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In this article, a geometric process model is introduced for the analysis of a two-component series system with one repairman. For each component, the successive operating times form a decreasing geometric process with exponential distribution, whereas the consecutive repair times constitute an increasing geometric process with exponential distribution, but the replacement times form a renewal process with exponential distribution. By introducing two supplementary variables, a set of partial differential equations is derived. These equations can be solved analytically or numerically. Further, the availability and the rate of occurrence of failure of the system are also determined. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article explores ordering policies for inventory systems with three supply modes. This model is particularly interesting because the optimal ordering decision needs to balance the inventory and purchase costs, as well as the costs for earlier and later periods. The latter cost trade-off is present only in inventory systems with three or more supply modes. Therefore, the result not only offers guidelines for the operation of the concerned inventory systems, but also provides valuable insight into the complex cost trade-offs when more supply modes are available. We assume that the difference between the lead times is one period, and the inventory holding and shortage costs are linear. We analyze two cases and obtain the structure of the optimal ordering policy. Moreover, in the first case, explicit formulas are derived to calculate the optimal order-up-to levels. In the second case, although the optimal order-up-to levels are functions of the initial inventory state and are not obtained in closed form, their properties are discussed. We also develop heuristic ordering policies based on the news-vendor model. Our numerical experiments suggest that the heuristic policies perform reasonably well. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
本文提出用 CCD 摄象机和单片微计算机所组成的系统实现对雷达角度跟踪性能指标的检测,这一新方法可自动录取:雷达的光轴与电轴的匹配状况;雷达角度跟踪系统的误差;当雷达跟踪空中目标时对目标录象,用以评定雷达的跟踪质量.  相似文献   
用150Kev的Ar~-离于在中等剂量F辐照特种聚氯乙烯(RPVC)和有机玻璃(PMMA),能使材料表层静电特性得到显著改变。在相同条件下,摩擦起电量从1.24nc/cm~2下降到0.02nc/cm~2以下,起电电位从800~1000V下降到0~50V,静电半衰期从数小时降到1秒以下,表面电阻率下降四个数量级以上。适当选择注入条件,能够产生具有抗静电特性的新材料。本文讨论了改性机理和测试问题。  相似文献   
本文采用群组Fuzzy-AHP对军械管理软科研成果进行综合评价,给出了一个简便、可行的评价标准。军械管理系统是一个复杂的开放系统,有诸多不确定的因素存在,我们认为要提出一个适应性较强的、具有浓缩内涵和广大外延的军械管理软科研成果的评价标准,必须遵守局部服从整体、近期效果与远期效果相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的原则。针对军械管理软科学研究的特点,本文建立了表征软科学成果的包括价值、质量、投入在内的指标体系,构成了多目标决策数学模型,运用层次分析的方法,结合模糊评判的手段,给出了模糊评判矩阵、综合评分与排序。  相似文献   
在本文提出的一种光学仪器故障诊断系统数学模型中,将一个故障及其原因,分别用m、n维矢量表示。借助光学调整理论,导出相应的判断方程,在对原因进行适当筛选后,应用拉格朗日乘子法,求出它们的解。这个模型可以用于一类新型智能化的检测设备中,也可以用于编制通用的故障分析程序。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了“智能化平直度测量仪”的结构和工作原理,它解决了在几何量计量中对平尺、平板、以及机床导轨等的自动检测及误差评定问题。工作效率提高近百倍。由于采用了分立式结构,该仪器还可以广泛地应用于形位误差、螺纹、齿轮等几何量计量领域,是一种实用的智能化测量仪器。  相似文献   
本文对目前静电感度试验的现状进行了分析。在理论分析的基础上解决了JGY-50型静电火花感度仪的串联电阻和真空开关所带来的问题。提出了桥丝式电火工品的静电感度测试新方法,通过一个高压线性采样装置直接测量试样在试验过程中的电压、电流曲线,求得试样实际消耗的能量,以此统计试样的静电感度。采用这种方法,测试了JD-11电点火具的50%发火能与放电时间常数的关系,得到了呈单调规律变化的曲线。  相似文献   
根据模拟式火控系统的数学模型和基本组成,本文论述了实施系统仿真时解算公式系和各主要子系统的一般建模方法。作为应用举例,给出了一种火控系统的仿真数学模型。同时提出了仿真模型有效性的一种通用检验方法。  相似文献   
本文对40mm火箭弹进行了储存失效分析。以弹着目标不爆炸为顶事件建造失效树,求出最小割集和结构函数。通过对失效树的简化,建立可靠性数学模型,提出40弹爆炸作用失效的四种主要模式,并进行了失效机理分析。  相似文献   
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