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直接序列扩频通信抗干扰性能分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
简述了直接序列扩频通信基本原理,讨论了直接序列扩频通信的特点,对直接序列扩频通信系统的抗干扰能力进行研究,最后提出了几种用于提高该通信系统抗干扰能力的具体方法。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,中国远征军应邀入缅,在滇缅战场上英勇作战,配合盟军沉重抗击了日本侵略军,形成了有利的战略态势,为反法西斯战争的最后胜利奠定了坚实的基础,并作出了巨大的贡献。  相似文献   
针对火炮身管上标记两个点检测调炮精度受制于单个空间点坐标测量精度的问题,提出通过增加身管上标记点的冗余数量来提高调炮精度的检测方法。应用最小二乘原理对多个空间点进行直线拟合,并采用Monte Carlo方法对身管指向的测量精度进行分析。结果表明:标记4个点、5个点、6个点和7个点与标记2个点(传统方法)相比,其身管指向的测量精度分别提高了约6%、18%、19%和21%。该方法适用于对调炮精度检测要求较高的场合,综合考虑工作效率和测量精度这两个因素,推荐标记5个点测量身管指向。  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging and other multifunctional diagnostic facilities, which are considered as scarce resources of hospitals, typically provide services to patients with different medical needs. This article examines the admission policies during the appointment management of such facilities. We consider two categories of patients: regular patients who are scheduled in advance through an appointment system and emergency patients with randomly generated demands during the workday that must be served as soon as possible. According to the actual medical needs of patients, regular patients are segmented into multiple classes with different cancelation rates, no‐show probabilities, unit value contributions, and average service times. Management makes admission decisions on whether or not to accept a service request from a regular patient during the booking horizon to improve the overall value that could be generated during the workday. The decisions should be made by considering the cancelation and no‐show behavior of booked patients as well as the emergency patients that would have to be served because any overtime service would lead to higher costs. We studied the optimal admission decision using a continuous‐time discrete‐state dynamic programming model. Identifying an optimal policy for this discrete model is analytically intractable and numerically inefficient because the state is multidimensional and infinite. We propose to study a deterministic counterpart of the problem (i.e., the fluid control problem) and to develop a time‐based fluid policy that is shown to be asymptotically optimal for large‐scale problems. Furthermore, we propose to adopt a mixed fluid policy that is developed based on the information obtained from the fluid control problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate that this improved policy works effectively for small‐scale problems. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 287–304, 2016  相似文献   
研究了正反向量子斯特林循环的最优性能.在经典极限下,导出了循环的有限时间热力学性能界限和优化准则.得到了斯特林热机、制冷机和热泵特性参数之间的优化关系.  相似文献   
研究了电液伺服系统的理论建模,引入了一个非线性状态空间模型来描述电液伺服系统的动态特性.并且应用了Matlab提供的模拟仿真工具Simulink实现了模拟仿真.通过仿真结果与实际系统的响应相比较,验证了理论模型描述实际电液伺服系统动态特性的准确性,为今后设计高质量的控制器打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   
振级落差和插入损失对应关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评价隔振系统的隔离效果到底是用振级落差好,还是用插入损失好,一直存在着争议.尽管有关的国家标准和军标已明确规定,用振级落差作为舰船上各类隔振装置隔振效果的评价指标,但在讨论具体问题时,有人仍然提出插入损失的对应值问题.作者在理论上探讨了单自由度线性隔振系统的振级落差与插入损失的表达式,及其在舰船条件下的定量对应关系,从而回答了上面提出的问题  相似文献   
该训练装置可以在安装稳像式火控系统的坦克上完成射击基础练习的训练与考核.它以单片机为核心,在射击操作与实车相同的条件下,具有自动检靶,自动记录发射数、命中数,自动变换目标,自动报警,自动评定和显示成绩等功能.射手可独自在坦克内操作,自行开始练习,自我检查操作结果.  相似文献   
分析了Ka频段卫星通信信道的性能,建立了Ka频段自适应Turbo编码正交频分复用系统模型,提出了一种简洁的自适应Turbo-OFDM调制控制和编码控制算法,该算法可以兼顾系统性能和编码速率,得到较高的吞吐量和较低的误码率.仿真结果表明,采用自适应控制的Turbo-OFDM系统与没有采用自适应的系统相比较,在误码率为10...  相似文献   
夹杂物对有机涂层下碳钢腐蚀初期过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择两种具有典型夹杂物的碳钢,通过浸泡试验,研究有机涂层下碳钢的腐蚀初期过程,并和裸钢的腐蚀过程进行对比.结果表明:涂层试样和裸钢试样腐蚀发展的初期过程都是点蚀;涂层试样点蚀诱发孕育期大大长于裸钢试样;点蚀的主要诱发源是钢中的硫化物和硅酸盐;硫化物夹杂物诱发点蚀及点蚀的扩展主要沿夹杂物与基体间的相界进行.  相似文献   
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