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Inventory transshipment is generally shown to be beneficial to retailers by matching their excess demand with surplus inventory. We investigate an inventory transshipment game with two newsvendor-type retailers under limited total supply and check whether the retailers are better off than the case without transshipment. We derive the ordering strategies for the retailers and show that unlike the unlimited supply case, a pure Nash equilibrium only exists under certain conditions. Furthermore, contrary to the conventional wisdom, we show that inventory transshipment may not always benefit both retailers. Although one of the retailers is guaranteed to be better off, the other could be worse off. The decision criteria are then provided for the retailers to determine if they will benefit from the exercise of inventory transshipment. Numerical study indicates that the carefully chosen transshipment prices play an important role in keeping inventory transshipment beneficial to both retailers. Subsequently, a coordinating mechanism is designed for the retailers to negotiate transshipment prices that maximize the total profit of the two retailers while keeping each of them in a beneficial position.  相似文献   
The Anglo-American and Israeli-American special relationships have proved to be unusually close and have confounded expectations that they would wither away with the changing international environment. In order to explain this, the article proposes a theory of ‘alliance persistence’ that is based on reciprocity over shared geostrategic interests, sentimental attachments and institutionalised security relations. The article employs this theoretical framework to explore how Anglo-American and Israeli-American relations have developed during the Obama administration. It argues that the Anglo-American relationship has been closer because of the two countries’ shared strategic interests, whilst the Israeli-American relationship has experienced divergences in how the security interests of the two sides have been pursued. The article concludes by assessing how the two relationships will fair in the post-Obama era and argues that there are numerous areas of tension in the US-Israeli relationship that risk future tensions.  相似文献   
贯彻落实总体国家安全观,既需关注传统领域安全,又需关注新兴领域安全.深海作为新兴战略领域,研究深海安全意义重大.从安全研究的视角出发,初步思考了深海开发建设过程中需要关注的几个安全问题,可为深海安全深化研究提供支撑,希望引发更多的人去关注深海安全,促进深海开发与深海安全和谐发展.  相似文献   
武器装备的“五性”工作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可靠性、维修性、保障性、测试性、安全性(以下简称“五性”)是装备研制生产中赋予装备的质量特性。本文从装备“五性”的基本概念、在装备建设中重要作用、把握研制过程等方面论述了如何落实装备的“五性”指标,最后探讨性地提出了装备“五性”工程的发展趋势。  相似文献   
本文透过世界主要国家国防动员应急应战的动员实践,认真分析了我国国防动员系统在历次抗灾救灾中所暴露的主要问题,并以此为切入点从应急应战领导指挥体制、应急应战力量体系、物资装备保障体系、应急应战法规体系等四个方面,对构建我国应急应战一体化体制进行了深入的研究探讨,提出了具有一定实践价值的意见建议。  相似文献   
阐述了增加工业电雷管静电感度试验方法及检测规则的重要意义,并分析和探讨了杂散电流对工业电雷管的影响。  相似文献   
激光驾束制导信息场检测系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了完成激光驾束制导信息场检测,根据信息场的参数,介绍了检测系统的设计方案和工作原理;基于误差设计理论,根据激光束传输特性,利用光学软件ZEMAX设计了激光信息场检测光学系统;通过信息场指令值和辐照度检测,实现信息场参数测试。该系统能在各种复杂条件下对多种型号炮射导弹的驾束信息场进行参数测试。  相似文献   
自抗日战争进入战略相持阶段到皖南事变发生后的1个月间,中共中央面对国民党顽固派制造的一系列反共摩擦,对各种复杂因素进行综合判断,采取了适当的应对措施,维护了抗日民族统一战线的完整,军事措施是其中一个重要方面。在这一方面,中共中央从对国民党顽固派采取攻势防御战略到皖南事变前夕采取的拖延方针,再到皖南事变之后军事守势方针的确立,都受到共产国际观点的影响。  相似文献   
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