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To study the thermal decomposition of Al/ZrH2/PTFE with different Al particle size as well as mechanical strength and impact sensitivity under medium and low strain rates, molding-vacuum sintering was adopted to prepare four groups of power materials and cylindrical specimens with different Al particle size. The active decomposition temperature of ZrH2 was obtained by TG-DSC, and the quasi-static me-chanics/reaction characteristics as well as the impact sensitivity of the specimen were studied respec-tively by quasi-static compression and drop-hammer test. The results show that the yield strength of the material decreased with the increase of the Al particle size, while the compressive strength, failure strain and toughness increased first and then decreased, which reached the maximum values of 116.61 MPa, 191%, and 119.9 MJ/m respectively when the Al particle size is 12—14μm because of particle size grading. The specimens with the highest strength and toughness formed circumferential open cracks and reacted partly when pressed. Those with developmental cracks formed inside did not react. It is considered that fracture of specimens first triggered initial reaction between Al and PTFE to release an amount of heat. Then ZrH2 was activated and decomposed, and participated in subsequent reaction to generate ZrC. The impact sensitivity of the specimens decreased with the increase of Al particle size.  相似文献   
Impact velocity (v0), target strength (fc) and target thickness (hc) are important factors affecting opening damage ((D)) of PELE penetration into RC target. In this paper, based on the three influence factors of v0, fc and hc, experimental and numerical simulation studies on PELE penetration into RC target were carried out. The study results show that: (1) Since interaction force (or penetration resistance) between pro-jectile and target is positively correlated with v0 and fc, with the increase of v0 and fc, deformation mode of jacket is changed from small bending deformation to large bending deformation and then to curling deformation. Therefore, the variation of jacket deformation mode causes opening diameter of RC target to increase first and then to decrease. It is found that the two factors approximately satisfy a quadratic function relationship, respectively. (2) For PELE projectile penetrating RC targets with thickness of 80—400 mm, the opening diameter of six sets of RC targets grows from 240 to 500 mm, and hc with (D) approximately satisfy a linear relationship. (3) Based on the above study results, the relationship be-tween two dimensionless parameters (I= (mv20/d31fc) and H= hc/l ) and dimensionless opening diameter ((D)/d1) was determined. Combined with the results of previous research, a dimensionless opening diameter model (D)/d1=f1(Q,G,I)f2(H) was established. By tests verified, the test results are all within ±10%error of the theoretical model, which verifies the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   
The tensile behaviour of near α Ti3Al2.5 V alloy, conceived for applications in aerospace and automotive engineering, is characterized from quasi-static to high strain rates. The material is found to present noticeable strain rate sensitivity. The dynamic true strain rate in the necking cross-section reaches values up to ten times higher than the nominal strain rate. It is also observed that beyond necking the dynamic true stress-strain curves present limited rate dependence. The experimental results at different strain rates are used to determine a suitable constitutive model for finite element simulations of the dynamic tensile tests. The model predicts the experimentally macroscopic force-time response, true stress-strain response and effective strain rate evolution with good agreement.  相似文献   
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the research studies on direct energy system effect on aircraft composite structures to develop a good understanding of state-of-the-art research and devel-opment in this area. The review begins with the application of composite materials in the aircraft structures and highlights their particular areas of application and limitations. An overview of directed energy system is given. Some of the commonly used systems in this category are discussed and the working principles of laser energy systems are described. The experimental and numerical studies re-ported regarding the aircraft composite structures subject to the effect of directed energy systems, especially the laser systems are reviewed in detail. In particularly, the general effects of laser systems and the relevant damage mechanisms against the composite structures are reported. The review draws attention to the recent research and findings in this field and is expected to guide engineers/researchers in future theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies.  相似文献   
气动测量仪以其精度较高、工作可靠和操作维护方便等特点被广泛应用于精密测量中.但由于其测量范围小,制约了它的进一步发展.为此,观研制了一种具有微电脑补偿的数字式气动测量仪.本文介绍了其工作原理及软硬件设计,并且对补偿值修正模型和扩大测量范围进行了理论分析,给出了测量仪与其它仪器的对比试验数据.研究结果表明,具有微电脑补偿的数字式气动测量仪与其它类型的气动测量仪相比,在保证同等精度的情况下,其测量范围成倍增加.  相似文献   
针对目前建筑物上安装的载物电梯的常规功能及老式控制系统中存在的问题,提出了以单片机控制板为核心的新型电梯控制系统的电路设计思路、工作原理及软件编程要点和软件框图.  相似文献   
应用GM—3450(B)型工模具修补机及多种合金粉末,对冷作模具的棱边磨损或崩塌进行了修复试验,方便地实现了微区脉冲电阻堆焊.对修复部位进行了金相和SEM分析.证明这种修复技术具有结合强度高、HAZ小、无变形、无裂纹的特点,为冷作模具修复提供了一种新技术.  相似文献   
电子对抗与兵器火控指控系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了电子对抗、兵器电子对抗的重要性,并重点讨论地面野战防空武器综合电子系统、坦克综合电子系统的电子对抗和指控系统中的电子对抗  相似文献   
在浅水条件下,采用船舶水动力学理论,导出了一个包含色散效应的船舶水压场控制方程.通过求解,得到了考虑色散效应的船舶水压场计算公式,计算结果反映了实际船舶水压场的变化规律.  相似文献   
球面聚焦超声场计算与测量实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了球面聚焦超声场的声压场计算.应用物理声学方法,推导了聚焦超声场声压的积分表达式,并通过数值分析法进行了计算和仿真,同时讨论了两种特殊情况下的声压近似解析式.最后推出了测量高强度聚焦超声装置声压的实例,其结果与理论仿真结果相近,偏差不大于3%.  相似文献   
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