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本文详尽阐述和探讨了发生在抗战时期的“里斯本丸”沉船事件,充分揭露了日本法西斯囚俘虐俘的凶残本性,展现了中国人民不惜自我牺牲冒死救援盟军的高尚精神。  相似文献   
Bayesian models for multiattribute acceptance sampling have been developed under the assumption that sampling inspection is carried to completion. A Bayesian multiattribute model for stepwise sampling inspection is proposed, whereby sampling inspection is terminated as soon as the disposition of the inspection lot is determined. An iterative solution procedure is developed for obtaining optimal or near-optimal multiattribute acceptance sampling plans under stepwise sampling inspection. The effect of stepwise sampling inspection on the characteristics of an optimal sampling plan is investigated. It is shown that stepwise sampling inspection achieves a sampling plan with lower total expected cost than complete sampling inspection. In addition, it is shown that the sequence of attributes in a stepwise sampling inspection substantially affects the sampling plan and resultant expected cost. The proposed methodology is used to evaluate various heuristics which may be used to determine the sequence of attributes in a stepwise inspection procedure.  相似文献   
输送流量在线实时监测是准确掌握机动管线运行工况、优化运行方案、分析判断泄漏的关键之一。分析了容积式、速度式和差压式等常用流量监测技术的技术特征与使用条件,根据机动管线的作业特点和要求,优选出涡街流量监测技术作为该管线系统的流量在线实时监测技术;分析了机动管线输送过程中管道振动对涡街流量计计量精度的影响,提出了几种不同的抗振防干扰技术,并应用于机动管线涡街流量监测装置的研制。样机试验表明,采用抗振技术的涡街流量监测装置检测精度能满足机动管线流量在线实时监测需求。  相似文献   
Motivated by the flow of products in the iron and steel industry, we study an identical and parallel machine scheduling problem with batch deliveries, where jobs finished on the parallel machines are delivered to customers in batches. Each delivery batch has a capacity and incurs a cost. The objective is to find a coordinated production and delivery schedule that minimizes the total flow time of jobs plus the total delivery cost. This problem is an extension of the problem considered by Hall and Potts, Ann Oper Res 135 (2005) 41–64, who studied a two‐machine problem with an unbounded number of transporters and unbounded delivery capacity. We first provide a dynamic programming algorithm to solve a special case with a given job assignment to the machines. A heuristic algorithm is then presented for the general problem, and its worst‐case performance ratio is analyzed. The computational results show that the heuristic algorithm can generate near‐optimal solutions. Finally, we offer a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme for a fixed number of machines. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 492–502, 2016  相似文献   
营房土地三维可视化管理是实现营房土地信息化的重要手段,而营房土地三维模型的建立是实现三维可视化管理的前提.为提高营房土地管理水平和管理效率,提出了基于二维GIS数据和三维模型库的营房土地三维模型构建方法,解决了大范围、多区域数据采集和建模工作量大的难题,实现了数据的廉价采集和三维模型的快速构建,是实现营房土地三维可视化管理的有效途径.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the empirical relationships between military expenditure and unemployment rates. A set of global panel data on 46 countries is utilized, and a panel data version of the Granger causality test is applied. The results indicate that there is little evidence of the causality running from unemployment to military expenditure regardless of how we measure military spending and determine group countries. In contrast, the causality running from military expenditure to unemployment receives empirical support if military expenditure is measured in terms of its share of GDP and if data are taken from middle‐ and low‐income countries or non‐OECD countries.  相似文献   
以污泥龄(SRT)为10 d和30 d的2组A/O-SBR反应器活性污泥为研究对象,探讨了SRT对污泥絮体中磷酸盐形态及其动态变化的影响。结果表明,污泥絮体中的磷主要分布于胞外聚合物(EPS),EPS磷占污泥絮体磷总质量的69.45%~73.36%。正磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)、低分子量聚磷酸盐(LMW Poly-P)和高分子量聚磷酸盐(HMW Poly-P)是污泥絮体磷的主要形态。高SRT(30 d)污泥絮体EPS磷含量明显大于中SRT(10 d),表现为前者较后者有更高的PO3-4-P和HMW Poly-P含量,对应着高SRT(30 d)污泥絮体较中SRT(10 d)有更高的磷含量,前者约为后者的1.37倍。厌氧/好氧反应过程中,中SRT(10 d)污泥絮体EPS磷的厌氧降低量和好氧升高量分别为高SRT(30 d)的1.35倍和1.46倍,主要归因于前者的PO3-4-P和HMW Poly-P较后者有更大的厌氧降低量,而PO3-4-P,LMW Poly-P和HMW Poly-P较后者有更大的好氧升高量,对应着中SRT(10 d)污泥絮体较高SRT(30 d)有更强的厌氧释磷和好氧吸磷能力。  相似文献   
在非制导火控系统中,为实现目标信息的自适应滤波与自适应解命中问题,机动目标模型应能动态识别,又要适应工作周期的各种变化.本文提出的“参数辨识模型”能同时满足上述要求,并可将自适应滤波纳入到现代控制理论的正常思路内予以解决.  相似文献   
为降低轿车主减速器噪声测试试验台本底噪声,其传动系统采用了四对三角胶带传动。本文论述的三角胶带轮必须满足:传动比要求、重量最轻、转动惯量最小、制造成本最低,故对三角胶带轮采用了多目标优化设计,其优化结果用于试验台的效果令人满意。  相似文献   
本文根据刚体螺旋运动的特点,利用旋转矩阵构造出评价载体姿态变化的目标函数;采用Vafa等人的“虚机械臂”模型简化计算;利用动量矩守恒的假设条件及完成抓取固定目标时的几何位形关系,得到微分约束和边界约束。提出机械臂“周期运动”寻优法,从而得到全局优化的近似解析解。  相似文献   
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