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Many manufacturers sell their products through retailers and share the revenue with those retailers. Given this phenomenon, we build a stylized model to investigate the role of revenue sharing schemes in supply chain coordination and product variety decisions. In our model, a monopolistic manufacturer serves two segments of consumers, which are distinguished by their willingness to pay for quality. In the scenario with exogenous revenue sharing ratios, when the potential gain from serving the low segment is substantial (e.g., the low‐segment consumers' willingness to pay is high enough or the low segment takes a large enough proportion of the market), the retailer is better off abandoning the revenue sharing scheme. Moreover, when the potential gain from serving the low (high) segment is substantial enough, the manufacturer finds it profitable to offer a single product. Furthermore, when revenue sharing ratios are endogenous, we divide our analysis into two cases, depending on the methods of cooperation. When revenue sharing ratios are negotiated at the very beginning, the decentralized supply chain causes further distortion. This suggests that the central premise of revenue sharing—the coordination of supply chains—may be undermined if supply chain parties meticulously bargain over it.  相似文献   
We consider scheduling a set of jobs with deadlines to minimize the total weighted late work on a single machine, where the late work of a job is the amount of processing of the job that is scheduled after its due date and before its deadline. This is the first study on scheduling with the late work criterion under the deadline restriction. In this paper, we show that (i) the problem is unary NP‐hard even if all the jobs have a unit weight, (ii) the problem is binary NP‐hard and admits a pseudo‐polynomial‐time algorithm and a fully polynomial‐time approximation scheme if all the jobs have a common due date, and (iii) some special cases of the problem are polynomially solvable.  相似文献   
DSmT是一种有用的不确定推理方法,能较好地解决强冲突情况下的信息融合问题.由于其在组合规则方面存在不足,影响了DSmT的应用.提出了一种新的合成方法,即在保留冲突焦元的基础上对支持证据冲突的概率进行重新分配.仿真分析表明,新的合成公式提高了目标识别的准确性,对于高度冲突的证据,也能够取得理想的合成结果.  相似文献   
人是社会的人,人的本质是一切社会关系的总和,因而人具有广泛体现其社会本质与发展内涵的多方面的需要。人的需要具有广泛性和无限性的特点,人不仪有物质需要,而且有精神需要。人是文化的存在物,人决定文化,文化反过来又塑造人。马克思认为人的发展的必然趋势是和谐的发展,而和谐发展的人,必须是全面发展和个性丰富高度统一的人,是具有自由个性的人。和谐人性理论是建设和谐文化的基础,建设和谐文化需要和谐人性理论做前提。  相似文献   
本文研究和探讨了民族地区女性受教育的现状及对策,以期促进民族地区人口素质的提高,和谐新疆的构建和全面小康社会的实现。  相似文献   
改革开放二十多年来,新疆在各方面取得了长足的进步,但总体上还远远落后于东部发达地区,究其原因,人才匮乏是其中重要的影响性因素之一。地处西北边疆地区的新疆,要解决人才匮乏问题,除制定优惠政策引进内地高水平人才以外,还要鼓励新疆高校培养的内地毕业生留疆就业。新疆高校内地生源留疆就业,对新疆的稳定与发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
构建和培育当代军人核心价值观,必须着眼全面履行我军新的历史使命,站在全局的高度深刻理解培育军人核心价值观的战略意义;准确把握当代军人核心价值观的基本特征;切实把构建和培育军人核心价值观作为思想政治建设的根本任务。  相似文献   
着眼未来作战特点充分发挥师旅团党委战时核心领导作用,必须努力增强坚持党委领导作战的自觉性;始终把握党委工作的重点;着眼战时特点改进党委领导方式;准确把握党委对作战的集体领导与军事指挥员作战指挥的关系。  相似文献   
党对军队绝对领导既是人民军队具有永恒魅力的根本性建军原则,也是处在新的历史方位的中国共产党执政治国需要不断解决的时代性课题.着眼于马克思主义政党与人民军队互动关系的特定视角,认真总结党领导军队的历史经验,进一步深刻认识这一原则的"执政价值",从而使我军更加自觉地为党巩固执政地位提供重要力量保证,确保社会主义国家执政党治国理政任务的顺利进行.  相似文献   
抓好部队安全稳定工作,必须清醒认识严峻复杂形势对党和国家的现实挑战,切实增强抓安全稳定的忧患意识;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对部队建设的深刻影响,正确把握抓安全稳定的工作指导;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对党委领导的政治要求,认真履行抓安全稳定的第一责任;清醒认识严峻复杂形势对政法机关的特殊考验,充分发挥抓安全稳定的职能作用.  相似文献   
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