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为了较好地解决根据已知比例尺的地图通过自动综合生成满足不同比例尺需求的地图,利用地图边界所具有的分形特征及分形维数的不变性,提出了一种地图边界自动综合的方法——MADP。该方法不仅很好地保持了地图的形状特征和细节,而且较好地解决了公共边界的综合问题。实验表明,该方法具有较高的效率和公共边界综合能力。  相似文献   
本文详细介绍了微机环境下,处理大地形、多地物、海量的三维视景数据时,所采取的多种模型优化和软件算法,来保证训练模拟器三维视景系统的实时运行。  相似文献   
We study a stochastic scenario‐based facility location problem arising in situations when facilities must first be located, then activated in a particular scenario before they can be used to satisfy scenario demands. Unlike typical facility location problems, fixed charges arise in the initial location of the facilities, and then in the activation of located facilities. The first‐stage variables in our problem are the traditional binary facility‐location variables, whereas the second‐stage variables involve a mix of binary facility‐activation variables and continuous flow variables. Benders decomposition is not applicable for these problems due to the presence of the second‐stage integer activation variables. Instead, we derive cutting planes tailored to the problem under investigation from recourse solution data. These cutting planes are derived by solving a series of specialized shortest path problems based on a modified residual graph from the recourse solution, and are tighter than the general cuts established by Laporte and Louveaux for two‐stage binary programming problems. We demonstrate the computational efficacy of our approach on a variety of randomly generated test problems. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
This article studies a min‐max path cover problem, which is to determine a set of paths for k capacitated vehicles to service all the customers in a given weighted graph so that the largest path cost is minimized. The problem has wide applications in vehicle routing, especially when the minimization of the latest service completion time is a critical performance measure. We have analyzed four typical variants of this problem, where the vehicles have either unlimited or limited capacities, and they start from either a given depot or any depot of a given depot set. We have developed approximation algorithms for these four variants, which achieve approximation ratios of max{3 ‐ 2/k,2}, 5, max{5 ‐ 2/k,4}, and 7, respectively. We have also analyzed the approximation hardness of these variants by showing that, unless P = NP , it is impossible for them to achieve approximation ratios less than 4/3, 3/2, 3/2, and 2, respectively. We have further extended the techniques and results developed for this problem to other min‐max vehicle routing problems.© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
雷达被喻为战场的千里眼,在现代战争中扮演着重要角色.随着军队信息化程度的不断提高,目标威胁程度判断也成为亟待解决的瓶颈问题.如何快速、高效和准确地判断出众多雷达的威胁程度,对于电子对抗行动乃至整个作战行动具有十分重要的意义.研究了对敌防空压制行动中,基于多属性决策(Multiple Attribute Decision Making,MADM)的雷达辐射源威胁等级评定方法,建立了数学模型,最后的实例说明了模型的实用性.  相似文献   
预惰化主动防、抑爆技术及惰气高倍泡沫应急消防技术是正在研究开发的新型军用油料洞库安全防护技术.惰气的来源制约了技术的开发实施.以燃惰气发生器燃烧室为研究对象,针对现有设计样机体积大、可靠性差及惰气质量较低等缺陷,对其进行了优化设计,在设计中,采用切向弯曲叶片式旋流器作为进风装置,并在火焰筒内采用了多种先进的强化油气掺混燃烧结构,极大地提高了燃烧效率.对优化设计样机的实验测试结果表明优化设计高效合理,满足了应用要求.  相似文献   
本文通过对道德评价的现实意义、道德评价是他律与自律的统一的阐发,来研究道德评价问题。加强公民道德建设、构建和谐社会,就应该重视道德评价问题的研究,因为它是对人们道德行为进行监督的必不可少的仲裁力量。  相似文献   
军人抚恤是古今中外各国政府都必须面对的难题。经过长期的历史沿革,西方出现义务型抚恤观念,中国形成传统的恩赏型抚恤观念。南京国民政府建立后,军人抚恤观念在吸收西方现代抚恤因素的基础上,在受到多次冲击的前提下,也经历着鲜明的变迁过程,即由传统的恩赏型抚恤观念向现代义务型抚恤观念转变。  相似文献   
综观美国历史上的对外战争,其在冷战时期发动的越南战争(1961年~1975年)和后冷战时期于2003年进行的伊拉克战争(2004年5月1日美国总统布什宣布伊拉克主要作战行动已经结束,仅意味着这场战争大规模军事行动的基本结束),由于越南和伊拉克的综合实力与美国相差甚远,战场上没有真正意义上的两军大规模对垒,是典型的非对称战争.  相似文献   
在乳液体系中,以蜜胺甲醛树脂为壁材,以原位聚合法制备了包裹辣素同系物——N-香草基壬酰胺的微胶囊.电镜确定了微胶囊的形成,通过红外光谱、比表面吸附和光电子能谱对壁材进行了表面分析,释放动力学显示囊心符合Huiguchi一维释放模式,与表面分析的假设一致。  相似文献   
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