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We consider scheduling problems involving two agents (agents A and B), each having a set of jobs that compete for the use of a common machine to process their respective jobs. The due dates of the A‐jobs are decision variables, which are determined by using the common (CON) or slack (SLK) due date assignment methods. Each agent wants to minimize a certain performance criterion depending on the completion times of its jobs only. Under each due date assignment method, the criterion of agent A is always the same, namely an integrated criterion consisting of the due date assignment cost and the weighted number of tardy jobs. Several different criteria are considered for agent B, including the maxima of regular functions (associated with each job), the total (weighted) completion time, and the weighted number of tardy jobs. The overall objective is to minimize the performance criterion of agent A, while keeping the objective value of agent B no greater than a given limit. We analyze the computational complexity, and devise polynomial or pseudo‐polynomial dynamic programming algorithms for the considered problems. We also convert, if viable, any of the devised pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithms into a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 416–429, 2016  相似文献   
We consider a stochastic partially observable system that can switch between a normal state and a transient abnormal state before entering a persistent abnormal state. Only the persistent abnormal state requires alarms. The transient and persistent abnormal states may be similar in appearance, which can result in excess false alarms. We propose a partially observable Markov decision process model to minimize the false alarm rate, subject to a given upper bound on the expected alarm delay time. The cost parameter is treated as the Lagrange multiplier, which can be estimated from the bound of the alarm delay. We show that the optimal policy has a control‐limit structure on the probability of persistent abnormality, and derive closed‐form bounds for the control limit and present an algorithm to specify the Lagrange multiplier. We also study a specialized model where the transient and persistent abnormal states have the same observation distribution, in which case an intuitive “watchful‐waiting” policy is optimal. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 320–334, 2016  相似文献   
钦迪特(Chindits)是缅甸人信奉的万能神兽之名.据缅甸神话传说,钦迪特是个狮首鹰身的神兽,既能在天空翱翔和地上飞奔,更善水中遨游,是飞禽走兽和水族之王,惯于除暴护良,被缅甸民众视为保护神,故在建筑物及房屋的门楣上雕刻着它的像,以示崇敬.1942年4月18日,二战中的英军名将温格特来到缅甸.  相似文献   
中央苏区和红军的5次反"围剿"斗争,以它正反两方面的经验,对中国共产党和中国革命战争的发展产生了深远影响.前4次反"围剿"的胜利,促进了中央红军和中央苏区的全面发展,代表了中国红军和苏维埃运动的辉煌;第5次反"围剿"的失败,从反面说明正确的政治路线和军事路线对革命战争胜利的极端重要性;而整个反"围剿"的实践,则为中国共产党造就了第一代善于治党、治军乃至治国的领袖.  相似文献   
太平军二破江南大营战役军事艺术评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太平军二破江南大营战役,是太平天国战争史上的经典战例.本文从战略角度肯定太平军以外线作战为主旨的战略构想,分析促成其实现的军事指挥系统方面的特点和对清军方面的相对优势,并揭示这一胜利经验的相对性.  相似文献   
胡锦涛同志关于党的反腐倡廉建设的思想,高屋建瓴,蕴涵丰富。认真学习其理论体系,准确把握其特点规律,充分认清其地位作用,对于凝聚党心、鼓舞斗志,引领党的反腐倡廉建设迈向新高度,推进党的建设新的伟大工程意义重大而深远。  相似文献   
发挥军事博客的动员效能为战争服务,将成为未来信息化战争中舆论斗争的新焦点。因此,必须深入了解军事博客的基本特性,准确把握其战时动员应用的基点,并扎实做好各项动员准备工作,夯实动员基础,确保其战时动员效能得以有效发挥。  相似文献   
1.工程爆破的内涵与基本特点1)工程爆破的内涵众所周知,20世纪50年代以来,钻孔机具、爆破器材和计算机技术的发展为工程爆破现代化提供了坚实的物质基础,大大地促进了工程爆破的迅猛发展,拓宽了它的应用领域。目前它已从传统的岩土爆破渗透到国民经济建设的各个领域。可以毫不夸张地说,现代爆破技术的发展,完全有能力利用炸药的爆炸能量去代替大量机械或人力难以完成的工作,其创新成果,在众多领域发挥巨大作用和产生的社会、经济效益,  相似文献   
通过对美军系列战储物资条令的分析,部分成功案例,结合我军战备物资管理的实际情况,效益的建议。全面介绍了美军战备物资的延期采购机制和提出了一系列提高战备物资军事效益和经济  相似文献   
非预备役人员是国防后备力量建设的必要组成和人民武装动员的重要对象。应顺应科技型后备力量的发展趋势,大力加强非预备役人员动员,拓展动员体系,建立统计制度,加强教育引导,完善补偿机制,灵活组织管理,实施精确动员。  相似文献   
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