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国防教育作为社会主义中国的基本教育,是全民教育和社会主义精神文明建设大系统中不可缺少的组成部分,是国家安全、民族利益和科学文化教育的一个极为重要的方面,是我国国防建设中的一项最基本的思想建设,是巩固和加强国防,促进政治、经济、文化和社会建设的重要手段。改革开放以来,学术界对新时期如何开展国防教育进行了孜孜不倦的探索,颇有理论建树,极大地推动了国防教育的实践。  相似文献   
多特征空间下的支持向量机及其在图像识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分别在主成分分析(PCA)、独立成分分析(ICA)和线性鉴别分析(LDA)所构造的特征空间下用模糊支持向量机(FSVM)进行人脸识别。同时,提出了一种改进的FSVM方法,即利用FSVM和多叉决策树相结合的思想来设计人脸分类器,从而使FSVM分类器的速度得到了大幅度的提高。通过在ORL人脸库上的实验结果表明,该算法是有效的。  相似文献   
加强旅团政治机关建设,要切实认清旅团政治机关在部队建设中的地位作用;认清旅团政治机关建设面临的严峻挑战;认清旅团政治机关履行职能作用上的差距。要突出素质能力建设,抓敬业精神激发、基本功磨练、依法开展工作、方法观念创新、良好作风树立。  相似文献   
研究了特征提取方法和匹配算法;设计了基于ARM的嵌入式指纹处理核心模块,并将其应用于综合业务平台的用户身份认证系统中;具有自主版权的认证加载模式实现了对登录平台的用户身份验证,识别率达到了99.3%.结果表明,该方法能确保平台系统的安全.  相似文献   
随着无人机技术的发展,机载设备越来越精密,对无人机飞行品质和承载品质也提出了更高的要求.将一种不确定阵风缓和系统应用在无人机上.该系统利用无人机同向副翼协同升降舵产生直接升力来抵偿阵风产生的附加过载,采用优化理论设计了不确定阵风缓和控制律.仿真实验表明,应用该系统的无人机在不确定阵风干扰下的阵风缓和率明显提高,同时,无人机的操纵性也有略为改善.  相似文献   
张之洞的军事改革思想与实践,是晚清军制改革的重要组成部分.这场改革始于鸦片战争以后,中间经过洋务运动、19世纪70年代边疆危机、中法战争、中日甲午战争和戊戌维新,直到20世纪初清廷推行"新政"才趋于解决.  相似文献   
1933年春,在上海从事工人运动的刘少奇根据中共中央的指示,进入中央苏区,先后担任中共中央政治局候补委员、中华全国总工会苏区中央执行局委员长、中共福建省委书记等职.他在中央苏区工作期间,为巩固和加强中央苏区的政权建设、发展工人运动和红军力量、领导中央苏区的反"围剿"斗争、领导苏区人民支援前线斗争等工作做出了重大贡献.在纪念刘少奇同志诞辰110周年之际,本文以翔实的史料,实录了刘少奇在中央苏区工作中的重要建树.  相似文献   
We consider a class of production scheduling models with m identical machines in parallel and k different product types. It takes a time pi to produce one unit of product type i on any one of the machines. There is a demand stream for product type i consisting of ni units with each unit having a given due date. Before a machine starts with the production of a batch of products of type i a setup cost c is incurred. We consider several different objective functions. Each one of the objective functions has three components, namely a total setup cost, a total earliness cost, and a total tardiness cost. In our class of problems we find a relatively large number of problems that can be solved either in polynomial time or in pseudo‐polynomial time. The polynomiality or pseudo‐polynomiality is achieved under certain special conditions that may be of practical interest; for example, a regularity pattern in the string of due dates combined with earliness and tardiness costs that are similar for different types of products. The class of models we consider includes as special cases discrete counterparts of a number of inventory models that have been considered in the literature before, e.g., Wagner and Whitin (Manage Sci 5 (1958), 89–96) and Zangwill (Oper Res 14 (1966), 486–507; Manage Sci 15 (1969), 506–527). © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
针对交-直-交方波电机驱动履带试验车,对双、单极性PWM再生制动方式进行分析研究,运用解析法研究了泵升电压的产生机理,提出了抑制泵升电压的控制方案;从制动的快速性和节能性等方面,对制动性能进行了比较,得出了对再生制动方案设计和直流侧电容选取有参考意义的结论。  相似文献   
Factor screening is performed to eliminate unimportant factors so that the remaining important factors can be more thoroughly studied in later experiments. Controlled sequential bifurcation (CSB) and controlled sequential factorial design (CSFD) are two new screening methods for discrete‐event simulations. Both methods use hypothesis testing procedures to control the Type I Error and power of the screening results. The scenarios for which each method is most efficient are complementary. This study proposes a two‐stage hybrid approach that combines CSFD and an improved CSB called CSB‐X. In Phase 1, a prescreening procedure will estimate each effect and determine whether CSB‐X or CSFD will be used for further screening. In Phase 2, CSB‐X and CSFD are performed separately based on the assignment of Phase 1. The new method usually has the same error control as CSB‐X and CSFD. The efficiency, on the other hand, is usually much better than either component method. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
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