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Information technology (IT) infrastructure relies on a globalized supply chain that is vulnerable to numerous risks from adversarial attacks. It is important to protect IT infrastructure from these dynamic, persistent risks by delaying adversarial exploits. In this paper, we propose max‐min interdiction models for critical infrastructure protection that prioritizes cost‐effective security mitigations to maximally delay adversarial attacks. We consider attacks originating from multiple adversaries, each of which aims to find a “critical path” through the attack surface to complete the corresponding attack as soon as possible. Decision‐makers can deploy mitigations to delay attack exploits, however, mitigation effectiveness is sometimes uncertain. We propose a stochastic model variant to address this uncertainty by incorporating random delay times. The proposed models can be reformulated as a nested max‐max problem using dualization. We propose a Lagrangian heuristic approach that decomposes the max‐max problem into a number of smaller subproblems, and updates upper and lower bounds to the original problem via subgradient optimization. We evaluate the perfect information solution value as an alternative method for updating the upper bound. Computational results demonstrate that the Lagrangian heuristic identifies near‐optimal solutions efficiently, which outperforms a general purpose mixed‐integer programming solver on medium and large instances.  相似文献   
In reliability engineering, the concept of minimal repair describes that the repair brings the failed unit (eg, system or component) to the situation which is same as it was just before the failure. With the help of the well‐known Gamma‐Poisson relationship, this paper investigates optimal allocation strategies of minimal repairs for parallel and series systems through implementing stochastic comparisons of various allocation policies in terms of the hazard rate, the reversed hazard rate, and the likelihood ratio orderings. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate these findings as well. These results not only strengthen and generalize some known ones in the seminal work of Shaked and Shanthikumar, but also solve the open problems proposed by Chahkandi et al.'s study and Arriaza et al.'s study.  相似文献   
构建和培育当代军人核心价值观,必须着眼全面履行我军新的历史使命,站在全局的高度深刻理解培育军人核心价值观的战略意义;准确把握当代军人核心价值观的基本特征;切实把构建和培育军人核心价值观作为思想政治建设的根本任务。  相似文献   
着眼未来作战特点充分发挥师旅团党委战时核心领导作用,必须努力增强坚持党委领导作战的自觉性;始终把握党委工作的重点;着眼战时特点改进党委领导方式;准确把握党委对作战的集体领导与军事指挥员作战指挥的关系。  相似文献   
党对军队绝对领导既是人民军队具有永恒魅力的根本性建军原则,也是处在新的历史方位的中国共产党执政治国需要不断解决的时代性课题.着眼于马克思主义政党与人民军队互动关系的特定视角,认真总结党领导军队的历史经验,进一步深刻认识这一原则的"执政价值",从而使我军更加自觉地为党巩固执政地位提供重要力量保证,确保社会主义国家执政党治国理政任务的顺利进行.  相似文献   
抓好部队安全稳定工作,必须清醒认识严峻复杂形势对党和国家的现实挑战,切实增强抓安全稳定的忧患意识;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对部队建设的深刻影响,正确把握抓安全稳定的工作指导;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对党委领导的政治要求,认真履行抓安全稳定的第一责任;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对政法机关的特殊考验,充分发挥抓安全稳定的职能作用.  相似文献   
效益是政治工作的生命所系、活力所在,在政治工作领域贯彻落实科学发展观.当前最现实、最重要、最核心的就是要树立质量效益观.把解放思想作为提高政治工作效益的首要前提;把执行法规制度作为提高政治工作效益的重要保证:把创新方法手段作为提高政治工作效益的"桥"和"船";把充分用好多种资源作为提高政治工作效益的基本条件;把提高政工干部队伍整体素质作为提高政治工作效益的关键.  相似文献   
建立企业安全生产标准体系,是推动企业建立具有军工特色规范化和标准化的现代企业安全生产管理体系的有效途径。本文分析了军工企业安全生产标准体系建立必要性、原则和要求,阐述了体系结构层次及其建立方法,提出了正确处理与企业安全管理体系衔接和建立动态管理机制等要求。  相似文献   
美军装备采办中项目管理组织模式——IPT研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IPT(Integrated Product Teams)作为一种新型的项目管理组织模式,美军最先将其应用到装备采办中。十几年的实践证明,它大大地提高了采办效率,优化了采办系统组织结构。文章围绕美军装备采办过程中IPT基本概念出发,简要分析了其组织管理和优势,以及对我军的启示。这对于深化我军装备采办管理运行机制改革,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
民用科技成果转军用的探讨与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力推动民用科技成果适时向军用领域转移,是实现国防资源优化配置、提高国防建设效益的重要途径,也是世界主要发达国家走军民兼容之路的具体发展战略。鉴于目前我国在民用科技成果转军用方面还存在一些亟需解决的问题,文章以民用科技成果转军用的实际状况为研究基础,构建民用科技成果转化体系与机制,旨在为我国民用科技成果转化工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   
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