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We examine capacity allocation mechanisms in a supply chain comprising a monopolistic supplier and two competing retailers with asymmetric market powers. The supplier allocates limited capacity to retailers according to uniform, proportional, or lexicographic mechanism. We study the impact of these allocation mechanisms on supplier pricing decisions and retailer ordering behavior. With individual order size no greater than supplier capacity, we show that all three mechanisms guarantee equilibrium ordering. We provide precise structures of retailer ordering decisions in Nash and dominant equilibria. Further, we compare the mechanisms from the perspective of the supplier, the retailers, and the supply chain. We show that regardless of whether retailer market powers are symmetric, lexicographic allocation with any priority sequence of retailers is better than the other two mechanisms for the supplier. Further, under lexicographic allocation, the supplier gains more profit by granting higher priority to the retailer with greater market power. We also extend our study to the case with multiple retailers. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 85–107, 2017  相似文献   
Piracy attack is a serious safety problem for maritime transport worldwide. Whilst various strategic actions can be taken, such as rerouting vessels and strengthening navy patrols, this still cannot completely eliminate the possibility of a piracy attack. It is therefore important for a commercial vessel to be equipped with operational solutions in case of piracy attacks. In particular, the choice of a direction for rapidly fleeing is a critical decision for the vessel. In this article, we formulate such a problem as a nonlinear optimal control problem. We consider various policies, such as maintaining a straight direction or making turns, develop algorithms to optimize the policies, and derive conditions under which these policies are effective and safe. Our work can be used as a real‐time decision making tool that enables a vessel master to evaluate different scenarios and quickly make decisions.  相似文献   
Ranking is a common task for selecting and evaluating alternatives. In the past few decades, combining rankings results from various sources into a consensus ranking has become an increasingly active research topic. In this study, we focus on the evaluation of rank aggregation methods. We first develop an experimental data generation method, which can provide ground truth ranking for alternatives based on their “inherent ability.” This experimental data generation method can generate the required individual synthetic rankings with adjustable accuracy and length. We propose characterizing the effectiveness of rank aggregation methods by calculating the Kendall tau distance between the aggregated ranking and the ground truth ranking. We then compare four classical rank aggregation methods and present some useful findings on the relative performances of the four methods. The results reveal that both the accuracy and length of individual rankings have a remarkable effect on the comparison results between rank aggregation methods. Our methods and results may be helpful to both researchers and decision‐makers.  相似文献   
Insensitive energetic materials are promising in the defense weapons field. However, energetic materials still suffer from great challenges and the concern about their safety limits their utilization. In this work, insensitive energetic explosive 3,3′-diamino-4,4′-azoxyfurazan/hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (DAAF/RDX) microspheres were fabricated by self-assembly method. Rod-like DAAF/RDX was prepared by mechanical ball milling for comparison. DAAF/RDX composites with different mass ratios (90:10, 80:20, and 70:30) were obtained. The morphologies and structures of as-obtained DAAF/RDX composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The results showed that DAAF/RDX microspheres exhibited regular shaped microspheres with sizes from 0.5 to 1.2 μm. There was no crystal transition during the modification process. The thermal properties of as-obtained materials were then evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and materials studio software. DAAF/RDX microspheres showed an advanced decomposition peak temperature compared with rod-like DAAF/RDX. The binding energy and peak temperature values at zero βi (TP0) of DAAF/RDX (90:10) increased by 36.77 kJ/mol, 1.6 °C, and 58.11 kJ/mol, 12.3 °C compared to DAAF/RDX (80:20) and DAAF/RDX (70:30), indicating the better thermal stability of DAAF/RDX (90:10). The characteristic drop height (H50) of DAAF/RDX (higher than 100 cm) composites was higher than that of raw RDX (25 cm), suggesting significant improvements in mechanical safety. The preparation of DAAF/RDX microspheres is promising for the desensitization of RDX and useful for the formation of other materials and future wide applications.  相似文献   
Electromagnetic railgun attracts more and more attention due to its advantage in speed,cost,and obscurity.It is found that the rail should withstand huge mechanical and thermal shocks during the launching operation.The forms of rail failure are accompanied by gouge,grooving,transition,and arc ablation,etc.The service life of the rail has become a bottleneck restricting the development of elec-tromagnetic railgun technology.A series of researches are carried out to solve rail failure,including analysing the failure mechanism and using various advanced rail materials.This paper provides a comprehensive review of rail materials,including material composition,preparation,microstructure,and properties.We begin from a short background of the requirement of the rail material.Then a detailed investigation of rail materials is described,and the performances of those materials are introduced.Finally,further development prospect of rail material is discussed.  相似文献   
Hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets(HBNNSs)have huge potential in the field of coating materials owing to their remarkable chemical stability,mechanical strength and thermal conductivity.Thin-layer hBNNSs were obtained by a liquid-phase exfoliation of h-BN powders and incorporated into EVA coatings for improving the safety performance of 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocane(HMX).HBNNSs and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer(EVA)were introduced to HMX by a solvent-slurry process.For com-parison,the HMX/EVA and HMX/EVA/graphene(HMX/EVA/G)composites were also prepared by a similar process.The morphology,crystal form,surface element distribution,thermal decomposition property and impact sensitivity of HMX/EVA/hBNNSs composites were contrastively investigated.Results showed that as prepared HMX/EVA/hBNNSs composites were well coated with hBNNSs and EVA,and exhibited better thermal stability and lower impact sensitivity than that of HMX/EVA and HMX/EVA/G composites,suggesting superior performance of desensitization of hBNNSs in explosives.  相似文献   
The mitigation of blast shock with water has broad application prospects. Understanding the mitigation effects on the reflected overpressure of the explosion shock with water surrounding an explosive in a confined space is of great significance for military explosives safety applications. To estimate the effects of the parameters on the reflected overpressure of blasted shock wave, a series of experiments were carried out in confined containers with spherical explosives immersed in a certain thickness of water, and numerical simulations were conducted to explore the corresponding mechanisms. The results reveal that the reflected overpressure is abnormally aggravated at a small scaled distance. This aggravation is due to the high impulse of the bulk accelerated water shell converted from the explosion. With increasing scaled distance, the energy will be gradually dissipated. The mitigation effects will appear with the dispersed water phase front impacting at a larger scaled distance, except in the case of a dense water phase state. A critical scaled distance range of 0.7—0.8 m/kg1/3 for effective mitigation was found. It is suggested that the scaled distance of space walls should be larger than the critical value for a certain water-to-explosive weight ratio range (5—20).  相似文献   
机动目标跟踪是多机载预警雷达数据融合中的一个难点,传统的卡尔曼滤波本身不足以解决该问题.基于量测噪声协方差估计设计了一种可适用于机动目标的卡尔曼滤波器;引入了协方差交集,提出了一种针对多机载预警雷达数据融合中机动目标跟踪的新方法.仿真实验表明,该方法能够成功稳定地跟踪机动目标,与现有的主流方法相比,该方法的误差性能是最...  相似文献   
通过对目前观瞄仪的瞄准线稳定精度试验方法分析,认为现有的方法测试精度差、效率低,构建了一套由观瞄仪、三轴转台、平行光管、视频记录处理装置等组成的试验系统,提出了一种基于图像处理的瞄准线稳定精度试验方法,该方法在某型军方竞标试验中得到成功应用.  相似文献   
摧毁固定目标的空袭兵器需求量算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在反空袭作战中,预先对敌空袭兵器的出动量的有效判断程度,关系到我防空兵器的兵力需求论证与战斗部署。以往这方面的研究成果中,定性多于定量,为提高准确性,加强定量研究有很大的必要。由于影响作战的因素很多,且需求量的计算分为多个方面,不可能一一作出研究。分析了敌空袭固定目标时兵力选择所依据的因素,分别用排队论与Lanchester方程理论进行了数学建模。  相似文献   
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