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In this article, the Building Evacuation Problem with Shared Information (BEPSI) is formulated as a mixed integer linear program, where the objective is to determine the set of routes along which to send evacuees (supply) from multiple locations throughout a building (sources) to the exits (sinks) such that the total time until all evacuees reach the exits is minimized. The formulation explicitly incorporates the constraints of shared information in providing online instructions to evacuees, ensuring that evacuees departing from an intermediate or source location at a mutual point in time receive common instructions. Arc travel time and capacity, as well as supply at the nodes, are permitted to vary with time and capacity is assumed to be recaptured over time. The BEPSI is shown to be NP‐hard. An exact technique based on Benders decomposition is proposed for its solution. Computational results from numerical experiments on a real‐world network representing a four‐story building are given. Results of experiments employing Benders cuts generated in solving a given problem instance as initial cuts in addressing an updated problem instance are also provided. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
在考虑工质与热源间热阻损失的内可逆卡诺制冷机模型基础上,用一常数项表示热源间的热漏,用一常系数项表示循环中除热阻和热漏外的其余所有不可逆性(如摩擦、涡流、惯性效应等),提出了一类较为完善的不可逆卡诺制冷机模型,并对此不可逆制冷机模型进行优化分析,导出了其最佳制冷率与制冷系数间的优化关系和最大制冷系数及其相应的制冷率。由定义的一常数项和一常系数项可定性、定量地分析不可逆性对循环性能的影响,所得结果包含了有关文献的一些特例。最后,给出了详细的数值算例,说明本模型的有效性。  相似文献   
We consider scheduling a set of jobs with deadlines to minimize the total weighted late work on a single machine, where the late work of a job is the amount of processing of the job that is scheduled after its due date and before its deadline. This is the first study on scheduling with the late work criterion under the deadline restriction. In this paper, we show that (i) the problem is unary NP‐hard even if all the jobs have a unit weight, (ii) the problem is binary NP‐hard and admits a pseudo‐polynomial‐time algorithm and a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme if all the jobs have a common due date, and (iii) some special cases of the problem are polynomially solvable.  相似文献   
为实现快速准确测定空气中的甲醛,对4种氨基酸作为乙酰丙酮显色法的胺源进行对比分析,发现甘氨酸的显色效果较明显;对显色温度和显色时间进行优化,发现显色温度在50℃,反应15 min,显色效果明显。把显色剂固定到透明聚丙烯酸树脂球上,制备出可在家庭中方便使用的显色球,通过肉眼观察即可判断空气中甲醛的质量浓度,检测限达0.008 mg/m3。  相似文献   
通过对末修子弹敏感器外场静态吊挂和直升机挂飞试验结果的分析处理,给出了敏感器对坦克和跑道目标的实时定位精度,从而验证了毫米波被动敏感器在一定高度上对坦克和跑道目标进行实时定位的可行性。  相似文献   
加速寿命试验的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了加速贮存寿命试验与自然贮存试验相关性的概念。讨论了几种常用的相关性评价方法,并用实例进行了相关性计算与分析。  相似文献   
基于EASY5软件平台,利用模块化的建模手段,建立了履带车辆动力传动系统动力学模型,并进行了加速过程仿真.通过实车试验验证了模型的有效性和仿真结果的正确性.结果表明,该建模手段可有效的应用于车辆性能分析及预测.  相似文献   
1913年7月12日爆发的江西湖口反袁起义,打响了二次革命战争。革命党人李烈钧充当了反袁急先锋。但当李烈钧由上海回到湖口准备起兵之际,因江西要塞司令陈廷训叛变投敌,北洋精锐第6师李纯部已在九江至沙河一线布防。这样,李烈钧所率领的讨袁军只能仓卒地投入战斗。旅长、左翼司令林虎首先发起攻击,于战斗失利后,旅长、右翼司令方声涛才率部进攻金鸡炮台。因此,李纯得以从容调集兵力,先后击败了讨袁军的左右两翼部队。其时,江西护军使、江西第1师师长欧阳武并不赞同起兵反袁,且加消极抵制,江西第2师师长刘世均更是动摇不定,脚踏双船,加以北洋军又策反一部分江西军队倒戈,这一切严重削弱了讨袁军的战斗力。不久,敌方援军第2师王占元部开抵江西,袁世凯任命的第1军军长段芝贵全权指挥陆军,在海军次长汤芗铭所率海军的配合下攻占了湖口。此后,讨袁军在李烈钧的指挥下,作有序的撤退。瑞昌、德安、南康等地相继陷敌。最后,李烈钧不得不于8月16日撤离,由省城南昌往长沙,辗转赴沪,再赴日本流亡于海外。湖口反袁起义宣告失败。  相似文献   
介绍了根据国军标要求建立的科研质量管理系统.运用“过程方法”,对现行科研体制下的科研进程进行了识别,并提出了具体的控制要求。  相似文献   
本文通过研究Borland公司的Turbo C与Microsoft公司的FORTRAN混合编程时出现的问题,提出了修改初始化模块及函数库的原理与方法,并利用TLINK的动态连接功能,实现了这两种语言在源程序级的混合编程,最后说明了实现过程与注意事项。  相似文献   
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