下“计算航向”与实际航向之差,“计算航向”表示本机若在当前沿该航向按给定条件飞行,则经一定时间⊿t 后即可到达正确的投弹点。  相似文献   
本文报告了最新研制的多功能智能仪,它有较多接口:键盘,显示器,打印机,A/D,D/A,并行口,串行口,内存空间达64k。多功能智能仪有广泛用途,文中给出了它在卫星通信地球站中两个应用实例及有关程序框图。  相似文献   
语音识别一般只是将语音转化成文字,识别的结果是没有标点的一连串汉字,这不利于读者阅读,也会影响后续任务的处理.因此,引入语音端点检测解决上述问题.同时针对传统的语言模型N-gram存在忽略字词之间语义的相似性、训练时的参数过大等问题,提出一种以全序列卷积神经网络DFCNN作为声学模型,Transformer作为语言模型...  相似文献   
针对战场运输保障任务批次多,不确定性强等特点,提出了一种轻型在线的运输路径规划算法。以节省整体运输开销为目标,利用图论思想对运输路径的相互关系进行了数学建模,定义了路径连接的必要条件和合并算子。并借鉴了节约法等启发式方法的思路,提出了一个路径优化合并方法和相应在线调度算法,能够按照负载平衡和最小开销策略分配运力,按需对现有任务合并。模拟实验结果表明,与过去按分管关系指派任务的方法相比,运输开销得到显著减小。  相似文献   
现代战争侧重对制心权的争夺。伊拉克战争表明战争的“正义性”是现代战争制心权发挥的政治基础,军事实力是战争制心权发挥的物质条件,战争谋略是战争制心权发挥的必然要求,信息科技优势是战争制心权发挥的技术支撑,加强心理防护是战争制心权发挥的重要条件。  相似文献   
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