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In order to improve the infrared detection and discrimination ability of the smart munition to the dy-namic armor target under the complex background, the multi-line array infrared detection system is established based on the combination of the single unit infrared detector. The surface dimension features of ground armored targets are identified by size calculating solution algorithm. The signal response value and the value of size calculating are identified by the method of fuzzy recognition to make the fuzzy classification judgment for armored target. According to the characteristics of the target signal, a custom threshold de-noising function is proposed to solve the problem of signal preprocessing. The multi-line array infrared detection can complete the scanning detection in a large area in a short time with the characteristics of smart munition in the steady-state scanning stage. The method solves the disadvan-tages of wide scanning interval and low detection probability of single unit infrared detection. By reducing the scanning interval, the number of random rendezvous in the infrared feature area of the upper surface is increased, the accuracy of the size calculating is guaranteed. The experiments results show that in the fuzzy recognition method, the size calculating is introduced as the feature operator, which can improve the recognition ability of the ground armor target with different shape size.  相似文献   
为了给在核化生事件中遂行任务的应急处置人员提供符合要求的个人防护装备,美国于2001年实施了NFPA1994《化学、生物恐怖事件用防护装具标准》.介绍了该标准中提出的化学、生物恐怖事件防护装备的技术要求,包括设计要求和技术性能要求,并讨论了各级防护装具的使用场合和时机、防护服的型式结构和对防护材料的要求.  相似文献   
根据滑翔增程炮弹的空气动力特性和飞行弹道特性,通过对滑翔弹道的理论分析,采用控制鸭舵技术,实现炮弹的增程。经过仿真优化可以得到最佳初始射角、助推发动机的最佳点火时间及作用时间、鸭舵的最佳展开时间以及控制系统进行飞行姿态控制所需的最佳摆动角曲线,理想情况下最优滑翔控制模型可使射程达到不进行滑翔控制时射程的1.5-2倍,所得结果对滑翔弹丸的气动力设计及控制系统设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
对近红外光谱法预测汽油中的稀烃、芳烃含量进行了研究,用全交互验证法对36个不同油库、加油站汽油样品中的稀烃、芳烃含量进行了预测。研究结果表明,近红外光谱法预测汽油中的稀烃、芳烃含量方法可靠,预测结果能够满足国家标准对稀烃、芳烃含量分析的误差要求。  相似文献   
陆军诸兵种合同作战兰切斯特方程的弹药消耗预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了诸兵种合同作战的兰切斯特方程及其矩阵解,提出了一种通过兵力损耗换算弹药损耗的新思路,分析和确定了用该方法预测弹药消耗的相关参数,最后运用Matlab进行仿真计算,预测出了武器装备战损情况和弹药消耗情况。  相似文献   
基于随机Petri网的综合航电系统建模及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种利用随机Petri网对综合航电系统进行建模和性能分析的方法.首先,建立了综合航电系统数据总线传输系统的随机Petri网系统模型,通过系统模型进行综合航电系统的性能分析;其次,给出了航空电子综合系统数据总线传输基于固定主控端周期指令的总线性能分析结果;最后,通过两种分析结果的比较,得出了基于随机Petri网对航空电子综合系统数据总线传输建模分析是可行的结论.  相似文献   
This paper studies the shaped charge jet performance in terms of different liner shapes including conical,bell,hemispherical and bi-conical liners.The critical angles and the relevant flow velocities for the zir-conium liner material were calculated analytically and numerically using Autodyn hydro-code.The relationship between the critical collapse angle and the flow velocity was determined for the conditions of jet formation and coherency.Penetration tests according to the standard testing procedures of API-RP34 (Section-Ⅱ) were performed to validate the numerical predictions of the jet performance of the studied liners.It was found that the four shaped charge liners all produced coherent jets with different performances.The penetration depth of the shaped charges with the bell and the bi-conical liner shapes increased by 10.3% and 22%,respectively,while the crater diameter of shaped charge with hemispherical liner increased by 85% representing the formation of an explosively-formed-projectile (EFP),when they are compared with the corresponding jet characteristics of a conical liner shaped charge.  相似文献   
在电力市场环境下,AGC不仅要使系统频率保持稳定,而且要使各个发电单元输出电力满足市场合同要求。在现有AGC系统的基础上,对频率偏差的因子的取值进行了分析,建立起清晰、简明、便于分析的数学模型,直观地展现了系统内各个环节的相互关系,为AGC系统的运行和调整提供了数学依据;并通过对模型的计算机仿真,反映出不同情况下系统的动态性能和稳态性能。  相似文献   
针对机载雷达伺服系统提出了一种参数模糊自整定PID控制,利用模糊控制规则在线对PID参数进行修改,克服了传统PID控制的一些缺点.详细介绍了参数模糊自整定PID控制的基本原理及设计方法,并采用MATLAB/SIMULINK中的模糊控制工具箱对系统进行了辅助设计与仿真实验.仿真结果表明,该控制方法可以提高雷达伺服系统的动、静态特性,使整个系统获得较好的性能.  相似文献   
改革开放30年是"解放思想、求真务实"思想路线胜利引领的历史进程。这一历史进程的思想提炼是:一个历史性贡献,把解放思想、求真务实概括为伟大旗帜的"精髓";一个时代性课题,靠解放思想、求真务实搞清楚社会主义的本质;一个创造性工程,在解放思想、求真务实指引下,"试"字当头,开拓新道路;一个方向性引领,将解放思想、求真务实转化为坚持"科学发展观",实现又好又快发展的大局。  相似文献   
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