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在对系统结构和功能进行详细分析的基础上,构建了某级军械指挥自动化系统效能评估指标体系模型,给出了各级指标的专家判断矩阵,对其一致性进行检验,得出了各评估指标的权重。  相似文献   
用电化学方法(包括交流阻抗法和线性极化法)测定了不同厚度涂层的耐蚀性能,并从定量的角度研究厚度对其耐蚀性能的影响.实验结果证实这一设想是可行的.  相似文献   
装配式管线是一种重要的油料保障装备,用于地面铺设,属于典型的薄壁弱约束管线系统。根据装配式管线的特点,应用管道弹性变形理论,推导了水力瞬变状态下装配式管线的非线性流固耦合5-方程模型。该模型充分考虑了管道与流体之间的耦合互动效应,耦合形式包含了泊松耦合、摩擦耦合、结合部耦合,以及管线系统的轴向、横向和径向振动耦合,并计及了管道结构阻尼的影响。针对装配式管线的特殊连接约束方式,提出了一种带有扭转弹簧的铰支型约束边界,可通过确定扭转弹簧的弹性系数来建立管线两端的约束边界方程。  相似文献   
针对病态线性模型病态的实质,提出回归系数的0-c型岭估计。首先研究它的均方误差的最优化问题,给出了参数的最优值或最优值的一个上界和下界,证明可以选择参数,使它在均方误差的意义下优于LS估计。其次,研究它的偏差,证明存在0-c型岭估计优于LS估计,且比岭估计β(k)具有较小偏差。最后证明它的可容许性,并讨论在实用中它的岭参数选择方法的优点。  相似文献   
在战术导弹角偏差处理中实现动态滤波是必要的和有益的。讨论了影响导弹支路滤波器带宽的主要因素并依此对动态滤波进行了有效设计。  相似文献   
研制的“37火控系统基础练习检测器”具有模拟激光测距,检测跟踪测速是否准确,实施二次瞄准等一系列适应新式火控系统训练需要的功能。可以按照射击教范要求,完成新装备实车基础练习的各项训练和考核。该装置目前已批量生产配发部队使用。本文介绍了该装置的功能、技术方案、硬件、软件设计和使用特点。  相似文献   
Microsatellites have been widely applied in the fields of communication,remote sensing,navigation and science exploration due to its characteristics of low cost,flexible launch mode and short development period.However,conventional solid-propellant have difficulties in starting and interrupting combustion because combustion is autonomously sustained after ignition.Herein,we proposed a new type of solid-propellant named laser-controlled solid propellant,which is sensitive to laser irradiation and can be started or interrupted by switching on/off the continuous wave laser.To demonstrate the feasibility and investigate the controllable combustion behaviors under different laser on/off conditions,the combus-tion parameters including burning rate,ignition delay time and platform pressure were tested using pressure sensor,high-speed camera and thermographic camera.The results showed that the increase of laser-on or laser-off duration both will lead to the decrease of propellant combustion performance during re-ignition and re-combustion process.This is mainly attributed to the laser attenuation caused by the accumulation of combustion residue and the change of chamber ambient temperature.Simultaneously,the multiple ignition tests revealed that the increased chamber ambient temperature after combustion can make up for the energy loss of laser attenuation and expansion of chamber cavity.However,the laser-controlled combustion performance of solid propellant displayed a decrease trend with the addi-tion of ignition times.Nevertheless,the results still exhibited good laser-controlled agility of laser-controlled solid propellant and manifested its inspiring potential in many aspects of space missions.  相似文献   
当前机动输油管线勘察与设计资料采用的文件夹分类管理方式,难以管理各类资料间的关联关系,也难以在地图上进行图形数据与属性数据的关联呈现。为了提高机动输油管线战备线路管理能力,建立了管理与辅助决策系统,以ArcGIS作为GIS平台,利用ArcSDE数据库引擎和SQL Server数据库统一管理管线数据,通过ArcEngine组件库和Visual C#对系统的功能模块和应用界面进行整体开发,实现了线路走向、线路资源可视化的规范管理和线路工艺方案、人装配置方案的智能辅助生成,提高了部队战备线路管理水平。  相似文献   
<尉缭子>是中国古代著名的兵书,成书时间约在战国中期,是在吸收先秦诸子百家有关论述的基础上形成的一部富有特色、自成一体的军事著作,大致反映了战国时期军队建设的情况和战争的特点与规律,具体阐述了涉及教育、训练、行军、作战等一系列条令,保留了中国早期军队的战斗、内务、纪律等各个方面的法规性资料,对后世产生了重大影响,为历代兵家学者所推崇.清朱墉在<武经七书汇解>中说:"七子谈兵,人人挟有识见.而引故谈今,学问博洽,首推尉缭."深刻反映了尉缭子在中国军事思想发展史上占有重要位置.充分挖掘和研究<尉缭子>的军事思想,不仅对充实中国军事思想宝库大有裨益,而且对现代战争的作战思想也有很大的指导作用,现就<尉缭子>一书的军事思想及其主要特色作一初步探讨,就教方家.  相似文献   
We study the optimal contracting problem between two firms collaborating on capacity investment with information asymmetry. Without a contract, system efficiency is lost due to the profit‐margin differentials among the firms, demand uncertainty, and information asymmetry. With information asymmetry, we demonstrate that the optimal capacity level is characterized by a newsvendor formula with an upward‐adjusted capacity investment cost, and no first‐best solution can be achieved. Our analysis shows that system efficiency can always be improved by the optimal contract and the improvement in system efficience is due to two factors. While the optimal contract may bring the system's capacity level closer to the first‐best capacity level, it prevents the higher‐margin firm from overinvesting and aligns the capacity‐investment decisions of the two firms. Our analysis of a special case demonstrates that, under some circumstances, both firms can benefit from the principal having better information about the agent's costs. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 54:, 2007  相似文献   
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