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To improve corrosion-resistance of shallow-buried concrete urban utility tunnels(UUTs),basalt fiber reinforced polymer(BFRP)bars are applied to reinforce UUTs.As the UUT must have excellent survival capability under accidental explosions,a shallow-buried BFRP bars reinforced UUT(BBRU)was designed and constructed.Repetitive blast experiments were carried out on this BBRU.Dynamic responses,damage evolutions and failure styles of the BBRU under repetitive explosions were revealed.The tunnel roof is the most vulnerable component and longitudinal cracks develop along the tunnel.When the scaled distance is larger than 1.10 m/kg1/3,no cracks are observed in the experiments.When the BBRU is severely damaged,there are five cracks forming and developing along the roof.The roof is simplified as a clamped-supported one-way slab,proved by the observation that the maximum strain of the transverse bar is much larger than that of the longitudinal bar.Dynamic responses of the roof slab are predicted by dynamic Euler beam theory,which can consistently predict the roof displacement under large-scaled-distance explosion.Compared with the UUT reinforced with steel bars,the BBRU has advantages in blast resistance with smaller deflections and more evenly-distributed cracks when the scaled distance is smaller than 1.260 m/kg1/3 and the steel bars enter plastic state.Longer elastic defamation of the BFRP bars endows the UUT more excellent blast resistance under small-scaled-distance explosions.  相似文献   
Nonlinear initial alignment is a significant research topic for strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS).Cubature Kalman filter(CKF)is a popular tool for nonlinear initial alignment.Standard CKF assumes that the statics of the observation noise are pre-given before the filtering process.Therefore,any unpredicted outliers in observation noise will decrease the stability of the filter.In view of this problem,improved CKF method with robustness is proposed.Multiple fading factors are introduced to rescale the obser-vation noise covariance.Then the update stage of the filter can be autonomously tuned,and if there are outliers exist in the observations,the update should be less weighted.Under the Gaussian assumption of KF,the Mahalanobis distance of the innovation vector is supposed to be Chi-square distributed.Therefore a judging index based on Chi-square test is designed to detect the noise outliers,determining whether the fading tune are required.The proposed method is applied in the nonlinear alignment of SINS,and vehicle experiment proves the effective of the proposed method.  相似文献   
In this paper,a novel launch dynamics measurement system based on the photoelectric sensor pair is built.The actual muzzle time(i.e.a time duration that originates from the initial movement to the rocket's departure from the muzzle)and the muzzle velocity are measured.Compared with the classical methods,the actual muzzle time is obtained by eliminating the ignition delay.The comparative analysis method is proposed with numerical simulations established by the transfer matrix method for multibody systems.The experiment results indicate that the proposed measurement system can effectively measure the actual muzzle time and reduce the error of classical methods,which match well with the simulation results showing the launch dynamics model is reliable and helpful for further analysis and design of the MLRS.  相似文献   
To study the thermal decomposition of Al/ZrH2/PTFE with different Al particle size as well as mechanical strength and impact sensitivity under medium and low strain rates, molding-vacuum sintering was adopted to prepare four groups of power materials and cylindrical specimens with different Al particle size. The active decomposition temperature of ZrH2 was obtained by TG-DSC, and the quasi-static me-chanics/reaction characteristics as well as the impact sensitivity of the specimen were studied respec-tively by quasi-static compression and drop-hammer test. The results show that the yield strength of the material decreased with the increase of the Al particle size, while the compressive strength, failure strain and toughness increased first and then decreased, which reached the maximum values of 116.61 MPa, 191%, and 119.9 MJ/m respectively when the Al particle size is 12—14μm because of particle size grading. The specimens with the highest strength and toughness formed circumferential open cracks and reacted partly when pressed. Those with developmental cracks formed inside did not react. It is considered that fracture of specimens first triggered initial reaction between Al and PTFE to release an amount of heat. Then ZrH2 was activated and decomposed, and participated in subsequent reaction to generate ZrC. The impact sensitivity of the specimens decreased with the increase of Al particle size.  相似文献   
Aiming at the problems of demagnetization effect of electromagnetic buffer (EMB) caused by high ve-locity under intensive impact load and the difficulty and error of machining composite thin-walled long tube, a segmented EMB is proposed. The inner tube and air-gap are divided into initial segments and the traversing segments. Through theoretical analysis, impact test and simulation, it can be found that the RRF curve has two peaks. Firstly, in order to reduce the resultant resistance force (RRF) peaks, the sensitivity analysis based on optimal Latin hypercube design (OLHD) and polynomial regression was performed. The results show that the smallest contribution ratio to the dynamic response is the seventh and ninth segments of the inner tube, which are less than 1%. Then, fully considering the uncertain factors, important parameters are selected for uncertain optimization after sensitivity analysis. The in-terval order and interval probability degree methods are used to establish interval uncertain optimiza-tion model of the RRF considering robustness. The model was solved using an interval nested optimization method based on radial basis function (RBF) neural network. Finally, the Pareto front is obtained and numerical simulation is performed to verify the optimal value. It indicates that the two kinds of RRF peak is obviously reduced, and the optimization object and strategy are effective.  相似文献   
苗壮  赵勋  王家宝  李阳  李航  张睿 《国防科技》2021,42(4):57-63
战争的信息化程度不断加深对军事侦察提出了更高要求.军事目标识别作为军事侦察的主要任务之一,需要能够处理细粒度军事目标,为人员提供更加详细的目标信息.但传统的粗粒度目标识别方法无法得到目标的细粒度信息.因此,如何识别细粒度目标成为目前军事侦察亟需解决的问题.针对该问题,本文结合军事领域的实际需求,对细粒度识别技术的发展现...  相似文献   
稳健灵活的信息流转模式是近距空中支援顺利实施的重要保障.针对近距空中支援信息流转模式构建问题,建立基于超网络的作战信息流转两层四网模型.根据作战经验,分析近距空中支援作战的主要作战力量及基本流程,抽象出相应的作战节点和信息关系,以此建立近距空中支援作战信息流转超网络模型.针对超网络节点的超度分布、网络弹性等特性进行...  相似文献   
能量是无线传感网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,WSNs)的重要资源.有效地利用节点能量可延长网络寿命.簇技术是提高资源分配、缓解网络能耗的有效策略.提出基于鸡群优化算法选择簇头的簇路由(Chicken Swarm Optimization-based Cluster Head Selecting...  相似文献   
本文根据电波传播及通信的理论,利用了现有的实测参数图表,分析并估算了×××电台进行数据传输的实际能力,即最大有效数传距离和抗噪声干扰性能.所得的数值及结论与实际条件下的通信实验结果相当接近.对一般战术电台都有适用意义.文章探讨了跳频工作的抗干扰性,有助于人们认清跳频抗干扰的实质,以减少一些盲目性,并能更合理地运用不同工作方式完成通信任务.  相似文献   
加工中心的可靠运行是加工柔性自动化的重要一环。本文利用人工智能和多传感器信息融合技术监视多种加工异常情况,采用多种控制策略,并行工作,进行实时知识处理,推理相应对策,并控制CNC系统,使加工恢复正常或停机,避免引起严重破坏。  相似文献   
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