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We model a two-echelon multi-indentured repairable-item inventory system where each “base” has a maximum number of identical online machines, and each machine consists of several module types. Machine failures are due to module failures and occur according to an exponential distribution. When a machine fails, the failed module is replaced by an identical spare module if one is available. Otherwise, the module is backordered. All failed modules go to a single “depot” repair facility which consists of a finite number of identical repairmen who are able to repair any module type in an exponentially distributed time, although the repair rates for different module types may differ. The principal contribution of this article is an approximation algorithm for calculating the steady-state characteristics of the system. In comparison with simulation results, the algorithm is quite accurate and computationally efficient. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
简要介绍了军事虚拟仓库及其组织结构形式.以及博弈论的相关知识。结合军事后勤系统的特点,采用完全信息静态博弈纳什均衡的方法分析了军事虚拟仓库的组织结构模式,在假设的合理的条件下模拟3种组织形式的博弈过程。通过各个模型的最终纳什均衡,指出了3种组织结构形式运作的结果和其积极因素、消极因素、噪声构成.结合我军现有的后勤保障体制,提出现行保障体制的合理与不合理的地方,并给出了改进方案,对优化全军后方仓库布局及管理和战备物资储备及应急保障有着重要意义,可以为总部决策提供咨询建议。  相似文献   
This article details several procedures for using path control variates to improve the accuracy of simulation-based point and confidence-interval estimators of the mean completion time of a stochastic activity network (SAN). Because each path control variate is the duration of the corresponding directed path in the network from the source to the sink, the vector of selected path controls has both a known mean and a known covariance matrix. This information is incorporated into estimation procedures for both normal and nonnormal responses. To evaluate the performance of these procedures experimentally, we examine the bias, variance, and mean square error of the controlled point estimators as well as the average half-length and coverage probability of the corresponding confidence-interval estimators for a set of SANs in which the following characteristics are systematically varied: (a) the size of the network (number of nodes and arcs); (b) the topology of the network; (c) the percentage of activities with exponentially distributed durations; and (d) the relative dominance of the critical path. The experimental results show that although large improvements in accuracy can be achieved with some of these procedures, the confidence-interval estimators for normal responses may suffer serious loss of coverage probability in some applications.  相似文献   
Jobs with known processing times and due dates have to be processed on a machine which is subject to a single breakdown. The moment of breakdown and the repair time are independent random variables. Two cases are distinguished with reference to the processing time preempted by the breakdown (no other preemptions are allowed): (i) resumption without time losses and (ii) restart from the beginning. Under certain compatible conditions, we find the policies which minimize stochastically the number of tardy jobs.  相似文献   
The problem considered is that of finding the set of efficient sequences of jobs on a single machine with respect to the total flow time and the number of tardy jobs. We present some properties of an existing algorithm and the problem itself.  相似文献   
We consider a one-machine scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness penalties. All jobs are assigned a common due date and the objective is to minimize the total penalty due to job earliness and tardiness. We are interested in finding the optimal combination of the common due-date value and the job sequence. Despite the fact that this problem in general is very hard to solve, we prove that there exists at least a common property for all optimal solutions: The first job in an optimal sequence is one of the longest jobs. We also prove that this property holds for a general class of unimodal penalty functions.  相似文献   
Cumulative search-evasion games (CSEGs) are two-person zero-sum search-evasion games where play proceeds throughout some specified period without interim feedback to either of the two players. Each player moves according to a preselected plan. If (Xt, Yt,) are the positions of the two players at time t, then the game's payoff is the sum over t from 1 to T of A(Xt, Yt, t). Additionally, all paths must be “connected.” That is, the finite set of positions available for a player in any time period depends on the position selected by that player in the previous time period. One player attempts to select a mixed strategy over the feasible T-time period paths to maximize the expected payoff. The other minimizes. Two solution procedures are given. One uses the Brown-Robinson method of fictitious play and the other linear programming. An example problem is solved using both procedures.  相似文献   
社会主义荣辱观的提出,为构建和谐社会、推进思想道德建设提供了根本遵循,明确了当代中国最基本价值导向和行为准则。我们要紧密结合部队建设实际,增强践行“八荣八耻”的自觉性和坚定性,努力做社会主义荣辱观的模范实践者。  相似文献   
在军校大学生中开展社会主义荣辱观教育,要着力抓好以下几个环节:加强理论研究,明确教育意义和目的;突出军队特色,提升道德水准;力求深化,通过拓宽教育形式切实提高学生的道德修养水平;着眼全局和长远,致力于营建和谐校园,以社会主义荣辱观教育为契机推进院校思想政治建设水平的整体跃升。  相似文献   
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