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以简谐外磁场环境下的J-C模型为研究对象,从系统的哈密顿矩阵出发,通过计算模拟得出热力学纠缠度解析表达式。计算结果表明,对应于不同的外磁场强度,系统热力学纠缠度呈周期性余弦变化,但随环境温度升高快速衰减;在相同环境温度下,系统热力学纠缠度关于磁场强度左右不对称变化。  相似文献   
1949年10月12日,中国人民解放军第一野战军第1兵团第2军从酒泉出发进军新疆。新疆地域辽阔,从酒泉至喀什2500多公里,沿途峰峦叠嶂,沙漠瀚海,冰川雪岭,艰险异常。官兵们顶风沙、冒严寒,日夜兼程,除了同严酷的自然环境斗争外,还随时准备粉碎国民党顽固分子发动武装叛乱。进军新疆的胜利,为新生的人民共和国西部边陲,筑起了一道坚不可摧的钢铁屏障。  相似文献   
In the field of nanofabrication, engineers often face unique challenges in resource‐limited experimental budgets, the sensitive nature of process behavior with respect to controllable variables, and highly demanding tolerance requirements. To effectively overcome these challenges, this article proposes a methodology for a sequential design of experiments through batches of experimental runs, aptly named Layers of Experiments with Adaptive Combined Design (LoE/ACD). In higher layers, where process behavior is less understood, experimental regions cover more design space and data points are more spread out. In lower layers, experimental regions are more focused to improve understanding of process sensitivities in a local, data‐rich environment. The experimental design is a combination of a space‐filling and an optimal design with a tuning parameter that is dependent on the amount of information accumulated over the various layers. The proposed LoE/ACD method is applied to optimize a carbon dioxide (epet‐CO2) assisted deposition process for fabricating silver nanoparticles with pressure and temperature variables. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 127–142, 2015  相似文献   
针对钢质油罐底板腐蚀,首先分析了油罐底板腐蚀工程检测数据的特点和腐蚀试验数据统计分析理论;然后针对工程检测信息不完全的特性,以最大腐蚀深度的预测估计为目标,建立了以轻微腐蚀面积估计来实现腐蚀概率修正估计的模型;最后利用广州等地27个罐约900条检测数据估计了油罐底板的最大腐蚀深度。其最大相对误差小于45%,约80%的相对误差优于30%。  相似文献   
针对当前在装备保障需求分析过程中缺乏合适的方法和工具的问题,提出一种基于能力与面向需求分析相结合的装备保障需求分析方法,并通过运用解释结构模型法,对分析结果的结构及相互关系进行科学构建.力求通过该方法的应用,能够辅助论证人员深刻理解和合理判断各种因素之间的相互影响关系,通过结构化和对比化的装备保障需求分析过程得到能正确反映保障需求的关系结构.从而为装备保障发展内容的分析打下良好的理论基础.  相似文献   
存储设施是军事物流基地主要组成实体和有效运行载体,在规划军事物流基地时,需准确估算存储设施的规模。为寻求军事物流基地存储设施规模的定量计算方法,基于存储设施与所储物资应保持时空资源供需平衡的时空消耗原理,建立了存储设施规模数学模型。为提高模型的实用性,对模型中相关参数的具体作用和取值方法进行了解释和分析。最后以xx综合仓库改建xx军事物流基地为例具体说明了该模型的应用。  相似文献   
Nonparametric control charts are useful in statistical process control when there is a lack of or limited knowledge about the underlying process distribution, especially when the process measurement is multivariate. This article develops a new multivariate self‐starting methodology for monitoring location parameters. It is based on adapting the multivariate spatial rank to on‐line sequential monitoring. The weighted version of the rank‐based test is used to formulate the charting statistic by incorporating the exponentially weighted moving average control scheme. It is robust to non‐normally distributed data, easy to construct, fast to compute and also very efficient in detecting multivariate process shifts, especially small or moderate shifts which occur when the process distribution is heavy‐tailed or skewed. As it avoids the need for a lengthy data‐gathering step before charting and it does not require knowledge of the underlying distribution, the proposed control chart is particularly useful in start‐up or short‐run situations. A real‐data example from white wine production processes shows that it performs quite well. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 59: 91–110, 2012  相似文献   
基于案例的RCM分析系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了利用基于案例的推理(CBR)技术开发以可靠性为中心的维修(RCM)分析系统的设想。提出了基于案例的RCM分析系统的结构,讨论了在开发系统原型机的过程中所采用的RCM案例的表示和组织,同类案例优先的检索策略,利用规则组合及调整案例等主要技术。  相似文献   
现代谱估计方法是验证系统仿真模型的有效方法。战术导弹飞行试验的遥、外测数据记录了大量的过程参数,可以利用这些参数进行气动力和气动力矩的计算,与飞行试验过程参数进行分析比较。应用最大熵谱估计检验导弹的气动力和气动力矩模型的可信性,可以给出定量的结果。文章给出的方法可以作为战术导弹气动参数模型研究的一种辅助手段。  相似文献   
离子束混合是一种材料改性和新材料研制的有效方法,本实验用Ar+离子束对Al-Mn多层薄膜在室温下进行轰击使其非晶化,并对样品电阻率随离子注入剂量及温度的变化关系进行原位测量.电阻温度系数TCR和TEM观测证实了样品离子束混合后电性能和结构发生改变生成了非晶相.  相似文献   
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