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本文阐述了世界大战与局部战争两类战争形态的区别与联系,二战以后两类战争因素的消长;重点考察了二战后局部战争的高技术性、局部性、立体性、快节奏、强化空战和空战形式创新之特点及其发展趋势。  相似文献   
中国抗日战争的胜利,经济战起着基础性的至关重要的作用。抗日战争期间,国共两党采取了许多富有成效的经济战措施。自“硬冷战”结束后,当代世界进入了经济“软热战”的时代,总结抗日经济战经验,对于今日中国仍有警示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
免疫PCR基本原理与ELISA相似,即用一段可扩增的DNA分子代替ELISA中酶放大检出信号,建立了直接免疫PCR的检测蓖麻毒素技术,实验结果表明,其灵敏度达1pg/ml,比ELISA方法灵敏度高10^3倍.  相似文献   
本文对溴酸盐体系中的化学波进行了实验研究,得到了反应物的初始浓度与波速的关系,随 KBrO3和 H2SO4初始浓度的增加,波速具有增加的趋势,而随 MA的初始浓度的增加而变化不大。并给出了其反应机理的分析及数学模型。  相似文献   
基于试验所检测到的压力波形,通过分析燃油喷射过程,提取了压力波形的特征参数,着重给出了特征点识别的新算法,井用MATLAB开发了相应软件。最后,根据识别结果,分析了调整参数对特征参数的影响。  相似文献   
基因遗传算法在三维数据场造型中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将基因遗传算法应用于三维数据场的造型研究之中,提出了遗传三角剖分算法.针对三维三角剖分的特殊性,提出了虚拟交叉算子和三角变异算子,能够确保在遗传进化过程中,解群中的每一个串始终代表一个合法的三角剖分.  相似文献   
We deal with the problem of minimizing makespan on a single batch processing machine. In this problem, each job has both processing time and size (capacity requirement). The batch processing machine can process a number of jobs simultaneously as long as the total size of these jobs being processed does not exceed the machine capacity. The processing time of a batch is just the processing time of the longest job in the batch. An approximation algorithm with worst‐case ratio 3/2 is given for the version where the processing times of large jobs (with sizes greater than 1/2) are not less than those of small jobs (with sizes not greater than 1/2). This result is the best possible unless P = NP. For the general case, we propose an approximation algorithm with worst‐case ratio 7/4. A number of heuristics by Uzosy are also analyzed and compared. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 226–240, 2001  相似文献   
在淞沪会战中,法国神父饶家驹在上海设立了南市难民区,开创了人类史上国际救济难民的成功先例。饶家驹难民区启发了在宁西方人士设立南京安全区的灵感,饶家驹本人也为南京安全区的成立起到了十分重要的桥梁作用。同时,南市难民区模式也成为南京安全区效仿的榜样。但由于上海与南京两地存在诸多差异,日军当局对饶家驹难民区和南京安全区采取了截然不同的态度,在日军占领南京前夕,南京安全区未能得到日军的正式承认。  相似文献   
从舆论战和网络舆论战的概念和特点出发,阐述了心理学在网络舆论战中的重要作用。综合心理学理论和舆论传播理论分析了网络舆论形成的心理机制,得出了网络舆论是通过个体心理和群体心理两个阶段而形成的结论。根据这个结论,提出了网络舆论引导的具体策略。即在个体层面上,通过操纵信息来影响人的认知;在群体层面上,通过塑造引导者主体的可信性和喜爱性,以及网络技术手段来增强舆论引导的效果。最后,指出了网络舆论战的发展前景在于充分考虑受众的心理,有针对性地进行舆论引导。  相似文献   
China’s defence expenditure has been growing rapidly along with GDP growth during the past two decades. Meanwhile, the income gap has continued to increase. There are conflicting views regarding whether the defence expenditure is capable of reducing income inequality. Therefore, this paper investigates the existence of any spillover effect of defence expenditure on income inequality, with a special focus on the regional differences among 31 provinces and 7 military regions in China. We extend panel cointegration and the impulse response function by using panel data during the period of 1997–2012. The empirical results show that the defence expenditure has an impact on income inequality, and the effect varies over different regions in China. The defence expenditure has a spillover effect on income inequality in the full sample panel and the southeastern panel. An increase in the defence expenditure does not crowd out social welfare spending due to the high level of economic development and government expenditure. On the contrary, in the northern panel, the effect is opposite because of the unbalanced economic development levels within the panel. Beijing as the capital of China, benefits more from the expansion of defence expenditure thus widening the income gap. In addition, the impulse response analyses further confirm a stronger effect of the defence expenditure on income inequality in the northern and the southeastern panels over a short period.  相似文献   
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