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Large complicated projects with interdependent activities can be described by project networks. Arcs represent activities, nodes represent events, and the network's structure defines the relation between activities and events. A schedule associates an occurrence time with each event: the project can be scheduled in several different ways. We assume that a known amount of cash changes hands at each event. Given any schedule the present value of all cash transactions can be calculated. The payment scheduling problem looks for a schedule that maximizes the present value of all transactions. This problem was first introduced by Russell [2]; it is a nonlinear program with linear constraints and a nonconcave objective. This paper demonstrates that the payment scheduling problem can be transformed into an equivalent linear program. The linear program has the structure of a weighted distribution problem and an efficient procedure is presented for its solution. The algorithm requires the solution of triangular systems of equations with all matrix coefficients equal to ± or 0.  相似文献   
A review of univariate tolerance intervals is presented from an application-oriented point of view. Both β-content and β-expectation intervals are defined and considered. Standard problems are discussed for the distribution-free case and with various distributional assumptions (normal, gamma, Poisson) which occur most frequently in practice. The determination of sample size is emphasized. A number of examples are used to illustrate the types of problems which permit solutions with the excellent tables now available.  相似文献   
This work is concerned primarily with presenting techniques for constructing bimatrix games with predetermined equilibrium points. Some partial results on Nash-solvability are also given.  相似文献   
A cutting plane method, based on a geometric inequality, is described as a means of solving geometric programs. While the method is applied to the primal geometric program, it is shown to retain the geometric programming duality relationships. Several methods of generating the cutting planes are discussed and illustrated on some example problems.  相似文献   
The 0-1 multiple-knapsack problem is an extension of the well-known 0-1 knapsack problem. It is a problem of assigning m objects, each having a value and a weight, to n knapsacks in such a way that the total weight in each knapsack is less than its capacity limit and the total value in the knapsacks is maximized. A branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the problem is developed and tested. Branching rules that avoid the search of redundant partial solutions are used in the algorithm. Various bounding techniques, including Lagrangean and surrogate relaxations, are investigated and compared.  相似文献   
An extended logistic system is a well-defined configuration of equipment, modules, inventories, and repair and replacement facilities modeling a complex, repairable system with on-going repair. The design of such systems has been based largely on the static tools of inventory theory and reliability theory, i.e., on steady-state distributions and on associated means and variances. Such static tools suppress the scale of real lime and ignore system persistence time in up-states and persistence time in down-states. A reasonably simple dynamic methodology is presented, focusing on system failure time as a more meaningful objective function for system-design tradeoff studies. In the presence of good reliability, it is shown that different candidates for system failure time effectively merge to yield an unambiguous, single system failure time. Examples illustrating the importance of dynamic information for system design are given.  相似文献   
This paper characterizes the structure of optimal strategies for a replacement problem for two special cases of observation quality. It is shown that when the state of the system is either completely observed or completely unobserved at every decision epoch by the controller, reasonable assumptions are sufficient for the existence of optimal replacement strategies composed of policies having a generalized, control-limit form. These structural results are of particular interest since the optimal cost functions for the two special cases represent bounds on the optimal cost function for the general partially observed case, significant computational simplification can result for the two special cases due to their optimal strategy structure, and optimal strategies possessing a control-limit structure do not necessarily exist for the general partially observed case.  相似文献   
In 1973 the Defense Department made plans to close many Navy bases in the United States. Hardest hit was Rhode Island which would suffer a loss of 45.61% of the total cutback of 42,812 jobs. This paper describes two models which were built to forecast the severity of the economic impact in Rhode Island: one used the reduced form equation approach, and the other the simultaneous equations system approach. Tests on multicollinearity, specification, and serial correlation were conducted. An ex post evaluation of these two models' performance in forecasting then concludes the paper.  相似文献   
In this paper we are concerned with several random processes that occur in M/G/1 queues with instantaneous feedback in which the feedback decision process is a Bernoulli process. Queue length processes embedded at various times are studied. It is shown that these do not all have the same asymptotic distribution, and that in general none of the output, input, or feedback processes is renewal. These results have implications in the application of certain decomposition results to queueing networks.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for modeling cyclic inputs to a congested system in a discrete event digital simulation. Specifically, we express the mean of the interarrival time conditional on the last arrival as a linear combination of harmonic components whose coefficients can be determined by stepwise regression. We also assume that the conditional interarrival time normalized by its corresponding mean follows a distribution that is independent of time. The result can, in turn, be used to generate the desired input for a simulation, An example based on a set of actual data is used to illustrate the process of parameter estimation for the model.  相似文献   
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