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We examine the setup and improvement policies for a production process with multiple performance states. Assume that the production process deteriorates randomly over time, following a Markovian process with known transition probabilities. In order to reduce the production cost incurred because of process deterioration, the process is inspected at the end of each period. Then one of three actions may be taken: do nothing, perform routine process setup, or perform routine setup and process improvement. The routine setup operation returns the process to its best performance state, whereas the process improvement action may reduce future production and setup costs and improve the process-state transition probabilities. A discounted Markovian model is formulated to find the strategy that minimizes the total cost of operating the production process. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 383–400, 1997  相似文献   
Force chains based mesoscale simulation is conducted to investigate the response behavior of aluminum-polytetrafluoroethylene (Al-PTFE) granular composites under a low-velocity impact. A two-dimensional model followed the randomly normal distribution of real Al particles size is developed. The dynamic compressive process of Al-PTFE composites with varied Al mass fraction is simulated and validated against the experiments. The results indicate that, force chains behavior governed by the number and the size of agglomerated Al particles, significantly affects the impact response of the material. The failure mode of the material evolves from shear failure of matrix to debonding failure of particles with increasing density. A high crack area of the material is critical mechanism to arouse the initiation re-action. The damage maintained by force chains during large plastic strain builds up more local stresses concentration to enhance a possible reaction performance. In addition, simulation is performed with identical mass fraction but various Al size distribution to explore the effects of size centralization and dispersion on the mechanical properties of materials. It is found that smaller sized Al particle of com-posites are more preferred than its bulky material in ultimate strength. Increasing dispersed degree is facilitated to create stable force chains in samples with comparable particle number. The simulation studies provide further insights into the plastic deformation, failure mechanism, and possible energy release capacity for Al-PTFE composites, which is helpful for further design and application of reactive materials.  相似文献   
网络之间的关联依赖关系能使某一网络内的级联失效扩散至其他网络,其本质是位于不同网络的关联节点之间基于功能依赖的相关失效.以两个关联的网络为对象,建立关联网络模型,提出了一种关联网络的级联失效模型.模型将关联网络中的级联失效分解为网络内级联失效和网络间级联失效,并采用了基于度的级联规模评价方法.利用模型研究了两个关联无标...  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系要在实践中真正成为人民群众的行动指南,必须努力开拓其现实化的具体途径.坚持社会主义核心价值体系的科学引领力,可以筑牢当代革命军人核心价值观培育的思想道德基础;发挥当代革命军人核心价值观的巨大推动力,可以拓展社会主义核心价值体系建设的崭新生长点;注重"二力"并发,对促进中华民族共有精神家园建设具有重要价值.  相似文献   
以人为本是科学发展观的核心,也是指导各项工作的世界观与方法论的集中体现。军队现代化建设坚持以人为本,有着三个相互联系的方面:一是以人为本需要正确处理人和武器的关系,在二者的辩证统一中加强军队现代化建设,是我们必须确立的科学建设理念;二是以人为本只有在军人特别是军官的素质与能力转化中才能得到凸显,这是贯彻以人为本重要的实践原则;三是以人为本还要正确把握军人个人利益与人民利益的联结,自觉无私奉献,坚守革命军人“全心全意为人民服务”的伟大价值取向。  相似文献   
Because of the rapid growth in automated manufacturing systems, complete inspection (screening) becomes very attractive. Sophisticated automated inspection equipment can efficiently process a large number of items and produce consistent and accurate results. However, in many applications the performance variable of interest is expensive to measure even by using automated inspection equipment. One alternative to deal with this problem is to use another variable, which is correlated with the performance variable and relatively inexpensive to measure as the screening variable. Since a screening variable is not perfectly correlated with the performance variable, decision errors that reject good-quality items or accept poor-quality items may occur. To reduce these errors, we propose a two-stage screening procedure in which the first-stage screening is based on a screening variable and the second-stage screening is based on the performance variable. The second-stage screening is performed only on those items of which the disposition cannot clearly be determined by the result of first stage screening. Three losses are considered in the formulation of the model. The first loss is the cost of inspection, the second loss is the cost associated with the disposition of rejected items, and the third loss is incurred by imperfect quality of accepted items. The optimal solution is derived and compared to the single-stage screening procedures based on the screening variable and the performance variable. In addition, the sensitivity of the optimal screening procedure with respect to the correlation between the performance variable and the screening variable and the cost of inspecting the performance variable is discussed and demonstrated by numerical results.  相似文献   
多级膜水净化装置通过膜的过滤作用产生净水,而净水流量稳定性是该装置的性能评价要素之一。建立单级膜净水流量稳定性数学模型并将模型推广至多级膜,在Simulink环境下对多级膜模型进行仿真。结果表明,原水浊度越大,浓水阀门开度变化率越大、膜污染指数越小,净水流量越不稳定。实际净水实验表明仿真结论与实验结果相一致。通过调节浓水阀门开度对净水流量稳定性进行了控制分析,结果表明,浓水阀门开度以阶梯信号方式输入,可控制流量稳定系数在[-1,1]变化,从而提高多级膜水净化装置的工作效率。  相似文献   
军事思想是人们对战争、军队和国防的基本问题的理性认识。研究和总结人类各个时期军事思想的历史发展和特点,是对军事领域问题探讨的过程之一,是人类在军事领域自我认知的手段和途径,是超越自我、实现突破的必经之路。中世纪世界军事思想在特定的历史条件下.经历了一个缓慢的历史演变过程,其战争观、军队建设和战略战术思想有了较大的发展,呈现出缓慢性、演进性和多元性的特征。  相似文献   
Jones, Zydiak, and Hopp [1] consider the parallel machine replacement problem (PMRP), in which there are both fixed and variable costs associated with replacing machines. Increasing maintenance cost motivates replacements, and a fixed replacement cost provides incentive for replacing machines of the same age in clusters. They prove two intuitive but important results for finite- or infinite-horizon PMRPs, which significantly reduce the size of the linear programming (LP) formulation of the problem and computing efforts required to obtain an optimal replacement policy. Their results are the no-splitting rule (NSR) and the older cluster replacement rule (OCRR). Under a slightly weaker set of assumptions, we prove a third rule, the all-or-none rule (AONR), which states that in any period, an optimal policy is to keep or to replace all the machines regardless of age. This result further reduces the size of the LP formulation of the PMRP. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
<中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定>指出,坚持国防建设与经济建设协调发展,建设一支现代化、正规化的革命军队,是党执政的一项重大战略任务.坚持党对军队的绝对领导,加强军队全面建设,既是对我们党取得执政经验的科学总结,又是巩固我们党执政地位的现实保障,同时,加强军队全面建设对提高我们党的执政能力还具有服务和促进的功能.  相似文献   
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