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编者按:为了学习和宣传党的十七大精神,根据军事科学院政治部的统一部署,我刊特约有关专家撰写了一组稿件载于"本刊特稿"专栏,从军事历史的角度研究和探讨科学发展观对于国防和军队建设的重要指导作用,与广大读者共同学习和理解胡锦涛同志在党的十七大报告中关于国防和军队建设的重要论述.  相似文献   
3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one (NTO) is the main component of insensitive munitions (IM) formulation because of its outstanding insensitive properties.In this paper,a series of NTO/HMX-based composite explosives were prepared and characterized.The study focuses on the effect of NTO on the performance of the formulations,especially the safety performance.The results revealed that the mechanical sensi-tivity of formulations was associated with NTO content,as well as the thermal conductivity,specific heat capacity and Arrhenius parameters.Then,the high amount of NTO using in formulation was proved to be helpful for NTO/HMX-based formulation to exhibit good thermal safety.Besides,by accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and a modified cook-offequipment,the pressure and pressure rise rate were proved as the important indicator for judging the thermal safety performance in confined spaces.Finally,the numerical simulation was used as a credible method for predicting the respond temperature of cook-off experiment.  相似文献   
针对地下储油复杂组合空间,采用大涡模拟的方法构建了油气扩散蔓延三维数值模拟模型,完成了油气扩散蔓延区域的空间离散和三维数值模拟求解优化,并进行了数值计算与分析。结果表明,在地下复杂组合受限空间油料泄漏后,罐室内的油气填充顺序为由边缘到出口、由底部到上部,油气不能达到100%的充满状态,罐室拱形顶部油气体积分数低于其爆炸下限的20%;罐室内油气的产生和蔓延十分迅速,从泄漏至到达罐室口仅需10 s,进入坑道仅需1 min;油气在流出罐室进入坑道后,具有迅速向四周扩散蔓延,流向一切可能注入的空间的特性。研究结果为地下储油工程的施工建设、安全管理、危险源监控等提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
内燃机噪声控制的现状与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
军用装备动力设备噪声过大严重影响指战员的通讯,对身心会造成严重的伤害.介绍了内燃机噪声控制技术的发展过程和最新技术,对隔声罩的设计作了较为详细的阐述.针对军用装备动力设备噪声过大的问题,提出采用隔声罩是较为行之有效的处理方法.  相似文献   
从设计角度论述了装甲车新型大视场高潜望镜的研制过程,重点分析了光学系统设计和结构设计。  相似文献   
采用表面形貌技术对陶瓷磨削表面残余应力进行测试研究,对表面粗糙度曲线经过数据截取、滤波以及规范化处理后可得到表面挠度曲线,认为,此方法与X射线衍射法相比测试结果较接近,是测试残余应力的有效方法;其数据处理过程是保证测试精度的关键;挠度变化是个渐变的过程。  相似文献   
以院实施射击、通信课改革为出发点,针对改革实施的必要性、指导思想、改革的内容、改革的措施等几个问题进行了具体论述。为下一步改革提供几点借鉴,促进改革的顺利实施。  相似文献   
用PWM调节技术,按自控原理,对发电机励磁系统进行了改进设计,并比较了几种励磁系统的优缺点,提出了完整的设计电路。其电路简单,工作可靠。  相似文献   
频率捷变雷达有许多其它雷达无法比拟的优点,在现代雷达体制中占有重要地位。分析了频率捷变雷达的特点,根据其工作原理,提出了干扰频率捷变雷达的几种方法,分析了各自的优点和局限性。阐述了干扰方法的原理及实现的技术途径,并给出了有关参数的计算方法和实例。  相似文献   
In financial engineering, sensitivities of derivative prices (also known as the Greeks) are important quantities in risk management, and stochastic gradient estimation methods are used to estimate them given the market parameters. In practice, the surface (function) of the Greeks with respect to the underlying parameters is much more desired, because it can be used in real‐time risk management. In this paper, we consider derivatives with multiple underlying assets, and propose three stochastic kriging‐based methods, the element‐by‐element, the importance mapping, and the Cholesky decomposition, to fit the surface of the gamma matrix that can fulfill the time constraint and the precision requirement in real‐time risk management. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
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