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根据模拟式火控系统的数学模型和基本组成,本文论述了实施系统仿真时解算公式系和各主要子系统的一般建模方法。作为应用举例,给出了一种火控系统的仿真数学模型。同时提出了仿真模型有效性的一种通用检验方法。  相似文献   
本文对40mm火箭弹进行了储存失效分析。以弹着目标不爆炸为顶事件建造失效树,求出最小割集和结构函数。通过对失效树的简化,建立可靠性数学模型,提出40弹爆炸作用失效的四种主要模式,并进行了失效机理分析。  相似文献   
本文提出火炮反后座装置气液量检测的一种新方法,讨论了系统的工作原理、实现途径及保证检测精度的措施,并给出了实验结果。在新方法的基础上业已形成实用的、具有智能化特征的系统装置。  相似文献   
本文介绍了采用MS-1215A/D板与IBM兼容机等组成的压力信号采集处理系统。该系统能对模拟压水堆大破口失水事故时超动态变化的压力进行高速采集,并能及时进行数据处理;根据需要还可打印有关参数和图表。此外,本文还介绍了为确保输入计算机的信号可信而采取的有效措施。  相似文献   
This study investigates the statistical process control application for monitoring queue length data in M/G/1 systems. Specifically, we studied the average run length (ARL) characteristics of two different control charts for detecting changes in system utilization. First, the nL chart monitors the sums of successive queue length samples by subgrouping individual observations with sample size n. Next is the individual chart with a warning zone whose control scheme is specified by two pairs of parameters, (upper control limit, du) and (lower control limit, dl), as proposed by Bhat and Rao (Oper Res 20 (1972) 955–966). We will present approaches to calculate ARL for the two types of control charts using the Markov chain formulation and also investigate the effects of parameters of the control charts to provide useful design guidelines for better performance. Extensive numerical results are included for illustration. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine subject to random breakdowns. We focus on the preemptive‐repeat model, which addresses the situation where, if a machine breaks down during the processing of a job, the work done on the job prior to the breakdown is lost and the job will have to be started from the beginning again when the machine resumes its work. We allow that (i) the uptimes and downtimes of the machine follow general probability distributions, (ii) the breakdown process of the machine depends upon the job being processed, (iii) the processing times of the jobs are random variables following arbitrary distributions, and (iv) after a breakdown, the processing time of a job may either remain a same but unknown amount, or be resampled according to its probability distribution. We first derive the optimal policy for a class of problems under the criterion to maximize the expected discounted reward earned from completing all jobs. The result is then applied to further obtain the optimal policies for other due date‐related criteria. We also discuss a method to compute the moments and probability distributions of job completion times by using their Laplace transforms, which can convert a general stochastic scheduling problem to its deterministic equivalent. The weighted squared flowtime problem and the maintenance checkup and repair problem are analyzed as applications. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
作战命令是联系C2系统与M&S系统之间的重要纽带。为保证进行联合作战训练的C2系统与M&S系统对作战命令具备一致的理解和认识,需要对作战命令进行统一的描述。首先从作战命令的形式化描述入手,在描述的基础上形成了作战命令本体,然后介绍作战命令本体构建方法九步法。最后,对作战命令本体进行了构建,为下一步利用基于本体的作战命令驱动仿真模型的研究打下良好的基础。  相似文献   
舰艇编队通信网络中心化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何构建健壮的网络是舰艇编队通信组网的一个难点问题,本文通过引入社会网络分析法中的度数中心度、紧密中心度和介数中心度的概念,采取实例验证的方式,从网络拓扑结构的角度研究了水面舰艇编队通信网络的组织结构中心化问题,为海上舰艇编队通信网络的组织结构优化提供了一种新思路。该方法对舰艇编队通信组网具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
舰船检测与监视有着广泛的军事和民用意义,而SAR图像是舰船检测的有效手段。针对双参数CFAR算法存在的问题,本文提出了一种基于目标先验知识的二次恒虚警检测(CFAR)算法,能自适应的调整检测窗口的大小,有效提高算法的效率。实验证明,该算法在效率和精度方面都有较大提高。  相似文献   
需求论证是指挥信息系统建设的重要环节。本文在DODAF2.0体系结构框架研究基础上,设计了指挥信息系统军事需求论证框架。主要探讨了能力需求、作战需求、服务需求、系统需求、采办需求和技术标准需求的论证过程。最后结合实例论述了指挥信息系统军事需求的分析方法及步骤,为指挥信息系统军事需求论证提供了指导。该研究在指挥信息系统需求工程领域具有一定的理论和现实指导意义。  相似文献   
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