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导弹智能故障诊断专家系统的一种实现方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对导弹系统故障诊断的特点,将人工神经网络和专家系统技术结合起来,设计开发了一种导弹智能故障诊断专家系统,阐述了其系统结构及设计原理,该方法克服了传统的基于规则的专家系统的某些缺陷,在实际运用中是可行的。  相似文献   
In this article, a geometric process model is introduced for the analysis of a two-component series system with one repairman. For each component, the successive operating times form a decreasing geometric process with exponential distribution, whereas the consecutive repair times constitute an increasing geometric process with exponential distribution, but the replacement times form a renewal process with exponential distribution. By introducing two supplementary variables, a set of partial differential equations is derived. These equations can be solved analytically or numerically. Further, the availability and the rate of occurrence of failure of the system are also determined. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article explores ordering policies for inventory systems with three supply modes. This model is particularly interesting because the optimal ordering decision needs to balance the inventory and purchase costs, as well as the costs for earlier and later periods. The latter cost trade-off is present only in inventory systems with three or more supply modes. Therefore, the result not only offers guidelines for the operation of the concerned inventory systems, but also provides valuable insight into the complex cost trade-offs when more supply modes are available. We assume that the difference between the lead times is one period, and the inventory holding and shortage costs are linear. We analyze two cases and obtain the structure of the optimal ordering policy. Moreover, in the first case, explicit formulas are derived to calculate the optimal order-up-to levels. In the second case, although the optimal order-up-to levels are functions of the initial inventory state and are not obtained in closed form, their properties are discussed. We also develop heuristic ordering policies based on the news-vendor model. Our numerical experiments suggest that the heuristic policies perform reasonably well. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
针对面向任务的装备保障建模方法及其相关问题进行了研究,建立了面向任务的装备保障需求模型的基本结构,并从装备、弹药、油料、维修备件、维修人员这五方面讨论了模型的具体流程和算法。使用本文构建的装备保障模型,根据任务装备损坏数量和保障需求的关联关系,在已知装备战损、修复率和分布情况的基础上,结合装备弹药基数等信息,可以计算获得相关装备的保障需求信息,最后通过一个作战任务想定案例说明该模型的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
本文对复铜导线的导电性能进行了初步探讨,计算出复铜导线的直流电导率和交流电阻、电感等传输参数以及它们与铜层厚度的相互关系,为进一步对复铜导线的研制和开发提供理论依据.  相似文献   
本文介绍了设备研制、工艺研究、镀液性能及工化生产情况.对φ1.0mm铜包钢裸线及SYKV—75—5同轴电缆(铜色钢内导体)的性能进行了测试,测试结果全部合格.  相似文献   
政策环境是政浆活动的平台,当环境发生变化时,就会对决茕系统产生一定的刺激作用。大学作为社会大系统中的一个子系统,其治理必然会受到政治、经济、文化等相关数育政策环境因素的影响。其中,社会政治民主化、市场经济的开放多元化,大学内部文化力量的渗透以及西方大学治理理念的影响,对我国现代大学治理的调适性转变和发展有着深远的意义。  相似文献   
基于ABAQUS有限元软件,采用主从接触算法模拟桩-土相互作用、修正剑桥模型作为土体本构模型,通过在桩顶施加竖向位移荷载以及合适的网格划分技术建立了较为符合压入管桩压桩实际的有限元模型。利用得到的有限元模型模拟了压入管桩压桩产生的挤土位移场,对不同泊松比时压入管桩单桩挤土位移场进行了对比分析。结果表明:不同泊松比时竖向和水平挤土位移场沿深度方向和径向的分布规律趋于一致;土体泊松比的变化会对压入管桩压桩产生的竖向和水平挤土位移场产生较大影响;泊松比越大,压桩产生的竖向和水平挤土位移越大。  相似文献   
为了对钢制强化玻璃纤维制双层油罐贯通间隙空间进行优化设计,针对目前市场上主流双层油罐间隙空间的结构特点,应用计算流体力学数值模拟软件CFD,基于多相流流体体积模型,对双层油罐内罐发生渗漏后渗漏液体在贯通间隙空间的流动特点进行模拟计算。计算结果表明:液体在间隙空间流动时,其表面力对流动的影响占支配作用,体积力的作用可以忽略;当间隙垫片之间的距离≥0.8 mm,其对液体流动的阻碍作用开始减弱;主流双层油罐间隙空间的设计不合理,无法将油罐渗漏液体尽快引流到间隙底部。最后,根据液体在间隙空间的流动特点,对双层油罐间隙空间的设计提出了改进措施。  相似文献   
鉴于能源进口安全保障的重要性及迫切性,针对海上能源通道海盗袭击事件的不确定性与突发性,基于风险理论、贝叶斯网络、蒙特卡洛模拟等方法,建立了海上能源通道海盗袭击风险的量化评估模型,探索了快速、量化评估突发性事件的技术途径,旨在为保障我国能源进口安全提供时效性强、精确度高的决策依据。  相似文献   
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