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The existing literature concentrates on determining sharp upper bounds for EVPI in stochastic programming problems. This seems to be a problem without an application. Lower bounds, which we view as having an important application, are only the incidental subject of study and in the few instances that are available are obtained at an extremely high cost. In order to suggest a rethinking of the course of this research, we analyze the need for bounds on EVPI in the context of its significance in decision problems.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the properties of a Bilinear Programming problem, and develop a convergent cutting plane algorithm. The cuts involve only a subset of the variables and preserve the special structure of the constraints involving the remaining variables. The cuts are deeper than other similar cuts.  相似文献   
The problem of multiple-resource capacity planning under an infinite time horizon is analyzed using a nonlinear programming model. The analysis generalizes to the long term the short-run pricing model for computer networks developed in Kriebel and Mikhail [5]. The environment assumes heterogeneous resource capacities by age (vingate), which service a heterogeneous and relatively captive market of users with known demand functions in each time period. Total variable operating costs are given by a continuous psuedoconcave function of system load, capacity, and resource age. Optimal investment, pricing, and replacement decision rules are derived in the presence of economies of scale and exogenous technological progress. Myopic properties of the decision rules which define natural (finite) planning subhorizons are discussed.  相似文献   
Inventory systems with returns are systems in which there are units returned in a repairable state, as well as demands for units in a serviceable state, where the return and demand processes are independent. We begin by examining the control of a single item at a single location in which the stationary return rate is less than the stationary demand rate. This necessitates an occasional procurement of units from an outside source. We present a cost model of this system, which we assume is managed under a continuous review procurement policy, and develop a solution method for finding the policy parameter values. The key to the analysis is the use of a normally distributed random variable to approximate the steady-state distribution of net inventory. Next, we study a single item, two echelon system in which a warehouse (the upper echelon) supports N(N ? 1) retailers (the lower echelon). In this case, customers return units in a repairable state as well as demand units in a serviceable state at the retailer level only. We assume the constant system return rate is less than the constant system demand rate so that a procurement is required at certain times from an outside supplier. We develop a cost model of this two echelon system assuming that each location follows a continuous review procurement policy. We also present an algorithm for finding the policy parameter values at each location that is based on the method used to solve the single location problem.  相似文献   
The classical Economic Order Quantity Model requires the parameters of the model to be constant. Some EOQ models allow a single parameter to change with time. We consider EOQ systems in which one or more of the cost or demand parameters will change at some time in the future. The system we examine has two distinct advantages over previous models. One obvious advantage is that a change in any of the costs is likely to affect the demand rate and we allow for this. The second advantage is that often, the times that prices will rise are fairly well known by announcement or previous experience. We present the optimal ordering policy for these inventory systems with anticipated changes and a simple method for computing the optimal policy. For cases where the changes are in the distant future we present a myopic policy that yields costs which are near-optimal. In cases where the changes will occur in the relatively near future the optimal policy is significantly better than the myopic policy.  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of computing optimal ordering policies for a product that has a life of exactly two periods when demand is random. Initially costs are charged against runouts (stockouts) and outdating (perishing). By charging outdating costs according to the expected amount of outdating one period into the future, a feasible one period model is constructed. The central theorem deals with the n-stage dynamic problem and demonstrates the appropriate cost functions are convex in the decision variable and also provides bounds on certain derivatives. The model is then generalized to include ordering and holding costs. The paper is concluded with a discussion of the infinite horizon problem.  相似文献   
The component placement problem is a specialization of the quadratic assignment problem that has been extensively studied for a decade and which is of considerable practical value. Recently, interest in component placement algorithms has risen primarily as a result of increased activity in the field of computer-aided design automation. This paper deals with the methodology of component placement and is based on the results of considerable operational experience. A tutorial presentation of tree search placement algorithms is provided, and an improved placement procedure is described which is demonstrated to be effective in generating near optimal solutions to the component placement problem. These solutions are completely reproducible and are obtained at an acceptable expenditure of computational resources. An additional objective is an assessment of performance of the class of near optimal algorithms. In particular, the question- how close to optimal are the near optimal solutions- is examined.  相似文献   
A modified generalized programming procedure is presented for solving concave programming problems with equality constraints. The procedure constructs convenient linear approximations of the gradient of the dual and finds points where the approximating functions vanish. In the quadratic programming case, the procedure is finitely convergent. Global convergence is established for the non-quadratic case. Illustrative numerical examples are included.  相似文献   
It is well‐known that the efficient set of a multiobjective linear programming (MOLP) problem can be represented as a union of the maximal efficient faces of the feasible region. In this paper, we propose a method for finding all maximal efficient faces for an MOLP. The new method is based on a condition that all efficient vertices (short for the efficient extreme points and rays) for the MOLP have been found and it relies on the adjacency, affine independence and convexity results of efficient sets. The method uses a local top‐down search strategy to determine maximal efficient faces incident to every efficient vertex for finding maximal efficient faces of an MOLP problem. To our knowledge, the proposed method is the first top‐down search method that uses the adjacency property of the efficient set to find all maximal efficient faces. We discuss this and other advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm. We also discuss some computational experience we have had with our computer code for implementing the algorithm. This computational experience involved solving several MOLP problems with the code.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Exporting Democracy: Fulfilling America's Destiny. By Joshua Muravchik, American Enterprise Institute (1991) ISSN 0–8447–3734–8. $12.95.

Generals in the Palacio. By Roderick Ai Camp. Oxford University Press, (1992), ISBN 0–19–507300–2, £45.

L'Armement en France. Genèse, Ampleur et Coût d'une Industrie By François Chesnais and Claude Serfati, Editions Nathan, Collection Economie/Sciences Sociales, Paris (1992), ISBN 2–09–190086–9.

The Têt Offensive. Intelligence Failure in War. By James Wirtz, Cornell University Press, New York (1991), ISBN 0–8014–2486–0. $38.50.

Restructuring of arms producton in Western Europe. Edited by Michael Brzoska and Peter Lock. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1992), ISBN 0–1982–9147–7. £25.00.

What is Proper Soldiering? A study of new perspectives for the future uses of the Armed Forces of the 1990s. By Michael Harbottle. The Centre for International Peacebuilding, Chipping Norton (1992), £3.50.

The Strategic Defence Initiative By Edward Reiss, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1992), ISBN 0–521–41097–5. £30.00.  相似文献   

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