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长征精神是我军宝贵的精神财富。围绕忠实履行我军历史使命弘扬长征精神,必须坚定理想信念,增强军魂意识,打牢履行使命任务的思想基础;强化使命意识,确保“三个稳定”,落实履行使命任务的基本要求;树立大局观念,密切内外团结,提供履行使命任务的基本保证;牢记“两个务必”,永葆政治本色,开创履行使命任务的新局面。  相似文献   
针对海上漂浮软管波浪载荷计算,分析了软管在海上的形态和受力特点,建立了海上漂浮软管力学分析模型,指出直接运用现有Morison方程计算漂浮软管波浪载荷存在的不足,并根据基本原理提出了改进Morison方程。对海上软质管线处于一定海况,分别运用改进Morison方程与现有Morison方程计算海上波浪载荷,并运用ANSYS软件建立软管模型,结果表明现有Morison方程不适用于计算海上漂浮软管波浪载荷,载荷计算结果偏高约15%,从而验证了改进Morison方程的精确性,有利于准确分析波浪载荷对海上漂浮软管的作用情况。  相似文献   
为了防止悬索桥在风荷载作用下产生过大变形甚至发生失稳,有必要对其进行非线性计算分析,以确定结构主要构件在风荷载作用下的变形特点,并判断其静风稳定性是否满足要求。以一中等跨径的悬索桥为实例,利用节段模型试验采集三分力系数,采用大型有限元程序ANSYS对其进行静风稳定性非线性计算,得到了悬索桥在递增变化的风荷载作用下的顺风向位移,以及最终发生静风失稳时的临界风速。计算结果表明,桥梁各构件位移随风速的增大而增大,横向屈曲最大风速大于临界风速,该桥的静风稳定性满足要求。  相似文献   
Whether military spending is capable of promoting social welfare is currently a controversial issue. The aim of this paper is to investigate how military spending affects the input and output of social welfare (i.e. social welfare expenditures and social welfare index). A panel cointegration analysis and an impulse response function are conducted with multi-country panel data, over two time periods, 1998–2011 and 1993–2007. In addition, to extend a comparative analysis over different economies, BRICS (i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and G7 (i.e. the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada) countries are selected as representatives of emerging economies and developed countries, respectively. The empirical results show that military spending enhances social welfare expenditures in developed countries, while the effect is ambiguous in emerging economies. Also, military spending is capable of promoting the social welfare index based on the FMOLS estimation. The comparative analyses indicate that unlike in the G7, the effect of the growth of military spending on the growth of social welfare expenditures is negative and shorter in the BRICS.  相似文献   
"天福山,我们从这里走来!"这是今天中国人民解放军66267、73111、75100等部队官兵引以为豪、发自肺腑的铿锵之音.这些部队亲切地把胶东称为自己的"老家",把天福山称作部队的"根".  相似文献   
指出了高等军事院校非计算机专业人才加强计算机基础教育的重要意义,结合我院的现状,提出了加强计算机基础教育的措施和模式.  相似文献   
介绍了分布交互仿真技术的发展现状,对应用分布交互仿真技术进行作战理论研究的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes how the equilibrium outcome of social conflict between factions is strategically altered by third-party intervention. We consider an intervening third party that commits financial support to one of two contending factions for reducing its cost in conflict. Within the framework of three-player sequential-move games, we investigate the questions as follows. What is the optimal intervention intensity in terms of the third party’s financial support? Is there a first-mover advantage in conflict when there is third-party intervention? Fighting against all odds, will the unsupported faction have a chance to prevail when its opponent receives third-party support? What is the optimal timing of third-party intervention? The analysis in the paper has implications for the conditions under which the strategic intervention of a third party may or may not break a conflict between factions.  相似文献   
文章概述了聚能射孔器性能与标准的发展,针对复合射孔器作用特征分析了主要性能试验方法与产品标准建立的条件,并就合理确定复合射孔产品主要指标,建立产品标准的工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
针对充上电荷的固体钽电容器在经受突发性冲击应力时失效造成某型电子干扰弹引信瞎火的现象,本文通过透析固体钽电容器结构与使用环境,分析其失效模式与机理,用锤击试验、发射过程中电容器电压动态测试的方法,验证其失效模式,得出充上电荷的固体钽电容器在经受突发性冲击应力时易造成瞬时短路的结论。  相似文献   
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