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In order to predict the storage life of a certain type of HTPB (hydroyl-terminated polybutadiene) coating at 25 C and analyze the influence of pre-strain on the storage life, the accelerated aging tests of HTPB coating at 40 C, 50 C, 60 C, 70 C with the pre-strain of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, respectively were carried out. The variation regularity of the change of crosslinking density was analyzed and the aging model of HTPB coating under pre-strained thermally-accelerated aging was proposed. The storage life of HTPB coating at 25 C was estimated by using the Berthelot equation as the end point of the aging life with a 30% decrease in maximum elongation. The results showed that the change of crosslinking density of HTPB coating increased with the increase of aging temperature and aging time, and decreased with the in-crease of pre-strain. Under 0% pre-strain, the relationship between the change of crosslinking density of HTPB coating and the aging time can be described by the logarithmic model with the confidence probability greater than 99%.The stress relaxation phenomenon existed under 3%, 6% and 9% pre-strained aging. The aging model considering chemical aging and pre-strain was established with the confidence probability greater than 90%. The storage life of HTPB coating was 15.2935 years at 25 C under 0% pre-strain, which was reduced by 13.9007%, 75.6949% and 89.7859% under 3%, 6% and 9% pre-strain, respectively. The existence of pre-strain has a serious impact on the storage life of HTPB coating, therefore, the pre-strain should be avoided as much as possible during the actual storage.  相似文献   
联合作战样式下,常规导弹作战体系对抗不仅包含反导系统与常规导弹的拦截与反拦截,还包括阵地防卫、电子对抗等一系列新的对抗作战样式,因此它是非常复杂的系统。用系统动力学方法对常规导弹作战体系对抗进行初步建模和仿真,为常规导弹作战体系结构优化提供一定的依据,并在仿真结果分析的基础上,定性地提出常规导弹作战体系对抗作战体系建设的目标和重点。  相似文献   
Liu Zheng 《国防科技大学学报》1995,17(3):114-118 ,125
DETECTIONOFTRANSIENTSIGNALUSINGTHEDISCRETEWAVELETTRANSFORMLiuZheng(DepartmentofInformationElectronics,FacultyofEngineering,Na...  相似文献   
介绍了以8031单片机为控制核心,由传感器、放大器、微型打印机及数据采集自动启动电路构成的阻力测量系统。它装在水池小型拖车上,能自动启动阻力测量,自动计算及打印结果,具有体积小、重量轻、自动化程度高、精度好等特点,有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   
针对一体化作战指挥条件下军事信息系统向大规模集成化、网络化"巨系统"方向发展的问题,提出了一体化作战指挥信息体系的信息认知链参考模型和多组件立体式框架模型。引入体系理论,定义了一体化作战指挥信息体系的概念。在定义了信息生命周期的基础上,构建了一种信息认知链模型,提出了一个一体化作战指挥信息体系信息认知链参考模型。结合体系层级结构,提出了一个多组件立体式一体化作战指挥信息体系框架模型。模型的设计为一体化作战指挥信息体系的构建和评价工程研究提供了基础模型。  相似文献   
探讨了改变焊接工艺对焊条熔敷金属冲击韧性的影响.研究表明:改变焊接工艺,将通过改变熔敷金属的化学成分,影响熔敷金属的强度和韧性;降低焊接线能量时,将降低熔敷金属中的氧含量及其氧化夹杂物的数量和大小,从而提高熔敷金属的韧性  相似文献   
依据Patankar提出的差分方程稳定性判断的4项基本法则,对可压缩流动的压力修正方程进行了分析,得出压力修正方程系数为正的条件.指出在每一次求解压力修正方程时必须提高解的收敛程度,以保证下一次迭代的差分方程矩阵接近主对角占优.分析了速度离散方程的欠松驰因子对可压缩流压力修正方程的影响.  相似文献   
冲击噪声背景下引信目标方位估计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在冲击噪声条件下基于高斯噪声模型的目标检测方法性能退化的缺点,提出了一种新的引信目标方位估计方法。该方法引入α稳定分布模型对冲击噪声建模,通过对引信阵列天线接收信号共变矩阵的特征分解估计噪声子空间,再依据最小范数算法实现了对目标方位的估计。计算机仿真实验证明了所提出新方法的有效性。  相似文献   
本文运用拓扑学、微分学、几何学的数学方法,捕捉到平面三交叉杆系的变形特点——拓扑特征.在小变形条件下,通过变换得到变形协调普适方程.从而推导出解此类拉压超静定问题的一种快速有效方法.该方法可直接应用于教学与工程计算.  相似文献   
分析存在有限速率传质和质漏损失的联合循环化学发动机性能,导出功率、效率最佳关系,最大功率及其相应效率,以及最大效率及其相应功率  相似文献   
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