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We study competitive due‐date and capacity management between the marketing and engineering divisions within an engineer‐to‐order (ETO) firm. Marketing interacts directly with the customers and quotes due‐dates for their orders. Engineering is primarily concerned with the efficient utilization of resources and is willing to increase capacity if the cost is compensated. The two divisions share the responsibility for timely delivery of the jobs. We model the interaction between marketing and engineering as a Nash game and investigate the effect of internal competition on the equilibrium decisions. We observe that the internal competition not only degrades the firm's overall profitability but also the serviceability. Finally, we extend our analysis to multiple‐job settings that consider both flexible and inflexible capacity. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
促进军民标准协调统一的政策和机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述并分析了美、英、法等发达国家促进军民标准协调统一的政策和机制,分析了我国军用标准化军民结合的现状,提出了在政策和机制上促进军民标准协调统一的措施建议。  相似文献   
针对航空兵出动架次计算问题,基于资源受限项目调度理论进行问题描述和建模,以给定兵力对目标任务的最大出动架次为效能指标,分析影响因素和约束条件,建立了问题数学模型.根据问题模型特点,采用遗传算法进行求解,针对染色体编码问题,设计了一种扩展任务列表编码方法;针对初始解集求解问题,提出了一种基于优先规则的出动架次分配算法.并...  相似文献   
电网换相换流器(Line Commutated Converter,LCC)作为技术性能优越的电力电子装置,可广泛应用于车辆、飞机、船舶、雷达站供电等军用电力系统领域.以可为军用雷达站、军事基地供电的基于电网换相换流器型高压直流输电(Line Commutated Converter Based High Voltag...  相似文献   
本文以试验台冷态试验为基础,以实际喷油器为对象,通过大量试验资料对阿勃拉莫维奇理论公式的误差分布与误差原因进行了分析。从大量试验资料中归纳出一个决定流量系数比值μ/μ_A变化规律的组合几何尺寸Z_w,而判别式R_z/R_(Qd)(?)d_p更进一步揭示了它与μ_z/μ_A1.0之间的内在联系。文章还详细分析了雾化片中的流动阻力及其决定因素,最后以充分的数据找到并论证了理论公式产生误差的真正原因在于雾化片本身的几何特性数A,由此提出了减小设计误差的方法——雾化片几何尺寸的最佳流动组合。  相似文献   
研究计及定子绕组电阻时十二相同步电机对称稳态电抗的测定,导出了有关计算公式,并在实机上进行了试验.  相似文献   
In this work, NH2-substituted oxazoles and NO2/NF2/NHNO2-substituted ethylenes/acetylenes were designed and used as dienes and dienophiles, respectively, in order to develop new bridge-ring insensitive high energy compounds through the Diels-Alder reaction between them. The reaction type, reaction feasibility and performance of reaction products were investigated in detail theoretically. The results showed that dienes most possibly react with dienophiles through the HOMO-diene controlled normal Diels-Alder reaction at relatively low energy barrier. Tetranitroethylene could react with the designed dienes much more easily than other dienophiles, and was employed to further design 29 new bridge-ring energetic compounds. Due to high heat of formation, density and oxygen balance, all designed bridge-ring energetic compounds have outstanding detonation performance, 16 of them have higher energy than HMX (1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine) and 2 others even possess comparative energy with the representative of high energy compounds CL-20 (2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane). The predicted average h50 value of these bridge-ring energetic compounds is 83 cm, showing their low impact sensitivity. The NH2 groups could obviously impel the proceeding of Diels-Alder reactions, but would slightly decrease the energy and sensitivity performance. In all, the new designed bridge-ring compounds have both high energy and low sensitivity, and may be produced through Diels-Alder reactions at relatively low energy barrier. This paper may be helpful for the theoretical design and experiment synthesis of new advanced insensitive high energy compounds.  相似文献   
早在第二次国内革命战争时期,我军就提出并开始了正规化建设,但由于受到各种客观条件限制,其成效非常有限。真正全面展开正规化建设,则是到了新中国成立、我军由战争状态进入和平建设时期之后的20世纪50年代。总的来看,这一时期确立了正规化的目标和要求,积累了丰富的经验,初步奠定了其发展的坚实基础,开创了一条具有鲜明特色的正规化建设之路,成为我军正规化建设最好的时期之一。这一成就的取得,与当时独特的历史背景是分不开的。  相似文献   
针对海上漂浮软管波浪载荷计算,分析了软管在海上的形态和受力特点,建立了海上漂浮软管力学分析模型,指出直接运用现有Morison方程计算漂浮软管波浪载荷存在的不足,并根据基本原理提出了改进Morison方程。对海上软质管线处于一定海况,分别运用改进Morison方程与现有Morison方程计算海上波浪载荷,并运用ANSYS软件建立软管模型,结果表明现有Morison方程不适用于计算海上漂浮软管波浪载荷,载荷计算结果偏高约15%,从而验证了改进Morison方程的精确性,有利于准确分析波浪载荷对海上漂浮软管的作用情况。  相似文献   
针对当前评比打分方法不能有效反映选手真实情况的问题,提出了一种基于混合高斯概率密度的加权打分方法。该方法的重点在于引入混合高斯分布来确定专家评分的权重。首先利用EM算法确定混合高斯分布模型参数,然后通过区间划分得到每个区间上的概率,再将专家打分映射到混合高斯概率密度函数区间上得到对应的权重,最后经加权求和得到选手的最终成绩。通过实例证明了该方法的合理性和公正性。  相似文献   
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