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In this paper, we investigate systems subject to random shocks that are classified into critical and noncritical categories, and develop two novel critical shock models. Classical extreme shock models and run shock models are special cases of our developed models. The system fails when the total number of critical shocks reaches a predetermined threshold, or when the system stays in an environment that induces critical shocks for a preset threshold time, corresponding to failure mechanisms of the developed two critical shock models respectively. Markov renewal processes are employed to capture the magnitude and interarrival time dependency of environment-induced shocks. Explicit formulas for systems under the two critical shock models are derived, including the reliability function, the mean time to failure and so on. Furthermore, the two critical shock models are extended to the random threshold case and the integrated case where formulas of the reliability indexes of the systems are provided. Finally, a case study of a lithium-ion battery system is conducted to illustrate the proposed models and the obtained results.  相似文献   
Microsatellites have been widely applied in the fields of communication,remote sensing,navigation and science exploration due to its characteristics of low cost,flexible launch mode and short development period.However,conventional solid-propellant have difficulties in starting and interrupting combustion because combustion is autonomously sustained after ignition.Herein,we proposed a new type of solid-propellant named laser-controlled solid propellant,which is sensitive to laser irradiation and can be started or interrupted by switching on/off the continuous wave laser.To demonstrate the feasibility and investigate the controllable combustion behaviors under different laser on/off conditions,the combus-tion parameters including burning rate,ignition delay time and platform pressure were tested using pressure sensor,high-speed camera and thermographic camera.The results showed that the increase of laser-on or laser-off duration both will lead to the decrease of propellant combustion performance during re-ignition and re-combustion process.This is mainly attributed to the laser attenuation caused by the accumulation of combustion residue and the change of chamber ambient temperature.Simultaneously,the multiple ignition tests revealed that the increased chamber ambient temperature after combustion can make up for the energy loss of laser attenuation and expansion of chamber cavity.However,the laser-controlled combustion performance of solid propellant displayed a decrease trend with the addi-tion of ignition times.Nevertheless,the results still exhibited good laser-controlled agility of laser-controlled solid propellant and manifested its inspiring potential in many aspects of space missions.  相似文献   
装配式管线是一种重要的油料保障装备,用于地面铺设,属于典型的薄壁弱约束管线系统。根据装配式管线的特点,应用管道弹性变形理论,推导了水力瞬变状态下装配式管线的非线性流固耦合5-方程模型。该模型充分考虑了管道与流体之间的耦合互动效应,耦合形式包含了泊松耦合、摩擦耦合、结合部耦合,以及管线系统的轴向、横向和径向振动耦合,并计及了管道结构阻尼的影响。针对装配式管线的特殊连接约束方式,提出了一种带有扭转弹簧的铰支型约束边界,可通过确定扭转弹簧的弹性系数来建立管线两端的约束边界方程。  相似文献   
利用重庆市九龙坡区电网2009年7月1日000-10月8日4:00 99 d共2 380个历史电力负荷数据,分析其特点和规律.将构建混沌理论的平均位移(AD)法和支持向量机(SVM)相结合,提出了一种新的短期电力负荷预测模型.通过仿真计算,将结果与神经网络法预测结果进行对比,可得新方法能较好反应数据变化趋势,并且具备较好的拟合能力,能够提高负荷预测精度.在实际短期电力负荷预测中,可优先选用平均位移法与支持向量机相结合的新方法.  相似文献   
为研究T型分支坑道对油气爆炸传播特性的影响,通过对比实验,测定了相同初始条件下T型分支坑道和直坑道中油气混合物爆炸的火焰传播速度和爆炸波超压值。利用高速摄影仪,记录了火焰传播至T型分支坑道时的火焰阵面变化情况,并对T型分支坑道中油气混合物爆炸的传播情况进行了理论分析。结果表明:T型分支坑道对油气混合物爆炸的影响可以视为面积突扩和障碍物扰动双重作用的影响;火焰经过支坑道时,火焰阵面发生扭曲并产生皱褶,表面积增大导致火焰传播速度增大;T型分支坑道处,大量反射波和绕射波进入波后反应区,加强了气流湍流强度,并推动已燃气体回传,迅速提高了燃烧反应速度和能量释放率,起到了增大火焰传播速度和爆炸波超压值的作用。  相似文献   
紧紧围绕国防和军队建设的主题主线大力加强和改进思想政治建设,必须切实把广大官兵思想统一到主题主线重大战略思想上来;积极推动信息主导理念在部队牢固确立;加大新型军事人才培养力度;重视抓好各级干部贯彻主题主线能力提高;进一步加强和改进政治工作方法手段.  相似文献   
军委颁发的<2020年前军队人才发展规划纲要>充分体现了国防和军队建设的主题主线,科学系统地确定了我军人才发展总体思路、目标任务、战略抓手和制度保障,是深入实施军队人才战略工程、加快军队人才科学发展的纲领性文件.  相似文献   
许多嵌入式实时任务的实际执行时间往往小于最坏情况执行时间,因此可以产生大量的动态松弛时间.针对时限等于周期的偶发任务集,提出一种基于动态松弛时间回收的多核系统节能实时调度算法LRE-DVFS-ALL.该算法基于最优在线调度算法LRE-TL,利用TL面内节能实时调度思想,在每个TL面的提前完成时刻实现动态松弛时间回收,降...  相似文献   
美军在塑造和传播形象方面的一些基本做法,如:重视顶层设计,确保形象传播的领导管理体制顺畅有效;重视主线牵引,确保形象传播的渠道畅通;重视舆论管控,确保形象传播的手段策略科学精当;重视效果评估,确保形象传播效益信度的不断提高等,可以为我军的形象塑造工程提供有益启发。  相似文献   
军队要为构建社会主义和谐社会作贡献,必须紧紧围绕履行我军历史使命,着眼于维护党的执政地位,进一步筑牢军魂,把听党指挥作为人民军队的最高政治要求;着眼于维护国家发展,以提高打赢能力为核心,提高应对多样化威胁、完成多样化任务的能力;着眼于维护世界和平,增强我军“软实力”,为建设和谐世界作出积极贡献。  相似文献   
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