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本文将 Stampfli 中关于次正常移位算子的刻画,用算于形式给出了另一种表示,而这正是文献中所建立的次正常算子充要条件。这种表示具有运用简便的特点。  相似文献   
建立了纵横加筋圆柱曲板和圆柱壳的弹性稳定性临界压力公式.对文献中关于大直径环肋薄壳的异常及潜艇实肋板带纵骨式耐压液舱壳板的稳定性进行了计算,并探讨筋条的偏心、纵筋数目的奇偶性对壳体稳定性的影响  相似文献   
论述了CALS的产生及发展成为全球信息化基础工程的过程,由CALS建立的综合数字数据环境,以及从知识经济的产生和CALS在并行工程、敏捷制造与电子商务中的应用,简明CALS为知识经济创造了信息环境。  相似文献   
战争与和平对立统一、相互交织,构成了人类生活的主题,因其与社会进步和人类发展休戚相关,成为古今中外人们关注的焦点.从某种程度上说,人类的历史就是一部战争史,战争因对社会发展的巨大推动作用和给人类带来的深重浩劫而成为一体两面的价值体.战争的暴烈使人们渴望和平,并以不同形式展开了对和平的追求.在人类历史上,和平要比战争成熟得晚.在和平与发展的历史条件下,维护和平、制止战争是全人类共同的责任.  相似文献   
以现代物理、计算机、自动控制、信息处理与融合等高新技术为支撑的现代舰载光电装备技术,在现代海战中有着举足轻重的作用.根据现代海战的基本特点,论证了高科技局部海战对光电装备的3大需求,阐述了现代舰载光电装备的类别及其发展趋势.  相似文献   
着力加强省军区系统团以上党委机关思想作风建设,必须着眼部队建设科学发展,坚持把端正工作指导思想作为思想作风建设的首要任务;着眼依法从严治党治军,坚持把增强贯彻力执行力作为思想作风建设的重大问题;着眼充分发挥作用,坚持把有效履行职能使命作为思想作风建设的生动实践;着眼坦荡为官做人,坚持把加强人品官德修养作为思想作风建设的终身课题.  相似文献   
建立高射机枪有限元模型的目的在于对其进行动力特性分析和求解动力响应,并作为自动武器动力学仿真的重要组成部分。针对某型高射机枪建立有限元改进模型,建模中,把枪身、托架等简化为空间梁系,下架采用三维等参元模拟,并采用主从自由度法处理了三维元与梁元的联结问题,通过与传统粱单元模型的对比分析,说明改进模型具有较好的精度。  相似文献   
Safety of underground ammunition storage is an important issue, especially during the accidental ignition of missiles. This work investigates the pressure and temperature distribution of the multi-layer underground ammunition storage with a pressure relief duct during the accidental ignition process of the missile. A large-scale experiment was carried out using a multi-layered restricted space with a pressure relief duct to simulate the underground ammunition store and a solid rocket motor to simulate the accidental ignition of the missile. The results show that when the motor gas mass flow increased by 5.6 times, the maximum pressure of the ammunition storage increased by 5.87 times. At a certain motor flow rate, when the pressure relief exhaust area at the end of the relief duct was reduced by 1/2, the maximum pressure on the first layer did not change. But the rate of pressure relief was reduced and the time delayed for the pressure of ammunition store to drop to zero. In this experiment, when the motor ignition position was located in to the third layer ammunition chamber, the maximum pressure was reduced by 32.9% and also reduced the rate of change of pressure. In addition, for the experimental conditions, the theoretical analysis of the pressure relief of the ammunition storage is given by a simplified model. Based on the findings, some suggestions to the safety protection design of ammunition store are proposed.  相似文献   
In this study, Al-CuO nanocomposites were fabricated by sol-gel method. As a contrast, the thermite was prepared by physical mixing at the equivalence ratio of 0.5, 1, 2, respectively. The intermediates and samples as prepared were characterized by SEM and XRD. The exothermic properties of the two samples prepared at different equivalence ratios were tested and the reaction products were characterized by XRD. The SEM results show that the sample prepared by the sol-gel method demonstrates a micron-sized agglomerated sphere formed by a mutual wrapping of Al NPs and CuO NPs, and the particles are evenly distributed in the agglomerate. In addition, when the content of Al powder is seriously insufficient, the heat release of the sample prepared by physical mixing is 1.6 times that of by sol-gel method. With the increase of Al powder content, the exothermic properties of Al/CuO NPs prepared by sol-gel method began to increase significantly compared with physical mixing and the difference is 1.5 times when the equivalence ratio increases to 2. It can be concluded that the reason for this result may be attributed to the different mass transfer modes of components due to the different morphologies of samples.  相似文献   
针对GPS/INS(Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System)组合导航中GPS转发式干扰问题,在分析故障变化特性与故障诊断函数特性之间关系的基础上,提出了一种基于局部状态χ2检验的方法。通过观测值的变化、观测模型的变化和χ2检验中x赞1k的变化论证了方法的可行性,并得出组合导航受到转发式干扰是判断系统发生故障的充分而非必要条件的结论。最后通过在仿真轨迹中加入诱偏来模拟转发式干扰,仿真实验证明该方法能够以较高的灵敏度和较高的准确性判断转发式干扰的发生。  相似文献   
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